Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
It’s been a while since I've jumped into a multiplayer game and this one was just strange enough to make me do it. It’s been an action-filled adventure so far in this open-world survival game of shooting, stabbing, and running for my life.
This game has quite a few different kinds of servers. I ended up joining into what looks like a season. Every week new things unlock till some kind of conclusion in it. I rather like the fact that there are ways to keep the game playing fresh. Even better there always seems to be a fresh server starting. I lucked out and joined the day it started.
While there are PvP servers in this game. I went for PvE. I’d rather learn the game and avoid getting killed by the creatures in it than some powerful player. This game has enough to offer already on the PvE side I'll be busy for quite some time.
The first few scenes in this game are just wild. They were also a fun tutorial in the game basics. The helpful tips even seemed to follow me a bit into the actual server I was on as well.
This game likes to play quite heavily into the world of strange. One minute I was trying to escape a factory, another I was in a house getting attacked. Then I was in the world I'd be playing for the season.
Overall, I felt the tutorial was fun and engaging enough that I did not mind it at all. It was also strange enough to keep me wanting to go further down the rabbit hole of Once Human.
After being in quite a strange place for a bit I learned there are these creatures' called deviations. If you manage to catch one you can use it and they all, come with different abilities.
The deviant I start with increased damage on a creature it marks. It only lasts for so long before needing to be recharged which is just a cool down period. I found it to be quite helpful in taking down tough enemies and even a rift boss.
Along the way, I'd end up catching even more of them. Some seemed to be more for entertainment value. Such as one I have that goes around my baes sweeping the floors. Others are clearly for combat.
In the blink of an eye after defending a house. I found myself in what would have otherwise been a safe area. I was clinging onto a bird for dear life called V that I'd get to use for the remainder of my play any time I wanted to glide safely from a high point.
I felt like I was dropping into some kind of royal battle. Thankfully I was not. I was however given a nice bird's eye view in trying to pick a direction to glide down into for setting up a base.
Since this was my first time, I ended up scouting around a bit looking for somewhere to set up a base. The game also lets you set up a single campsite that acts like a mobile base of sorts and can be used as a respawn point as well.
I rather like the idea of having my main base and then a rather low cost to set up the structure that gave me a few of the basics in crafting and a blase to reset or revive as needed. I’d end up using the campsite feature a few times anytime I was a decent distance from my base.
I ended up finding a location I rather liked. It had access to water, trees, copper ore, and some other resources as well. It even had some things to hunt like deer and rather annoying turtles that would attack me till I had some walls up to my base.
I spent a decent chunk of time just mining resources. I wanted to have a decent little stockpile before I went off on some grand adventure shooting things with an arrow and later bullets as I advanced along.
So far I've not attempted to build anything that complex in terms of a base. I do rather like how easy the building system is in Once Human. Walls and objects just face the right way when placing them down. I can pick anything up and move it as needed for the most part.
Being able to move a wall or flooring has come quite in handy a few times over. As the number of machines and other things I need in my base grow. I’ve been able to just put down more foundations, move some walls, and some walls.
You also do get a limited amount of space you can build in. This can be upgraded over time. So, after I've managed to just move things around anytime, I found myself adding a space like a garage so I could work on my motorcycle. So, the starting amount of space I feel has been more than generous.
As you level up you gain memtics to spend in four different trees. This gives you access to higher-tier building materials, a workbench, and a lot of other stuff as well.
So far I'm more or less in the copper age of gameplay. I’ve unlocked some higher tier structures but I've yet to advance into the world far enough to find the next tier up of resources to construct anything more powerful.
Quite early on the game gave me a motorcycle to get around. I can also unlock points on the map to teleport to that location directly. They even let you teleport back to your base as well. So getting around so far in this game has been a breeze.
The map seems to be a decent size. I’ve had several days' worth of stuff to do in the starting area of Dayton Wetlands on this map. I've not attempted to venture off anywhere else. They also show you a recommended level for each area when hovering over anything.
Just in the little starting area, I'm in. There are quite a few minor and major areas to explore. Minor areas have some random loot. The more major areas you get a display showing how many remaining chests and any other objects like killing so many creatures you have remaining before the site is considered finished.
This is also where the fun kicks up a notch. As you explore an area take out creatures that get even more strange as time passes on. You are looking for mystic, armor, and even weapon crates. Along with any other objectives for that location.
While I was using my gun quite a lot. I ended up finding once I was a couple of levels over an area I was clearing out. I rather just enjoyed using melee combat and slashing my way through things. Saving myself a bunch of resources on having to craft more bullets.
So far, I've had some wild, strange, and even random moments. In one area I was exploring an event popped up. In that event, I needed to get up on a platform and start dancing. While other players in the area could have joined in, I was out soloing the spot.
Once the meter got full, I was able to toss explosives up at the disco ball till I killed it. It took a couple of rounds since I was solo of dancing, killing creatures, and tossing explosives to finish the event. Not something I was expecting.
There were many other wild moments. I’ll be saving them as stories to tell another day. So far, I've been having a blast. I’m at the stage now where I'm just running around trying to do so many quests that I've allowed to stockpile up. I’m also looking to start exploring another region and advancing the main storyline away from this starting region.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Once Human.