Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
It was about time I started to go around the kingdoms and find some companions I’m lacking to join my cause. While also raising some funds as well in doing in between the long distance traveled between taverns. This is where things require a bit of balance between short term and long term thinking in tactics and where you to want to end up.
One easy way I choose to gear them up is by farming Sea Raider since they drop some better gear you can get early in the game. This allows them to have some chain mail, upgraded weapons, some of their armor slots to be filled. Later on, as I upgrade my own gear I start to pass things down to them or buy them something when I find a decent deal. In the short term, I don’t spend much money on them outside of buying horses when they have some of the riding skills. Otherwise, money goes into my own gear and building up business for now.
While each tavern is different in shape and sizes if they are in the same region they do feel similar. Some can be massive while others barely holding a few tables. We can see there is almost no one in this massive one. That must not be cheap for the barkeep to keep up on that place.
Later on in-game if become a king myself and start my own kingdom I can send them out off into the world with their own army and they will go around attacking, defending, getting captured and all sort of things. With that in mind, there are other skills beyond just party ones I want to to make sure they all have. Some such skills are Ironflesh for more health, decent riding skills, and some points in leadership to command a bigger army and reduce the overall cost of troops for themselves. I could even grand them their own land one day if I progress far enough on my own. For the time being the group I have stays with me. Once I send this batch out on their own I’ll have to get new ones.
They also have their own social aspects each. Some of them hate each other so it’s best not to have all of them in the same group. On top of that some hate raiding, others pillaging, and even others get bored. If they become “upset” they will let you know and it will lower morale. After a while, they could even leave your party. So having a good mix is best. While I did not focus on having the “right” ones for raiding or this or that. I just made sure they would not be insulting each other nonstop and driving me up a wall before leaving during the night.
This leaves me with another 8 possible Companions that I do not have in my army. Those will be more focused around just combat and group buffs for anything I’m lacking at that point. Since they will have social conflicts with my current group I’ll not get them till I need replacements. Then I will have to go through the process of leveling up, gearing, and all that again as I start to focus on mid to end the game with them. That will be like taking a step backward so you can move quicker later on. Can be a bit tricky finding a good time in between everything to go through that process.
Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Mount & Blade: Warband
Mount & Blade Warband was amazing. Bannerlord in my opinion is even better considering picking it up using my Epic Games creator code: enjargames at checkout or using this referral link to be sent to the store's pages.
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