Old School RuneScape | Exploring The Unexplored

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Several times I'd just be wandering around the game and I'd come across an area. I would either not be allowed into it or I just did not have time to stop what I was doing to further investigate it. This time around it was time to check out some of those spots.

Quest: A Soul’s Bane

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A child ended up going missing decades ago and I was tasked with finding out answers. This involved going down into a rift. I don’t know how many times I've passed by this rift wondering each time what was down there. Today I got to find out.

It turns out this place was quite messed up. It would only be the start as well. After this, I’d have to go through quite a few different rooms that all had different challenges in them. I was however quite down for a fight to get some answers so I went on further in.

The first chamber had the exit blocked off by fire. The place looked like brimstone and fire. I started to realize perhaps I had a bit of a mistake going down here. There was however no going back at this point. So, I looked around and started picking up the different weapons in the room to use against the correct creature to damage them.

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I ended up getting a couple of waves of Angry Unicorns. Followed by some bears. It seems to be a bit random in what you end up getting. I was hoping to see some goblins. They never showed and I was a little disappointed at that.

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In the next area, I'd be facing against fear reapers. This room required looking through dark holes and waiting for a jump scare of a reaper popping out. Once I had slain enough of them, I was permitted to move forward.

It seemed like each room would progressively get worse. The next room was filled with a bunch of doors and creatures. I’d run up to one of the creatures and hit it for a while dealing zero damage. It seemed after enough hits the creature would disappear.

I’d then run up to the next creature repeating the process. I ended up working out I needed to find in each wave the creature that I could deal more than just zero damage to and kill it. Once it was killed one of the doors would vanish.

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It was hard to tell if it was just quicker to attack or work out which one was worth attacking. So, I tested it out. On one wave I keep hitting each creature till they vanished or killed. On another wave, I'd hit a creature and if I did no damage, I'd run around to lose aggression and then find another one to hit. It seemed like the second option was taking a lot longer than just hitting them one by one and waiting for them to vanish to find the real one. So, in the end, I went with that solution.

In the next room killing each creature once was not enough. Not even killing it twice was either. I’d have to kill each of the creatures in it three times before they stopped respawning.

I’m just glad I did I did not take a lot of damage. I only brought along so much food with me. It was also only lobster. While lobster is my go-to food for the price and something I try and farm myself when I have the time. It’s nothing special at the higher levels.

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While I've seen some strange things in this game before. Fighting these heads on what look like tails has to be up there. They were sitting in a pool of blood and all attacked me at once when I got within melee range.

Thankfully that was the last challenge. After that, I discovered the kid that had been lost for decades was still down there. He had been trapped but survived. He was now a man and with my help, he was able to escape.

The experience gained from this one was quite dreadful. It was however a fun and strange quest to get out of the way. It also unlocked the mini-game Tolna’s Rift which I ended up running as part of the quest.

Quest: Shilo Village

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A few times while on Karamja I'd come across this area that had a village inside. I have even made an attempt or two to gain access inside. It was being protected by a nasty local tribe. So, I usually abandoned any attempt to make a run for it to safety and would just go on with whatever I was working on at the time. Not this time.

Before I was allowed into the town where the creatures around it were still quite hostile. I was told my life was in danger. I was also given an item to show one of the people who were being protected inside. After that object was investigated, I'd be sent on a bit of a strange scavenger hunt with the end goal of finding a lost temple.

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While down inside this cave I needed to find a couple of different items. It seems their former owners are now dead. I found myself searching through the remaining look for the items requested.

At least it was not all disrespectful of the dead. One of the corpses I had discovered I even buried above ground. Which ended up working in my favor. There was a spirit that was guarding it that gave up a scroll that had some needed information on it before the spirit passed into the next life.

I then went around searching high and low for the last remaining items I needed. I checked out trees, bushes, and piles of rocks in caves. I nearly turned the island upside down on my scavenger hunt at this point. These items would come in handy to get passed a door that was sealed by magic.

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I then had to fight a guy named Nazastarool who kept respawning in different forms. While he did not have an insane amount of health. Having to fight him over and over again was a bit draining. Thankfully I had brought along enough food to out heal any damage I was receiving.

He did land a couple of good hits on me. I am starting to regret not looking to get into better armor. I however have been on quite the desire to finish off as many quests as I can. So that sometimes gets in the way of focusing on other elements of the game.

Once I had defeated Nazastarool I discovered there was a female remains down in his chamber. I brought it to the surface and like the first remains I had found I buried that one as well. It seemed to be the right thing to do. I have no idea how long those remains had been down in that chamber with such a nasty creature.

Final Thoughts

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While I did not get a lot of experience in the skills that I needed. It was quite fun to explore some spots I kept passing by wondering what was inside them. I have now unlocked some new areas as well.

These quests were also needed for other quests. One of them even being for Recipe for Disaster which I feel like I'll never meet all the requirements for that one.

There are also some odd things unlocked now as well like the ability to go gem mining in Shilo Village. It even looks like it would be okay profit compared to many other activities I could do if I ever get bored of any other money makers that I'm currently involved in.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape.