Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
While I still had quite a few milestones remaining. They for the most part ended up being quite easy. For some of them, I just had to wait till I was far along enough in progression. Others I'd realize I could finish while I was out focusing on other stuff.
The milestone that ended up being the hardest for me was finding an empty planet and scanning two robotic lifeforms on it. I wanted to naturally find such a planet while I was out exploring.
I ended up finding three of these kinds of planets on my own. They all ended up being void of any life as far as I could tell. Hence why they were called dead planets. I also went into quite a few blue solar systems and was not having as much luck as I had hoped in finding such a planet.
So, I ended up going the long but easy route for getting this one finished off. I just activated the milestone. It then gave me a path to a solar system that met the requirements. It rather felt like cheating if it was not for having to go 12 solar systems from where I was to get to such a planet. No wonder I did not find one on my own.
Some milestones are not as hard as they sound. For instance, finding a crashed object. It might be a ship, a freighter in an ocean, or even a damaged freighter in space.
The first time I just needed to build and place a signal booster down. The game even already gave me from a former quest the required material to use it. I then selected to find a crash shipped.
The key here is you are not required to fix the entire ship. Since I did not want to have spent more high-end resources rebuilding a bunch of modules. I simply added the ship to my fleet. I then just had to fix its ability to launch into space.
Another one was finding a crashed freighter in an ocean. For a while now I've kept my eye out for planets that have a massive open ocean on them. I ended up spotting one that had quite a few islands. Then right in the middle of everything just water. That to me was more than enough to know the waters would be deep enough.
To find the crashed freighter. I just needed to craft the exocraft Nautilon. The best part is the parts that were required to make it are already on a planet that tends to have a massive ocean on it like salt.
While I was on that ocean planet I finished off getting all the crystal sulphide I needed. This would end up being required for the making of the Nautilon as well. I also required salt so I got that while I was down there at the same time.
I then hopped into Nautilon and built the sonar signal scanner. The best part was that when the scanner located the crashed freighter I did not need to spend eight minutes piloting the craft to it. I just hopped in my ship and landed the ship right on the freighter itself. Then took a short swim down to finish off the object.
The final type was finding an abandoned freighter in space. Despite the space stations being void of NPCs. There was still a working but rather limited market. In there they were selling a scanner for them that cost just over two million credits. I then just had to activate it to be sent to a freighter.
This kind of activity has started to turn out to be one I've rather enjoyed. I ended up even lucking out further and this one had no active defenses. It was just a giant looting frenzy on my part while I was looking at tables for the required data to finish off the milestone and the mission at hand. Other than being a little time-consuming it ended up being rather relaxing.
A few of the milestones in Adrift were easy. They just required you to advance along enough in progression to be able to work on the next one. For instance, I ended up having another three that were around dreaming. They just required the milestone to be active and then warp. After warping long enough you would get greeted with some strange text and a colorful gas cloud.
Another one just required me to look up at the night sky for sixty seconds while on a planet. The hardest part might have been my character not taking heavy damage from a random storm or creature attacking me.
For whatever reason any milestone that has to do with creating processed foods I tend to end up putting off till I've had most of everything else done. While out exploring I noticed a planet that had some wheat on it. Right next to it was some sugar as well.
One of the milestones I had already done also gave me some food pellets to give to creatures. So, I dropped some on the ground and waited for one of them to take a poop on the ground. I know it sounds disgusting but I needed it to process for whatever disgusting reason.
After now knowing what is in space bread. I’ll never want the stuff again. Granted, I never had any before either. As that is just part of the game, I don’t interact much with the mechanics of creating food.
While I had a couple of odds and ends left for milestones. Many of them were again just using a scanner to find locations. It ended up helping quite a bit this time around writing down all the milestone requirements and slowly checking them off even if they were quite out of order and in other phases. I had most of them done before I was even out to my third rendezvous. Let alone the fifth one.
I ended up being fully out of inventory space by the end of this expedition. I just wanted to make sure I did not delete anything that would have had some kind of usefulness to me. Once I was done, however. I ended up just clearing out a lot of junk. I had about a dozen milestones unclaimed of random rewards to collect before calling this one a win.
I also went up to the space anomaly and sent back to my main anything that could be somewhat useful for future expeditions. Since this save has only played in expeditions. It’s not like I have loads of resources. It should however save me some time and effort in the next expedition.
After getting back into the swing of the game again from the Omega expedition. I ended up having quite an easy time with Adrift. Other than feeling like I was always running from either giant spaceworms or jellyfish. There were not any moments in this where I felt like I did my best but I don’t need to 100% this one.
It is a bit of a shame how many of the milestones in this one were similar to the ones in the other one. At least in Adrift one of the milestones ended up giving me all the hyperdrives which saved me quite a lot of time. From there all the milestones felt like they fell into place for the most part.
The reward ship Iron Vulture is quite cool looking. From my understanding, all my saved files now have access to this ship as well. I'll more than likely be running the next expedition redux coming up shortly as well.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about No Man’s Sky.