Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
Entropia Universe | Rocktropia Union Station Subway Lockpick Instance Walkthrough
The Union Station Subway instance on Rocktropia where you need a Lockpick to get into is brutal. The thing is a massive maze in a sewer system filled with zombies. There are also many rooms where you trigger hordes of zombies for staying in them for too long.
I hate to think how many people have lost a lot of PED trying to run this instance and were unable to find the loot create at the end to complete it. Since it is that bad I thought I would include a full walkthrough of the entire thing.
The first thing you need is a Lockpick Kit. I happened to run this with the lockpick tier I. If there are other versions of this insanity for the higher-tier lockpicks may the loot gods take pity on you.
While the lockpick Kit I is a crafted item. Chance you don’t have the blueprint for those and since you can usually buy one for TT+2 they're quite cheap to get. Make sure to repair the thing to the full 20 PED before you use it.
This instance will be filled with Decomposing Zombies mostly of the maturity of teen which have 40 health. Make sure to pick up any zombie-killing quest you can find such as once around B.A.M.F HQ which has a few Boot Camp missions. Here is the wiki link to the start of that mission chain if it is still around. Along with having a gun that won’t take forever to kill something with 40 health in the event you end up with twenty or more zombies on you.
For me personally, since I’ll be doing a lot more running than killing. Also since there tends to be a huge horde of zombies in here. I’ll be wearing a set of Adjusted Pixie armor to deal with the stab, cut, and impact damage they deal. I have found in my testing that it cuts down healing enough that it is worth the extra decay over a lighter set of armor. Anything beyond that is overkill at least with my evade skills. You also get some armor decay back at the end.
Since the entrance to this is underground the stairs to get down into the subway are located at 135638, 87943.
Once you head down the stairs you can find the Union Station Subway instance at 135632, 87878.
This instance should tell you at the start not to panic. As that sinking feeling that the more zombies you shoot the less likely, you are going to find the actual end. This is because not only are there multiple large rooms with a few different directions to go. There are long sections of tunnels with T sections in them. Making this quite a challenge for those that have not been lucky enough to know someone who could pass some vague directions down the path through it.
If you think just killing zombies and allowing that to be a way to work out where you've been will work out. Hordes can respawn and it starts to get rather insane. It can be easy to get lost or miss checking out a tunnel. The longer you are down there backtracking over the same areas the worse it tends to get.
First and foremost if you ever do get lost it is ok to press T and be teleported back up to the revival spawn. This will take you up to the top where the exit is. You then can head back down.
The first floor of this instance is empty. There is also one path forward. You will get to a ramp and you should head it up.
Up top, you will notice this trap door. Once you stand on the metal sliding door it will slide open after a few short seconds. Sending you down to the sewer section of the subway in Rocktropia Union Station.
You will fall into the sewer water. The first thing you might consider doing is changing the brightness and gamma settings under the options graphics. You will want to do this if it’s hard to see or if the lighting is blown out.
For purposes of showing you what not changing your graphic setting can look like. I took this first screenshot of the actual run with a gamma that was way too high. It makes it quite hard to see what zombies you are stuck on and to miss tunnels.
Once you have exited the area you dropped down into. You will want to take a right heading west down into that tunnel.
You will then head into a T section in the sewers and you should continue going straight which is heading east in this section of the tunnel.
Next up you will end up in a large room. Keep in mind the longer you spend in these rooms the more the “noise level” will increase which will spawn hordes of zombies making this a lot harder on yourself.
You will want to head south picking the second tunnel on the left. I have placed a red circle around the tunnel you will want to take.
After going through a long tunnel you will end up in another large room. Head southeast when you enter that large room. On the east wall, you want the furthest right tunnel. I have placed a red circle around the tunnel to take.
In the next large room head southeast again heading into the room. You want the tunnel on the east wall that is the furthest right. I have placed a red circle around the tunnel to take.
This next section contains going through a bunch of different tunnels.
Head straight when you reach the T section. You will be heading north.
In the next T section, you will again head straight going north.
In the next T section, takes the right heading north.
You will then come to another T section and again you will want to take another right which will be heading east.
Go straight into the next T section heading east.
Again go straight in the next T Section heading east for a couple of steps.
After those few steps, you will start to hit some heavy hordes of zombies if not by now. You will want to take a right heading south.
Head straight in the T section continuing south. So many zombies!
DO NOT go straight into the next room you could get pushed and pinned under the water and forced to start over again. Get out of the green water onto solid ground. I drew a red line of safety!
What happens when you don’t follow this advance? You have a chance to get pushed into an underwater pit. Where zombies will almost endlessly feed into it. Till you get to a point you can’t move and you can no longer damage the zombies since they can’t hit you. If that happens press T and start over again as I did in one of my runs.
Next up you will want to interact with the device at the bottom of the stairs. That will open the door so you can head inside.
Once inside head slightly east and start to damage the generator. A couple of zombies might follow you in you can choose to kill them if you like.
Once the generator is destroyed you will lag like crazy. The game is clearing the instance and awarding you any armor decay off creatures. Pray you do not crash.
Quickly run west towards the Grab The Loot waypoint and loot. Congratulations may you never enter this place again!
Final Thoughts
I felt a walkthrough of this maze was in order. There are too many horror stories that I know of from players coming in here and blowing many hundreds of PED in ammo and racking up insane armor decay bills to not find the end.
You would think with that in mind getting to the end would reward some insane amount of stuff from all the failed people who never got there. I’ve run it a couple of times now after working out how to get to the end.
Nothing that great so far. This run while a new personal best for how quickly I got to the end. Awarded rather a junk near zero markup items. At least it was not like the first time I was in here. That was a total horror show of hours spent lost trying to find my way.
Don’t forget if you are a player like me that prefers to adjust the gamma and other settings to change those back to how you had them.
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Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.