Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
This league like the last league has been insane with the pure amount of Exalt drops. Outside of those and selling tons of scarabs I’ve been lacking anything else big. I will hopefully be switching over soon to farming what I’ve been wanting to.
The result was not ideal. The first character I made did not live up to what I was hoping. Despite spending a decent amount on his gear he is pale in comparison to my last league's starter. Even the new character I’ve made is just not cutting it as of yet.
I will more than likely be changing gears somewhat from my plans. I’ll be attempting to switch over from wanting to do Maven and a bunch of other bosses. To just doing single target bosses if that works out with my new character.
The issue is my newer character still falls over dead if the wind changes slightly. It’s rather disappointing being almost 30 exalts spent into the gear now and it still can’t handle being hit by certain trash mobs while out clearing a map. It’s been a fun adventure at least. Just not as stable as one I was hoping.
One of the things that have been holding me back has been struggling with the resistance of all things. The build I’m playing requires a lot of specific modifiers making resistance rather hard to get. I even have entire pieces of gear that you would have to pay an absorbent amount of currency just to get everything and resistance on it.
One of the ways to combat the resistance issue is packing up a Necromancer node called Commander of darkness that has +30 to all resistance for you and allies (minions). Since there were more important places to spend my ascendency points on I saved it to last.
Thankfully I overcame that issue after a few failed attempts. I even had made it to the final encounter in the labyrinth just to get one shot by the boss. It’s shocking how paper-thin the necromancer I’m playing is. At least after trying a few times finished it.
Once I landed the needed points I wanted I could finally upgrade to the helm I needed. The issue is it is quite pricy and to switch over to using it you need to spend about half as much on other things. A bit of an overlook on my part to not notice things running with awakened support gems among other things. At least in this league, they are being farmed by many.
I more or less funded the entire purchase just from all the exalt drops I have been getting. I have been mostly focused on leveling up my new character so I can get a lot of the passives it needs to do what I want to do.
Perhaps one of these leaguers I’ll get something even better than a to exalt. That once-in-a-lifetime drop that most players will never see. I am nearing enough playtime thought all these years that I should just by random get such a drop. Perhaps this is the year it happens.
Every ten tier 14+ maps I’ll run I have been switching back over to my main. That way I can do the Maven invitation. I have even attempted to do some harder inventions like I had plans to do in this league. My main character just gets murdered. Things have been a bit disappointing on that front.
One thing I have not done a lot this league has been Delve. I am kind of itching to do a bunch of it at some point. I’ve been stacking a lot of daily missions for Sulphite that I could run at some point. Since Sulphite scarabs are not worth much I’ve been stockpiling all that I’ve looted as well.
I’ve also been tempted to cheery pick all the heists contracts I’ve looted and just do yet another full-day run of them. Since I have Atlas passives for heist I’ve been picking up quite a lot of them. That would at least allow me to finish off getting a few more items I need for the necromancer.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Path of Exile.