No Man’s Sky | Adrift Redux The First Planet

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The Adrift expedition redux started on the 11th and will end on the 25th of December. Like the first one, it has a set of milestone stages and as you go through it you end up getting some rewards.

The first one I ended up running Omega I did on a fresh character. This time around I wanted to see how one even goes about playing on a current save in an expedition. Along with if there was any advantage to doing so.

It turns out if you head up to the anomaly there is a console on the ground floor you can interact with to start an expedition. In there, you are given a couple of slots to take things with you.

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Since I did not have a lot of stuff since this save had only played in Omega. I did not have much to put in. The technology slot had to be technology you had yet to slot in. Thankfully I had a couple left over from Omega that I never used.

Where it gets far more interesting is the cargo. All of these things would end up waiting for me in the Anomaly in the expedition once I made it up there. As such I ended up putting in mostly warp cells. Along with Emeril that could be used to create a better warp drive. This would end up coming in far handier than I was expecting.

Then I was off on a fresh character. While Adrift would have a few of the same milestones as OMEGA. It would be quite a bit different. The whole Adrift thing is in terms of there being no one left. Just you and any creatures that are on the planets. The space stations were empty. Even the Anomaly was void other than a shell of a robot that no longer did anything.

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I would also find myself right away being hunted down like some dog. The starting planet had a giant spaceworm. There were also quite a few large worms that would just spawn and start shooting at you. Once you kill those, they spawn ads.

Feeling like I was on the run and being hunted. This would continue to be a theme throughout this experience of an expedition. If you wanted to chill and realized this is not the one for you. It would be anything but that.

I also find it a bit funny. During the early days of No Man’s Sky, everyone brought up that there was no giant worm-like they claimed there would be. It seems this is their way of getting a little payback on the players by having to deal with these things on a rather constant basis.

The first thing I did while trying not to think about getting eaten by some giant worm that was shaking the ground, making massive sounds, and always seemed to be just out of reach of killing me. Was gathered all the resources I could while on the way to a broken ship.

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Once I got there, I earned my first milestone. I also found myself getting attacked by some hostile creatures that were not giant worms on this planet as well. It seems I was on quite a hostile planet.

My main early goal objects as far as the milestones progression for the expedition went. Was making some repairs to the ship. Fueling it. Getting off the planet. Along with installing some mods on my multi-tool and crafting a refiner.

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I decided despite how hostile this place was to stick around a bit. Instead of just rushing into things like did in Omega. I took quite a decent look at all the milestones I'd need to finish this expedition. I also knew I could do them out of order even in different phases.

Unlike Omega there was a global milestone in each of the phases as well. Since everyone is alone in Adrift. It just makes sense there is no such thing in this expedition.

After looking over the milestones. It seemed like I could start working on a few while not even leaving the first planet. Others I could start to work on while not even leaving the solar system. Since I did not want to be in a situation like I was in Omega I felt like I had gone too far too quickly and missed many opportunities to get milestones done. I started to work on what I could.

There were some milestones over just scanning local things on the planets. Others required scamming several planets altogether. While I would not be able to finish that one right away. I scanned any planets, minerals, and creatures I could while I was on this planet.


Some things just ended up occurring without having to go out of my way. In one instance I was just farming for oxygen. Up popped a milestone for taking out hazardous flora.

As I was running around getting materials. I was also able to open up damage slots on my ship and my multi-tool. There was a milestone for that as well. While I would end up lacking cobalt to finish repairing them all right away. That one ended up being quite close to done by the time I left the first planet.

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One of the milestones was to kill off some Hungering Tendril. These things were and continue to be the bane of my existence anytime they show up. They not only will attack me. They can even put quite a hurt on my ship as well. Leaving me no room for a break a cluster of them spawn right next to my ship while I'm doing things in the UI.

I did not have to go far out of my way to find them. Rather they did not have to go far to find me. On top of that, once you killed a single Hungering Tendril, they would spawn quite a few horrors that would seek me out. Needless to say, before I even left the first planet, I had killed a good three times more than the milestone for them required.

The starting planet even had some resources that were needed for milestones as well. I ended up going for quite the dive in the lake for crystal sulphide. I also had a milestone for some kind of underwater claim as well I ended up skipping over that as I think I needed an upgrade on my multitool to collect the claims.

Final Thoughts

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While I ended up staying on the first planet for quite some time. It was kind of shocking just how many milestones I'd end up getting out of the way in a few of the stages. I’d even get a few more just finishing up the last things I needed to get off the first planet.

So far this expedition has done a great job of keeping me on my toes. I have yet to feel safe anywhere other than deep in space. Een then, I've had jellyfish show up and attack me. This has set quite a different tempo than the Omega expedition.

I’m also rather thrilled by the fact I spawned in for this expedition. I hated being a Gek in the last one. I still can’t get over how funny-looking my character is.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about No Man’s Sky.