Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
As someone who has been running lots of Delve; once, I unlocked Valdo’s Rest regions passive tree I was at first thrilled. I took a look at the first two nodes for it and a chance at getting double Sulphite and an increased chance at getting an extra Niko mission sounds great.
I’m even willing to say I’m ok with the little extra 500 Sulphite for finishing a red tier map in the region. That is a nice little bonus on top of everything else. The other bonus gives you increased damage and movement speed for finding Sulphite veins for that map. Umm, what? That seems a bit disappointing at least at first glance.
I guess I did not know what really to expect. Valdo’s Rest overall seems to be one of the better regions to farm for some of the other league passives you can pick up. There are ones for Delirium, Blight, and Harbinger. With some of the other regions on the Atlas map being kind of boring. Those rather boring other Delve bonuses could come in make a nice pairing with something else in the passive tree for that region.
Since I’m not that thrilled with the Delve bonus and I’ll more than likely be running with Sulphite scarabs anyways. On top of the fact, I’m already struggling to spend my Sulphite when I’m just in the mood to farm maps. I think I will be grinding the Lira region till I run out of maps to run for it before working on other areas.
I have over 30 heist contracts and I’m sure I’ll be piling them even higher soon enough. Even better than before they are all level 80’s. So the rewards should on average be a lot better than what I was running after buying the lower level ones every time my character leveled up off the vendor.
Back on day 13, I had a Cortex map drop that I ran without thinking much about it. It kicked me in the behind and then some. Days later I had another Cortex map drop that I ended up selling. So having the opportunity to get some revenge I was looking forward to taking.
Every time I ran into a pack of magic monsters my screen would look something like this. I ended up making several looting trips just to pick up everything that dropped. I also wanted to ensure I did not leave anything behind with how costly these maps are.
What I did not know is that was more towards the start of the boss fight. He kept spawning in more and more creations for me to defeat. At one point I could not help think to myself “is this ever going to end” and then I was shocked when Venarius said something along the lines that it was never going to end. How clever of the game developers to blow the minds of the player like that.
I defeat the event without a single death and these pair of synthesized gloves dropped. Also in my inventory at the time was some more of the valuable loot that dropped. I think the gloves are near worthless and I sure as heck did not get anything close to 3 Exalts of loot. Rather glad I did not buy this map for 3 Exalt I would have been unhappy with this kind of result.
Right now I’m at level 44 for it. I have a fair amount of more grinding to do. I’ve started to take the stacks to over 100 and just go with it till I get flattened when I enter into the shadows. Since that grants more experience for everything I have in my Blood Crucible anyways I don’t mind the deaths when it gets too hard.
Outside of how long it took to get the map to Scourge 10. If I was pulling 60 Chaos or more out of each one I’d be willing to run them more often. I might consider trying some higher-level maps now and seeing where that takes me.
Always nice when you get an Empower Support to drop. There are many different reasons why someone might be buying one. Since I did not need it myself and have no plans to try and level up a bunch of them. I sold it for a decent price.
It’s a good thing I’m starting to rebuild my Exalt currency stack yet again. I want an insane amulet and I have a feeling it will be the most costly thing I’ve bought this league and perhaps the entire time I’ve played Path of Exile. I just hope to have enough the next time one of them shows up on the market.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Path of Exile.