Might And Magic III | A Fortune Soon Spent
No Man’s Sky | Mystery Of The Mind Ark
After leaving the first planet and picking up a couple more milestones from doing things like mining 30 asteroids to visiting the station. It was time to find my next planet to stack.
But first I have to say just how strange it is to visit stations in Adrift. All the outsides of them have massive bullet holes like they were in some kind of war. The insides are mostly empty.
Thankfully they all still have a working portal. So unlike Omega where I was forgetting to dock into each station before warping off. I’d make it a real attempt to make sure I had a portal to each one. This ended up making it easier to backtrack for a milestone if I needed a certain planet to farm in some way.
I ended up landing on one more planet in the system. It was quite a nasty one. Strong storms and lots of environmental damage. I however needed some copper to make chromatic metal for a hyperdrive.
I ended up finding a bunch of eggs that I needed for another milestone while down there as well. Each time I opened one up a bunch of little creatures would spew out and chase after me. With all the shooting I did on the first planet I was out of ammo and was down to just using my mining laser for damage.
I ended up scanning around looking for how many eggs were close in an area. Then I'd run up and open them and get chased around. I then tried to make it back to my ship before getting killed so I could take off to another location and repeat the process.
This mostly ended up working out. I did have a nasty storm start after I got a bit greedy and was far too out from the ship to make it back. Nothing like a little corpse run with enemies on the hunt for you at the same time.
I then refined the copper into chromatic metal. I used that in making some microprocessors and building a hyperdrive. If the planet was not so nasty I'd have farmed quite a lot more copper as I could tell I'd be needing it at some point. Thankfully most planets I'd end up running into for quite some time would have loads of copper to mine up.
I picked up another milestone heading to another system. I then went from station to warping to another system a couple of times till I hit the first rendezvous zone. I am still getting used to every station being empty. This finished off the first phase of the milestones for Adrit for me.
It did not take long after that I had my 16-creature scanned for yet another milestone. It’s kind of funny the odd numbers they end up picking are the requirements.
As if the stations being empty was not enough. It was time to summon the Anomaly. I thought for a moment I had found someone that was still alive. That would end up being incorrect as well. It was just a husk of its former self.
There was however a signal coming from somewhere on the Anomaly. When I tracked down what it was. It would not respond to me any further other than to give me a hint. I needed to build something called the Mind Ark and connect it to the computer system.
This device required some rather strange things. It needed an eye which I already had from early on. A bunch of activated copper that I could mine in the first solar system I was in. Along with something called Atlantideum.
I need a little break to try and work out where I should head next. As with all the solar systems I had been to there was nothing called Atlantideum as something I could farm. I went out and tried to build a base.
I ended up doing so on a nice little bubble planet. There were just some issues. I did not have any blueprints for power or a teleporter. As such this at least for now sits as a rather useful but fun little side project of mine. I can only hope at a later stage I get to come back here and build it up a little more. There were zero milestones for base building in this expedition.
That last bit was the strange part. I have no clue what that even is. I ended up having to warp around off the path to the next rendezvous zone. I needed a solar system that was classified as dissonant.
After some warping around and exploration. I ended up finding the perfect planet for farming Atlantideum. It ended up coming from a crystal called living glass. While there I also picked up a radiant cluster that was needed for another milestone.
I then crafted up The Ark and headed back into the Anomaly. I had a feeling I was not going to get any real answers. As soon as I hooked up The Ark a bunch of numbers showed up on the screen. This meant nothing to me whatsoever.
At the very least I got a location out of it to go explore. It simply led me down to a teleporter ring on the nearby planet. Were The Ark fitted into a slot. It then opened a portal to somewhere.
I went through it and found myself adrift. I guess I have an understanding of the name of the expedition now. I attempted to make it to the Atlas Interface it just seemed out of reach. Then I got sucked back in and found myself back on the planet I had just left.
By this point, I had a few unclaimed milestone rewards to claim. One of them ended up rewarding me with the three types of hyperdrives I'd need to reach the end of the expedition.
This ended up being better than I was expecting. As I only had material that had sent myself for the Indium Drive. So I spawned the Anomaly again and went to collect some of the stuff I had sitting around.
I would have done it sooner. I was however quite tight on space. Since I could make a proper base with any kind of storage. It was hard trying to make sure I had quite a few different resources and still had enough room for anything I would loot from milestones or random stuff I'd need in the future.
I then set my sights on reaching Rendezvous 2. The location that kept popping up for it was in the middle of quite a nasty mountain range. The planet was filled with storms that would last all day. Most of my travel is done over mountains in the dark.
It took a few attempts to find the location of the second spot. I often just sat in my ship waiting for time to pass for either a storm or hoping to get a little daylight in my search. Since I was always 1k range off. At least I found the right place in the end after a couple of attempts.
Final Thoughts
I now had the first two stages done. Along with a few random milestones in the other stages. I can only hope over time I get a better understanding of the Mind Ark. No Man’s Sky sure loves to tease you sometimes and then not fully give you any answers about stuff.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about No Man’s Sky.