Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
As far as the Watchstones I’ve been buying until I’m able to secure the two I’m missing I won’t be saying anything more about them. The prices on them have started to skyrocket. Which makes me believe I’m not the only one on the hunt for them. I still need to acquire more Exalts and hopefully not overpay for what I need.
Since I’m using Gilded Cartography I’ve hit a point where I’m now overflowing with Tower maps more notability tier 3. As such I’ve taken the extra risk of Vaaling all maps moving forward that I plan on running. About half my runs I did this for the map this time around.
The risk with Vaaling a map is it corrupts it. It could upgrade it to another tier higher map or add modifiers on it that make it un-runnable. Between the Vaal itself and bricking maps it will add to the total cost. Thankfully these lower maps are only a few Chaos each.
On top of the standard chiseling, alchemy, and rerolling the maps for higher value or to remove modifiers I’m trying to avoid. I ran these maps mostly with Polished harbinger, Elder, and Divination scarabs. With the higher Gilded scarab for Cartography for map drops that I might be replacing till I’m low again on maps on future days.
I’m also Atlas crafting Beyond on the maps. Along with using Prime Sextants for rolling extra monster packs on the Watchstones, I’m using. It’s tempting to play around with some Awakened Sextant since I have a stack of them. That will increase my costs by a lot and will have to be for another day.
With all of this added up my average cost per map run increased from 35 Chaos to 51.5 Chaos. Since this was done over two days with some slight changes. I acquired the needed materials and two different days resulting in slightly different prices per day. This was all done throughout 32 maps for a total cost of 1,648 Chaos or 10.91 Exalts.
Hopefully, in the future, I’ll have a big enough bankroll to mass buy everything I need for 30 to 50+ Tower map runs all at once. Since that was not the case it was broken up into two different runs. A fair amount of time waiting around for things to sell.
You can start to see from all the modifiers on the maps that things are starting to get rather insane. The screenshot above was by no means one of my better maps. I, later on, made some changes and purchases that increase things even further along.
With that much quantity and rarity on a map, it’s hard to not stop and open every single normal chest just because. I was having Elder items and even tower maps flowing out of the non-combat chests. I hope one day to get something massive. This time around just a few extra Chaos here or there.
What is not included in the Elder and gear I ended up looting. I’d cheery pick mostly the small items that I knew could still have value. I would then later on go and price checks them and list them. I’ve had many 200 Chaos worth of sales from such items.
Inventory space and even more so premium inventory space for listing items for sale has become quite the struggle. I got to the point during the day when where I was ready to buy more stash tabs during the next sale. I just have so much loot these days.
I also broke down and replaced my helm with another rare one. While I wanted to farm my Lighting arrow hits 2 additional enemies I was just not having the luck. What I did have were Exalts to spend and now I clear maps even faster.
On the tier 3 maps, I also replaced one of my flasks with a life one. There have just been far too many instances where if I could heal myself in any way I would not have died. I don’t even have any life regen which makes things quite dicey in many situations. Something I’m hoping to resolve once I level up some more.
Path of Exile is also running a stash tab sale over the weekend. Since prices seem to be around what they were during the last sale I thought I better not miss out on this one. I needed the space. I now have dedicated tabs for price-checking items. A few for listing items for sale. This is going to make things much easier on me. Not to mention I won’t have to discount things quickly over 24 hours to try and move inventory out of a single sales tab anymore.
The best ones so far hands down have always been the ones where I have a high roll of expedition drops. Unless they are really hard to run, I’ve bricked the map, or something else goes wrong they can bring in a decent amount.
I’ve gotten to a point now if I have not rolled something decent while these Scourge Tower maps are leveling up from me killing monsters in Nightmare I’ll swap them out for new ones. I have also been more careful to swap them out if something I don’t want lands on them if they have decent drops.
In total, I had around 1,108 Chaos worth of loot out an unknown amount I ran. Getting an extra 7 Exalts for just a little more effort than what I was already doing is quite nice.
While it would be nice if I was flush with currency. Between all the Exalts spent on running the maps. Buying a new helm and Watchstones. Well, I got to wait for more sales before loading up and doing this all again. I also need more Exalts spend on Watchstones which I’m hoping to get over the weekend.
At least I’m a bit more organized. Have a lot more storage space to handle the insane volume of loot I’ve been getting. I’m also no longer at a point where I question spending over 100 Exalts to make a Headhunter magic find ranger.
These last two days have just been insane. For all I know it was just a fluke. Things could also get better once I finish getting what I need. I might even up the stakes even further and increase my average cost per map run. Only time will tell what I end up doing.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Path of Exile.