Outward Definitive Edition | War Was Imperative
I ended up running all the Tier 10, 11, and 12 maps I had at the time. My character is nearing level 90 with the levels slowing down by a lot. Every death is a bigger and bigger experience loss and setback.
I did end up finding a one-chamber city. It was a bit of a disappointment that at the depths I was at it could be so small. Even worse only one of the two chest rooms had anything worth looting in it. My item filter did not show anything dropped in the other room as it was all junk.
In the end, I made it to 106th depth without finding another city. At least I gather some currency, had a random map or two drops, and farmed lots of Azurite to keep upgrading my Delve stats. It could have gone better but I do have lots of darkness to explore and walls to blow open in the future that I’m rather looking forward to doing.
I’m not yet at a depth where I feel there is a high risk of getting killed. As such I will more than likely keep pushing to go deeper when I get more Sulphite. At some point, I’ll start going sideways to explore and hopefully find some interesting things to clear towards.
I feel I’ve learned enough about Heist to no longer feel like I need to be in such a rush. I sometimes take my time and will even run back to steal something before hitting the main target and triggering the lockdown.
One of my NPCs even has an item now that buys me a quick 15 seconds before the place goes into lockdown. I have not fully exploited his ability just yet to their full extent. He can even open one chest after the alarm has been triggered. Making me think a little harder about the route I take and what items I choose to steal upfront.
The Nurse is quite an interesting divination card drop. It has some value behind it as eight of them turn into one The Doctor card. Eight of The Doctor cards then turn in for one of the most insane items in the game a Headhunter. I have never had a Headhunter and I doubt I ever will.
While there is a bit of a markup between an actual Headhunter and just a single Nurse card. It was a nice boost to my currency stockpile after I got a sale for it. Some players just go around buying up the lower cards and combining them to make a little profit. As such sales tend to be somewhat quick but you never hope to be quick making you think you listed for too cheap.
With them boosting the rewards from interacting with Scourge league I will start putting more of a focus on that. I already have my first Scourge map leveling up in my blood curable. It’s a bit of a lower one as it requires less experience to level. I also just wanted to see how hard one was to run. I don’t have the quickest build so they can take a bit longer to add scourge levels to them than other builds.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Path of Exile.