Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
It seems as of recently I've hit a bit of a snag when it comes to questing. Sometimes I find myself having to return at a later point to attempt it again. Other times what should have been a quick quest turns into a whole mess of me needing to do lots of needless running back and forth.
Contact is one of those quests I attempted to do before I was ready for it. There was a bit of a difficult battle at the end and I had no idea how it worked. I also keep finding myself in situations where I want to use melee damage as that is my highest combat skill and gear. That is however not always the right option to go with.
Picking up where I left off a while ago I return to High Priest in the desert. I know I'm not a massive fan of the desert. Even more so since knowing the people here are infected with a non-contagious plague. It was no shock to me they were having some diplomatic issues with their neighbors. They hoped I'd be able to solve some issues they were having one way or another.
After a couple of attempts to get a peaceful resolution. I found myself going down into quite a deadly dungeon. This place was filled with traps and some high-hitting magic attackers.
When I could I walked around slowly. Stopping to disarm any traps I came into contact with. The only time I tried to speed past any section was if there were any aggressive magic creatures. Anytime I spotted one of them I'd also toggle on protection from magic. As they hit me quite hard.
Once I had made it through the troubled areas, I went down a ladder. After some exploring, I found a corpse. This was a person someone was supposed to be contacting. I walked a bit further and found the leader from the other side across a vast divide. I informed them the person they were supposed to be meeting with had been killed.
I ended up having to leave the dungeon for the time being. I reported back that I had made contact and I had found the person that was sent dead. After consulting with some others, I was ordered back down into the dungeon.
It seems things were at least going a little better between the two factions. I was hoping in a way of eliminating the creature that was lurking down there and killing people would help ease tensions.
While I'm sure I could have taken on the Giant Scarab down there without issue. He spawns adds and those adds are what I ended up having issues with. While I could use protection from melee against the Giant Scarab.
He also spawned in adds one at a time faster than I could kill them. They depending on the type would either be dealing melee, magic, or ranged damage. Since I lacked the damage to just burst through and kill the Giant Scarab. I decided to focus on taking out ranged and magic attack adds when they spawned.
I ended up putting off returning to this quite for about half a week. After that time, I was going through a list I had made for myself of what I was working on. I realized I had some decent gear upgrades since I last attempted to fight the scarab. So, I went back into the dungeon and down where the fight that I had failed at last was.
This time around I murdered the daylights out of that Giant Scarab. Outside of drinking a prayer potion and eating some food. It was such a dramatically different fight. Any time the magic or ranged adds were up I took them out with ease. This left just the melee to add to attacking me while I took massive chucks out of the scarab till, I killed it.
For my troubles, I ended up getting a 7k thieving experience. I also got a lamp that granted two 7k experiences towards any individual combat skill like attack. I also picked up the Keris dagger that is supposed to be good for dealing damage to scarabs. I’m not sure how handy the dagger will come in handy but at least it’s another item I'm able to add to my collection.
It seems I get to play the role of a thief. I was tasked with breaking into a temple and getting my hands on the Staff of Armadyl. I have no idea what this thing is even for. All I do know is the rewards are nice and I'm all down for helping myself to some dusty relic sitting in a temple.
This quest alone presented a couple of issues to deal with. The biggest for a while was inventory management. Quite a few a single item are required for a quest turn-in. This made it kind of hard to try and work out what to bring and when.
I’m not a huge fan of having to make a few runs to the bank to do a single quest. That would however be an issue on this one. A couple of times I needed to swap out what I was bringing for certain parts of the quest.
The other issue was my character needed to be under a certain weight limit to be able to get across certain sections of the pyramid. I ended up learning the hard way I was going to need my graceful outfit for that. Some sections required melee combat gear. Since I could not carry both sets and everything needed for this quest. That further added to my need to run to the bank.
I did early on in this quest pick up the boots of lightness. They reduce your weight by about 4.5. That was however not enough weight reduction to still not need my graceful outfit. Since I was already using graceful, I ended up just banking the boots for more space in my inventory. As they were not needed.
Once I realized I had low enough weight I was able to cross a bridge to collect a lever that I needed to use on a wall to unlock a gate. It looked like I might have to do more stuff over that bridge so I was debating if I wanted to swap out for combat gear for the next part. I decided why not. So, I ran to the bank.
There ended up being another lever I needed to pull. I kept falling into a pit every time I used it. At first, I thought my character was over some new weight limit and perhaps the lever was above a title with a pressure plate. So, I ran to the bank for a gear swap out. Only just to fall back into the same pit trap again. Turns out the tile I was on was just a trap. Here is to bank run like number seven at that point.
After that madness I found myself needing to loot ice arrows out of random chests. Naturally, the corridor in the cave I was in was filled with aggressive spiders. I was both lacking any healing food and the proper gear to be getting attacked.
I used the mele protraction prayer for as long as it lasted. I then just ran back and forth toggling it off to save prayer when I seemed to be in a safe spot. I barely gathered all twenty arrows. I ended up escaping this section with just a couple of health points remaining.
I then as you can guess had to run over to the bank. I needed to make a swap out for ranged gear and I needed some food to heal myself up. I even decided at that point I might as well find a prayer alter and get my prayer points back up to full before going on to the next section.
I then returned to the temple one last time. This time I had to wade my way through to the bottom across some lava pits and other stuff. The ice arrows I had collected are the only thing that can damage Fire Warrior of Lesarkus. For being level 84 he was quite the pushover and only had 59 health.
This entire time I had in my inventory twenty limpwurt roots. I wish I had known I only needed them towards the end. I could have saved so many trips to the bank. I was just thrilled at this point to get them out of my inventory.
I then ran through a maze and broke into a bedroom that had the Staff of Aramdyl sitting on a desk. I had a choice to make to either help the person who asked me to retrieve the staff or kill that person and hand it over to people I assumed worshiped demons. I decided it was the moral thing to do to not murder the person who hired me to retrieve an item.
At the very least I got 10.5k experience for ranged and 8k fletching experience. Both of these skills I don’t use that often and I got a level up for both from doing this quest. The main reason I wanted to do this quest was it’s a requirement for another quest I won’t be doing for some time. It however has quite a lot of requirements. So, it was nice to have another one checked off.
While I was not thrilled with the way these went. They were at least done now. That is kind of the nice thing about questing if you hated one of them well it’s done forever. While one of these is in a bigger quest chain. I’ll have to deal with that another time. For now, I get to declare these as a victory even if it was not a clean one.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape.