Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
After getting my bearings in the first zone I decided to venture onward and see how long it would take to find the next town. I ended up going down south to A2. I know not much of a name. It has a real name of something like Meadows. That is in fact what the place looks like.
Along the way, I ended up passing by my first castle called Whiteshield. I kind of had a feeling I would get rejected at the gate. I however had to give it a go anyway. Sure, enough I was told everyone in my group lacked the requirement to get in. Each person in my group would have to be named a crusader something that I would not be getting for any hirelings I'd sometimes hire. Making castles only a place my main party could venture into at a later time.
I was mostly following the road at first. I was expecting to come across some kind of sign or something to indicate I was getting close to another town. As I expected the road would end up leading to a town after I got sidetracked a bit. There would however not be as many hints as I was expecting that that town was upcoming on the road.
I would sometimes dart off the road to go check out a couple of shacks I noticed. Some of them ended up being nests for the different creatures in the area. They were using them as a headquarters. All I know was another 5k or even double or triple that in some cases. I’d trade that over having to farm a bunch of goblins and orcs that were in the new area I was in.
While there was a decent number of meadows in the area. There was also a decent forest. At that time, I lacked the proper skills in my group to be able to go into deep forests. So I was kind of stuck just going along them. Hoping I'd find something interesting before I'd wander back onto the road.
Even more strange I found a pyramid. This was yet another dungeon I could not go into, however. There was a hint that I needed to find some kind of key for it. Where would I find such a key? I have no idea. I so far had not found any in-game information that would hint at such a location. It instead would be something I just stumbled across later on.
Like the Might and Magics before it. This game loves to have hints and even codes written along walls and other places like signs. There was even a page in the game that kept track of different hints you got for the area you were in. It would be something I'd read from time to time.
Thankfully none of my group ended up getting killed before finding the next town. Baywatch was its name and you can only guess by it being next to the bay why it got such a name. I kind of miss these simple named areas in games.
While exploring inside I ended up finding a portal. It asked for a password to use it. The portal would allow me to quickly travel between the five different towns. They each had their little code names like doomed.
I also ended up checking out the blacksmith in Baywatch. He had slightly better items. I also had looted quite a lot of junk that I wanted to sell for some gold.
Once I was down with the blacksmith I headed a short distance down the road to a trainer. Everyone in my group was now level four. While I'd try for quite some time to keep everyone on the same level.
There would come a point where some would just end up being many levels ahead. This seemed to be in part due to certain roles within the party that some members played. For instance, the robber in the party would open chests and I'd use them to interact with objects. Would sometimes get a massive experience boost as a reward instead of gems gold, or items. Such an experience was never granted to the whole party. As a result, the robber would just end up out-leveling everyone for quite some time.
The town itself also had a few creatures I needed to clear out. While I was not exactly struggling any further to kill things like zombies and skeletons. I had not yet either looted any decent weapons. So, they provided some challenges for me.
This town also like the first had a few locked gates with enemies behind it. I would not work it out this trip but soon enough I'd discover I could bash those gates down. This would naturally allow whatever that gate was keeping at bay out and able to attack me. The tradeoff was usually worth it as they tended to guard something of interest.
Before leaving I even checked out Baywatch Sewers. It had quite a decent amount of green ooze on the ground that damaged me when I stepped in it. This game would end up having quite a lot of different kinds of traps that I'd either have to walk through and take the damage or learn how to get around them if possible. Traps would just end up being a common occurrence in any dungeon I'd find myself in. With some of the more devastating ones above ground waiting for me to walk right into them.
I ended up leaving the town and following the road down further south. It did not take long before I found myself in quite a bad situation. While my group would barely escape with their lives. I made the decision that I must have got a little too far for my level.
I ended up walking off the road and back north. To uncover a bit of the map while making my way back to the first town of Fountain Head. This was however still a bit of a challenge since I could not walk over any mountains or head into thicket forest tiles.
Anytime can get a couple of levels and not get killed much in a Might and Magic game seems to be a sign of great times ahead. I even added to my gold pile a bit as well and ended up banking most of it in Fountain Head.
I also lucked out and found around a half dozen upgrades for my group. Having six characters is a bit of managing each one's gear and learning what spells they can cast. At least I don’t have any hireling yet to add further into that mix of who is doing what during combat, getting around, and finding who has all the loot on them.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Might And Magic III.