Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
It should not be any wonder why my relations with some of the factions on the alien planet have not been so great. I had hoped certain things would not have gone the way they did. At the very least I ended up returning to trying out a boss that had defeated me in the past.
Sometimes you just don’t make the first impression you were looking to. I ended up going to the Japanese base to see what kind of thanks I could get for rescuing some of their women.
One thing might have led to another. Before I knew it, I had killed someone. I swear it was a mistake. After that, everyone ran from me, and the entire base emptied. I might have also needed to have killed a few more of them.
It is quite a shame. I was looking to make some friends there. I can only hope I don’t have any important side missions that they could have been helpful on. I've started to stack up quite a few side missions without much success in getting any other than showing up at this base done.
Shorter after exploring around the map further I returned to my base to rebuild my army. That is when I was informed there had been a spy lurking around trying to gather some intel about my base.
I had an opportunity to kill him since after all he is a spy. I decided to try the reward side of things. I ended up turning him into a double agent. He went off and did spying on my behalf instead. It turns out he was not so happy with the other faction he was working for.
For quite some time this relationship of me tossing him some small rewards for intel gathered worked out. I ended up getting a new building that I never really used as it gives some rather short-term buffs that I could not be bothered with.
I should have known things were going to end well with the spy, however. Much later in the future I got word he got caught spying and he rolled on me like he rolled on his former employer. It was no shock to me.
It was a bit of a shame that I would not be getting any further intel out of him. Since my base was quite lacking in anything worthwhile information-wise to steal. I doubt he was of any use to them. Assuming the faction that caught him kept him alive.
After quite a few days passed dealing with the spy. I ended up having to make a mad dash back to my base. There was yet another herd of roaming beasts heading to my base. As if things had not been going well enough for me, I did not have much time to prepare for the fight.
I ended up taking in some units I wish I had not. I survived the fire a couple of waves. Then a single enemy made a B-line and made it into my base. Despite the fact I still had units to fight with and structures for them to destroy. I lost the fight and that was the end.
In my second attempt at defending the base, I made some changes. I moved some turrets and barriers around. I also brought in other units. While this second fight was not that bad. I’m starting to wonder how many days I'll get before these become so channeling that the choices I've made long ago will end up being my downfall.
At least after so many things going wrong I happened to be at the right place at the right time. I happened to come across someone wandering around the area. It turns out they needed a creature I had already killed taken out.
My reward for work already done? My first module to use along with my combat suit. I had no idea at the time but these modules ended up being a lot harder to come by. It would be quite some time before I find another one and it will fit in the same slot as this one.
I ended up keeping this module for quite some time. Between some buffs at the start, I rather like it makes me immune to one negative effect in a fight as well. While I have no control over what the effect will end up being. This comes quite in handy in saving me from certain death more than once.
With my luck feeling like it had turned around now. Along with increasing my combat abilities by quite a lot. I revested an old underground boss that I've been ignoring for a little while now.
I lost quite a lot of good units that day. Some say to this day the cost of that battle was not worth it. I however would disagree with those people. For taking down that boss I ended up acquiring a Tech Core that I could use to unlock one of the pathways I was being blocked at on the tech tree.
The tech I ended up unlocking due to looking at that core would become quite game-changing. I could now invest in increasing the number of units I carry with me, and how many can join in a combat engagement. Along with how many tiles the army I take with me into combat can take up.
All of these different things I'll admit ended up being a little confusing at first. I had not paid enough attention to realize the words they were exactly using in what I could take into combat with.
After getting some upgrades and playing around with my different setups. It became quite clear to me that I'm not a huge fan of massive units. For the most part, they have issues moving around the combat zone as freely as I would like.
I lost count of how many times I ended up picking some quite powerful units with me. The kind I would expect to make a huge difference on the battlefield. Just for them to end up stuck in a corner or out of range for most if not all of a fight. Making them more or less just dead weight.
I felt that was a bit of a shame. As the harder encounters, I find myself while exploring the alien planet. The more terrain that ends up getting in the way of some massive and powerful units.
I was kind of hoping those units would end up helping my struggle with producing enough of other units to keep up with the rate I ended up losing them. As I have some stockpiles of units I rarely use. While I'm always struggling to have enough of some. This tends to leave me spending many days sitting in my base creating units.
So, I ended up switching back to my old setup of units. I then took them out again to take out another boss. They had zero issues with this one. I even had a lot of fun clearing out the dungeon this one was hiding in.
It’s a shame thing did not work out so great with one of the factions. Then you have the whole mess with the spy. Along with many units, I've decided I don’t enjoy using them in combat. At the very least I downed two bosses and now have two dungeons fully cleared.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Xenowars (I don’t make anything from this tracking link).
Disclosure: A review copy of the game was received for free.