Old School RuneScape | Not All Unlocks Are Useful

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Thankfully out of a few quests I'd be running next one of them provided something rather useful. As far as the rest not so much. It is however nice just to have things unlocked just in case there ever is a reason for it.

Quest: Animal Magnetism

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With a name like that for a quest I was not expecting it to solve one of my main reasons for not using ranged bow combat more often. It’s having to pick up the arrows. Yes, it got old fast having to pick up many tens of thousands of arrows. I had no idea the game even had a device you could equip that would auto-pick them up for you. At least not till now.

Even better due to my ranged level. Not only would I be getting a device I could equip that would auto-loot my arrows. I’d be getting the upgraded version of it called Ava’s Accumulator. From the looks of it gives about the same chance of picking up and collecting arrows as you would have if just picking them up yourself.

The first device had a much higher rate of failure. Both in the arrow breaking and the chance of it not getting picked up. The upgraded version has the same chance if I'm not mistaken of the arrow breaking. With a much lower chance of arrows not getting auto-picked. It will still happen. Just as a more reasonable rate was, I could care less about a couple of 3 or 5 gold arrows sitting on the ground. They can rot and I'll feel just fine not collecting them unless I happen to be looking for something else.

The biggest thing for us about this device is mostly getting the arrows back that you would have lost anyway. I don’t know how many times I'd go and shoot something. That creature would move around a bit since you are pulling it to you. That increased ranged distance before it stays in one location usually was not safe to go and retrieve your arrows from without getting aggression on other stuff. So those arrows were normally a lost cause. Those arrows now getting picked up are amazing.

Animal Magnetism itself starts in Draynor Manor. Now I've been here a few times to know my way mostly around the place by now. Including having been in the area behind the hidden bookcase where the start of this quest is.


What I was not expecting was having to go all the way out to the Ectofuntus. It’s a bit strange that I'd have to be talking with spirits and dead creatures to get a device that would auto-collect my arrows for me. I however went along with it. Stranger things in terms of technology are sure out there.

After a rather short conversation I then went off to some farms to see who I could help and in return get the help I was looking for. A husband and wife are having issues talking with each other. As it just so happens the husband is dead while the wife is still alive. The only person who could help was an old crone that could imbue the ghost speak amulet with some kind of special powers to allow the two parties to once again speak with each other.

There was then this weird thing with undead chickens and an adventure looking to kill them. It was strange and I'd just rather forget that all even happened. No, I was not the adventurer who was looking to murder their undead chickens.

After this very strange encounter, I had. I ended up returning to Draynor Manor. From my understanding, the arrows that get picked up from the Ava’s Accumulator that I'll be getting are not as automatic as I was expecting. It is on my end. It’s just not as magical as one would have thought. One can only assume there must be an undead creature I can’t see that ghost around and collecting the arrows for me or something along those lines.

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I was then sent on quite a strange fetch quest. Why? Someone needed a better night's sleep and it was not me. Thankfully that was the whole point of dealing with the undead chickens in the first place. I already gathered their feathers saving me quite a lot of walking back to where I just was.

I wish I could say that was the end of it. Nope, I also needed to chop down some trees. Which normally I would have been thrilled to do. Except you can’t just cut them down with a normal ax. I had to give the mithril ax I've had for so long along with a holy symbol and have it transformed into a blessed ax. Just to chop down some ugly dead trees. You would think fire magic or something else could have done the job better.

At least after a bit more nonsense, this quest was done. I now have no more excuses for not leveling up my range. Which I feel will come quite in handy when I start putting more effort into slayer levels. Since there are quite a few creatures it’s just best if I range them and using magic is just too costly to do so.

Quest: Elemental Workshop II

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At some point in the past, I did the first quest in a rather short series. For whatever reason I ended up not running the second part right away. With how low the requirements are for the second part I really should have. I would have to guess I was at the time lacking 30 smithing. Which is not a skill I put much effort into leveling up on a normal day.

I more or less just had to go back down into the workshop into the basement of the tower and use a bunch of machinery to forge a piece of metal. Some of that machinery required being fixed with parts already lying around the place.

For how short and easy it was the experience rewards were amazing. 7.5k experience in crafting and smithing. While I also got a crafting unlock for mind equipment. I have no idea what that stuff even is and so far, I've not needed to make any.

Enter The Abyss Mini-Quest

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One of the quests I wanted to do required unlocking the abyss. Otherwise, I might have just skipped over doing this since it requires you to go into the wilderness. I also just find myself at the wizard as I use the nearby fairy ring a lot. So, I thought to myself why not get this activity in the area done? I also had no idea I'd find myself having to enter into the wilderness.

I mostly just had to cross over into the wilderness. Which for those not in the know is a PvP area in the game. Where you die and you get looted. The level of the wilderness determines a lot of what can drop and a few other things. I stay the heck out of that place when I can. I spent way too much time getting what little gear I do have. I don’t need to lose it in PvP.

As you can imagine I went in with nothing on me or in my inventory that was not required for the quest. Thankfully the NPC I needed to meet in the wilderness more or less did not want to talk there as it was too risky to do so. So, I got to quickly leave. Even better I did not get killed doing so.

I then got a special kind of orb. After that, I needed to go to a couple of different rune essence mines. It’s kind of shocking how many quests end up sending me to this place. Outside of things like quests I never go into one of these places.

Once that was all done so was this mini-quest. Sadly, no quest points or any experience was gained. It was just one of those quick and easy little things I thought I might as well just get out of the way. It turns out I'd be needing it sooner than I thought.

Quest: Wanted


At this point, I was looking to do a quest that required some combat. It also just so happened that I finished the last remaining requirement I needed to start this quest by unlocking the abyss.

A not-so-great individual was wanted as the name of the quest implies and I would be the dog that was sent out to fetch that person. Who as it turns out did not want to come back alive.


I was told to not worry much about the situation and the finer details of who I was going after. It turns out I should have asked a lot more questions before starting to go after quite a powerful wizard. One who was hiding his location and I'd need to be working with a not as powerful wizard in tracking this guy down.

Every so often I'd be given a location to go and check out. The person we would be after would then escape. Any attempt to track them to their next location would end up just taking a worthless item out of their inventory. Such items were then the next clues of where the person had just been transported to or was going to be heading to.

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I then went off to the next location to scan and hope this time around would be either the final location or lead me to the final location. I even had some close encounters. From almost getting killed to almost catching the wizard in question.

I was more hoping for an encounter by now where I'd get to kill something. Not a wild goose chase and me not getting to slay anything. I was half tempted near the endpoint to just walk away from this quest and go work on something else.

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At least in the end, I got the fight I wanted. I also ended up yet again in the essence mines to do so. It’s just such a strange place for quests to be leading you into or finishing at. At least I got 5k slayer experience for my troubles and a questing post.

I also unlocked the White Knight armory. If I wanted to, I could go on to further grind out points to get certain pieces of armor. This requires killing more black knights which I ended up killing some during the quest.

Both the gear and the weapons are just bad in general. Even if I was just level 10 it would have been quite the struggle to finish this quest in the first place. I’d not want this gear. This seems to have been another worthless unlock.

Final Thoughts


Thankfully acquiring Ava’s Accumulator more than made up for quite a few quests leading to things I just don’t have much use for. I suppose there is always the collection log and the only reason it seems to even go after certain kinds of items. I on the other hand don’t care much for the collection log at this point. At least I got some further quest posts out of things as well.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape.