Entropia Universe | Exploring Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece could have one or more things I was looking for while I was on Next Island. As such, I thought I would explore it for a while. There are some amazing things I discovered while there. Some of the things will make appearances in further posts.

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To be able to get to Ancient Greece you need to download the separate files for that area and head to Orpheus’ Cave. From there you can select in the drop-down menu the other side of Orpheus Cave in Ancient Greece.

I would be picking up any missions I could find and further searching for any clues I could regarding a few things I was looking for. Mostly this was a recon trip but I was down for doing some hunting and mining as well if needed to try and get a better understanding of this place.

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The biggest thing I hoped for at the time was the creatures I wanted were not going to be in the loot PvP area of Ancient Greece. I decided to go clockwise around the island first going up north. I mostly wanted to explore the larger amounts of land mass around this place.

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With this being Ancient Greece, there was a massive city to explore. Along with some lore about gods and you could even find a couple of them. There are amazing places here to explore around and check out.

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There were a lot of creatures here some of which I hunted a few to see what kind of stuff they drop. While some stuff like this Arges here had 600 health and the lower ones almost half of that.

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You will find a lot of 1k health and up creatures in Ancient Greece. For the level, these Brontes are, I was expecting it to be an interesting challenge to fight. They are however not what I’m looking for. Also, like a lot of creatures here you end up getting a lot of “stuff” that may or may not have any use or value.

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It was quite incredible the amount of larger estates I found while exploring Ancient Greece. They also seemed to be owned by some of the biggest players in the game as well. From my limited understanding, it sounded like they won them in some way or were allowed to acquire from completing a certain mission.

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A lot of Ancient Greece features massive hills and quite a sculpted landscape. Trying to mine here for instance will have its difficulties with the amount of terrain height changes that occur quite a lot in many areas of the map.

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After quite a lot of exploring I started to get a bit worried since I had yet to run into any Enslaved Daudaormur I’ll have an entire post going over why I was looking for those in the first place. I even backtracked a bit to double-check I did not mistakenly fly over them. By this point, I was running into a lot of the same creatures I had already seen just at a higher level.

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After even further exploring, hunting, and swearing I was sure I had explored all of Ancient Greece except the lootable PvP area and the lower section with the strange black circle around it. I thought I might as well check out the lower section of the map. As lootable pvp, I would not be going near the top.

Once I got close to the last island at the bottom of the map I had yet to check out. I enter an area I could no longer fly around in. It seemed like I was getting close to at least discovering further information at the very least.

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A large part of the island itself has a giant arena that spawns a wave event for Daudaormur. It however requires you to complete a mission to be able to enter it. A large part of the area does not allow vehicles so I had to be careful to not fly too close to it.

Final Thoughts

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This exploration trip to Ancient Greece ended up being quite an informative one for me. I discovered quite a few things I was looking for and ended up working on some stuff I was hoping to accomplish. Despite how old Entropia Universe is it is amazing what the different planet partners such as the team that worked on Next Island And Ancient Greece have created that still brings that wow factor of discovering new areas and general exploration.

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Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.