Starfield | The Start Of The Unity Pilgrim

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For a while now there have been subtle hints about something referred to as “Unity.” It was time to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

I decided since I had many options, I could let this play out from a diallage aspect that I'd go religious. I would also select more advanced options for other things if they appeared as well. After all, I did quite a lot of questing and leveling up of skills along the way. I might as well use what benefits they offer.

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After a rather short conversation with Keeper Aquilus, he wanted to move our discussion indoors away from anyone else hearing about it. It turns out he has been in search of a deeper meaning to unity as well. So much so to the point he has quite annoyed a few people about the topic. The very people I know had to go out and speak to me.

The first person I talked with was in jail. They did not want to talk to me at all. After a while, they decided they would answer one question and then tell me to get lost. She told me about an old Va’ruun story about four battles taking place over a hundred twenty days. The story had quite a bit about killing in it.

The next person was quite annoyed that Keeper Aquilus had sent yet another person to try and get further information out of him. He was at least not as hostile and a bit more willing to talk things out. In a way, it seemed like he wanted to help anyone who was going down a religious path to gain a better understanding of things.

I would soon find out I'd be going on a Unity Pilgrim. Even though no such things could ever be found in any records. I recall Keeper Aquilus talking about such things as well.

I was told quite a strange tale about a second person and morality. Parts of that story then would repeat with the same outcome. Which seemed to indicate that was the clue to everything.

I was not as understanding of what I was told as Keeper Aquilus ended up being. It was kind of shocking how much he guided me to the answers that would result in me needing to take a Unity Pilgrim.

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All the clues ended up leading to the planet Indum II looking for the resting place of the pilgrim. Oddly enough this had been a plant I've done quite a decent amount of exploring on. The landing zone ended up being quite close to a few areas I've cleared or explored in the past.

There was a settlement that looked like it had been abandoned for quite some time. There were also many notes left behind by the person believed to be where the pilgrim who found the path would be. At least where his final resting place was.

It’s a good thing I ended up quacking reading through most of the notes. I found them all to be a bit dry. I would however come across a locked door that required me to answer a set of questions based on the notes that were left behind. I was rather pleased with myself getting them all correct on my first attempt.

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Inside was the pilgrim’s last written. It was quite a strange one like all the ones before it. At least it gave me the plant and locations I needed to go to. I was not quite sure what the scorpion’s sting was referring to.

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As it would turn out I would not need to know a much deepening meaning either. I ended up finding this rather strange platform where I could move a beam of light around. With pure dumb luck as I was attempting to move the light over the symbol on the ground that was all I needed to do.

I then left the planet and ended up having another encounter with The Hunter. This time around he just wanted to talk with me. Since I failed to kill him like a dozen times the last time we had seen each other. I’ll take this more peaceful side of him at least for the time being. I was still rather displeased with him murdering my companion. If I could exact revenge on him at some point I was going to.

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The Hunter invited me inboard his ship. It turns out he was not the only Starborn onboard. There were two of them. They each then shared that they were from another universe and were both on the hunt for the artifacts to keep switching universes in the hopes of some unknown.

While they were not the exact people I'd met before. They looked like and were named after people I had encountered before. Even shared that instead of one of them dying as my companion did. That I was the one who got killed by The Hunter in their universe.

It seems these two Starborns were quite different from each other. The Emissary wanted only a chosen few who were deemed worthy to have the artifacts. It was no shock The Hunter felt whoever could kill and hunt for them should have them. That even included me going after them if I so wanted.

They also both offered to help me acquire the last artifact. It however seemed like not everyone was going to go onto the next universe. After quite a bit of talking between them. My mind was made up of who I was going to help or not help.

Final Thoughts

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I picked neither The Emissary nor The Hunter. This would end up making things a bit harder on myself. Since however, I've spent so much time in this first universe. I felt this would be my best chance with how well-equipped and armed I had become with my prolonged stay here to defeat them both at once.

I then returned to talk things over with my people. They were all quite confused and intrigued by what transpired and what the artifacts were used for. Traveling to different universes.

I also decided if it could be helped. This would be the last time I'd be speaking with them in this universe. It’s not like I was going to take them with me. This was going to be a solo event at some point.

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Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Starfield.

Disclosure: Starfield received for free through AMD rewards from the graphics card I purchased.