Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
It’s that wonderful time of the year for Merry Mayhem in Entropia Universe. This year it’s running from November 30th to January 10th. Leaving a considerable amount of time for grinding in Mayhem Annihilation and Free For All Mayhem.
41 days is quite a considerable amount of time for an event to run in a game. This is all for good reason as the final Mayhem of the year can be quite the massive grind. One that many players have been planning for all year in some instances.
I don’t have the kind of money to be preparing yearlong for this event. I am however glad to say I made sure to have some liquidity beforehand to do a fair bit of gun and other supply shopping for the event.
I was a bit concerned that prices were not going to return to normal long enough to do some buying over the past several weeks for guns. They ended up giving us Argonaut Giving for the Thanksgiving event started on November the 24tha and ended just two days before the Merry Mayhem event started.
On top of that prices for guns and such had skyrocketed due to Halloween Mayhem event. Leaving me who was not quite prepared to pay a lot more than I would have liked for guns. Not to mention it was getting quite difficult to find shops stocked and items at the auction house. As mining and other resources skyrocketed due to the insane demand from that Mayhem event.
Thankfully I ended up finding some decent deals to stockpile stuff. It took a little while as many shops were out of items. I managed to find one shop that had a couple of each of the guns I was looking to buy and they seemed to be rather on top of restocking it a couple of times a day.
I ended up buying 6 Armatrix Lr-35s and 6 ArMatrix Lr-40 guns. Along with 33b’s and 37b’s to last the usage of those guns. I even decided ahead of time to just invest in buying a 200 PED P20 Extender before those went up in markup as well.
While I know 12 full TT guns along with what I have left remaining won’t last as long as I wish they would. It will at least give me a decent start and not have to worry about supply issues for at least a little while.
These guns depending on how hard I ended up grinding might last me a week or two or even longer. However, if I end up grinding for the majority of the event I’ll possibly be needing at least 3 times that amount. While it was tempting to buy more before prices go up I did not want to leave myself stuck without enough ammo for the guns I have in case I take some massive losses and have to call it quits early.
Merry Mayhem itself has two different kinds of divisions. Each of them is a bit different from the other and offers a different reason a player might partake in either or both. From the amount of time, they are giving this year seems like they are encoring people to do both.
The one many ubers will be fighting each over is Mayhem Free For All. You loot tokens that can be traded into an NPC for points or sold to other players. It has prizes for the top 10 points gained from 1 rare Mayhem Token up to first place giving 2 Rare and 60k normal Mayhem tokens.
A player like myself does not stand a chance at all in trying to get within the top 10 for such an event like that. The reason someone like me might do something like that would be to get the tradeable tokens and try to turn a profit selling them to the higher-level players competing against each other.
Free For All also has a bit of a different format. There are a few more different kinds of creatures in the instance. From my understanding, they start to buff each other if not killed in a timely matter. So you need to be careful how challenging of an instance you take on.
At some point during Merry Mayhem, I’ll be checking out Free For Fall. Just to see fully the ins and out of it. Along with taking a look at the market for the tokens and perhaps deciding it would be better for me to be going that route instead.
In the short term, however, my main focus is going to be on Merry Mayhem Annihilation. You enter into an instance and get between 0 points up to 2,500 points at random killing creatures in the instance.
Those points count towards one of the four missions you selected to take on as a challenge. You can only select one of the four missions for the duration of the event even if you finish it. So having some understanding of how you can perform in such an event becomes quite helpful.
During the Mayhem Halloween event, I ended up going with the Silver mission that I was able to complete it. It was however a massive grind. The Halloween event itself was much shorter. While we do get a lot more time for Merry Mayhem you also need a lot more points as well.
While the event is 41 days in length. Since the first and last days start and stop at the same time I’ll be going off a timetable of 40 days. 34k points spread out over 40 days means I just have to average 850 points a day which was a lot less per day than I needed during Halloween.
I won’t be able to grind every day and some days will be a lot better than others. Getting a couple of the bigger point kills at random will cut days of grinding off my schedule. A single 2500-point kill would be 2.94 days’ worth of points. A 1k-point kill would be 1.17 days. Even just getting a single 500-point kill would account for over half the points I’d need to gain in a single day.
Taking on a massive grind like this is not without its risks. I all too well know that during the Easter mayhem I had a really bad couple of runs that ended up putting me into the limit I had set for much how I was willing to spend during the event.
I have run over the numbers I have from my Mayhem Halloween event and set what I feel is a rather reasonable amount to be spending on trying to accomplish reaching finishing off all of the Silver missions.
If it comes down to that I’ll be cutting my losses there. These losses I’m loosely keeping track of a stack of shrapnel I’ve put aside that I’ll be converting into ammo or selling to buy more guns as the event goes on.
For things l I’m unable to sell during the event or ones I can’t directly trade I won’t be including their rather subjective worth in my totals till the end. As such, they won’t be included in my loss threshold. Such things include skill gains and tokens. I’m also putting loot strongboxes into that category as I’m not sure if I’m selling or using them.
The Merry Mayhem 2022 Ring from the strongbox this year does not seem that great with a negative effect unless I’m misunderstanding something. I am however quite clueless about that kind of market so I’m staying away from squelching and will just keep an eye on sales at the auction house. Players do love life steal though.
Speaking of tokens. While there will be a chance to loot normal and rare mayhem tokens that can be traded to a vender. Entropia Universe has added a new kind of token they are calling Entropia Unreal Tokens. They will be tradeable and convertible at a later time into shares of profit.
The return on a single Entropia Unreal Token seems quite pitiful at an estimated 0.0425 PED per month (based on 1% of last year’s game revenue between 1 million tokens). It is unknown how many tokens are expected to drop during this Mayhem event itself. The rest of the supply seems to be slated for events in the coming year 2023.
While that is certainly not a lot. if I got my hands on quite a few of those tokens that would help cover some costs over the long run. It would also be nice to take a break from the game and come back to having to PED to claim and do with as I wish.
These are not the only thing to acquire during the Merry Mayhem event. There are also (L) guns and (L) armor that can drop and who knows what else. During Mayhem Halloween I ended up getting myself an (L) armor drop.
There is also a one-time mission that I don’t ever think I’ve run that goes on during Merry Mayhem that I’ll be taking a look at if I have not done it before. Along with quite a few posts on my progress on Mayhem Annihilation and some of the Free For All Events as well.
Merry Mayhem events are also not the only events that are taking place in Entropia Universe in December for Christmas. As some planet partners are putting up a couple of things as well for the holidays. At some point, I’ll travel around the universe of Entropia Universe to see what kind of goodies can be found.
It looks like December is going to be quite the busy month in Entropia Universe indeed. I best get my grind on now so I don’t fall behind!