Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
I have been quite busy these past two days farming up mad amounts of loot and selling a lot of items. I have created a fun farming rotation that gives me exposure to a few different markets. As a result, I end up having many different kinds of items to sell. I’ve also had some interesting luck.
Before I was holding onto my maven loot and any fragments I would get from killing guardians. I decided I was not going to try and farm those higher fights since I’m not quite sure my build could be handed them. I’d rather not be stuck with high-end items that take forever to move either. I can just sell the fragments to those who can farm and want to deal with it. Making for some quick sales.
I ended up selling the two Maven’s Writs I have for 120 Chaos each. Along with over 20 different fragments in different ranges of prices. I can see why many just farm the guardians to raise funds.
That was not my only good luck running during running maps. I also had a random Delirium encounter that dropped the most I have ever gotten from them before. While I did not play in that league I can see how crazy these could get with the right build and other factors if you were farming for them.
It was quite a wild ride. While I was running through the zone trying to clear as fast as I could without falling behind and having it end. I ended up coming across a boss that dropped a small cluster Jewel The Interrogation that I sold for 30 chaos.
Outside of all the bosses and other things I was slaying during running maps. They were the times I was hoping if someone wanted to buy something they content me during them. As it was a quick portal to my hideout, trade, and jump back into the map.
I ended up hitting a bunch of what I’m going to consider to be clusters of cities. If nothing else they were many cities all rather close to each other in a few different parts of my Delve map. They were a great source for bringing in lots of maps for me to sell.
I also went back and murdered an encounter I was stuck on a few days back. Behind it trapped were another two encounters that I quickly got 70 Chaos worth of loot out of. The fight was so intense I did not get a screenshot.
The fight itself involved fighting a harbinger which I hate those things. They take forever to take down and this one was in a nasty area that had extra totems as a modifier. I ended up hiding on the side of a boulder that was just in the range of a light source.
I would then kill off whatever wave of enemies the harbinger would send at me. Afterward, I’d dive into all the totems it had spawned around itself and kill them before running back to my hiding area. On several occasions, the harbinger would follow me back and I’d have to drag it back to a better spot where I was not getting the full spawn on me all at once.
While I did not find as many higher-end Fossils as I was hoping. The bulk of my time down in Delve was spent clearing towards a city or clearing out their chambers. It was crazy how many of them I’ve managed to find now. I’ve burned many 55k stacks of Sulphite and I still need more.
Map sales have been going great. Every season I always avoid selling them since I never have a lot anyway. They can be a bit annoying when people don’t want to buy in bulk so they try and just buy one.
Always a little funny when you can tell the lower-priced items have been bought out. I would get a wave of buyers all grouped trying to buy the same item. Sometimes I’d sell to someone looking for say 20 maps and not even 10 secs later I’d get someone wanting to buy all I had. Then you would have hours of no one buying any.
There have been a few moments of disappointment. I had some items I was hoping would be selling for 1 to 3 Exalts. After those items have been sitting for days I’d start to price them down. In the end, I’d get a sale at 80 Chaos in some instance. While other times those items are still sitting.
It is tempting to buy more premium stash tabs just for selling items. I have quite a few items that are just sitting around in my other stash tabs waiting to be listed. Over time once an item fails to sell for at least 4 Chaos I’ll chuck it and replace it with a much higher item.
According to Exilence Next which I’ve been giving a try for a week now. I have around 14,626 Chaos worth of loot in all my stash tabs including my maps tab. That equals 100.8 Exalts worth of stuff. While that is around what I need there is still a lot more before I have 100 exalts.
At least I’m closing in on the number. Hopefully, I can do it in the next couple of days before I jump into a December event for a short while. I’m at least happy to be at 62 Exalts now. Getting to 100 or more is seeming less and less like an unreachable goal the closer I get.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Path of Exile.