Outward Definitive Edition | War Was Imperative
Next Island in Entropia Universe has a nice starting area for you to pick up a couple of missions and get some items. It involves a little bit of a walk. This is just one of the many things Next Island has for low-level players and those on a budget to be able to enjoy this planet.
This small village which can be around (135917, 83384) has everything nice and laid out. You will find all buildings are labeled. While talking with the NPCs here they will give you some basic information about how to do things different things and the items needed to do so.
A couple of NPCs here have missions that are going to request you go and do something or bring them something back in return to finish the missions. The NPC outside of the tailoring building (135913, 83363) for instance wants 50 Animal hides for the mission New Clothes. You will find animal hides as quite a common drop on Next Island.
Once you get the mission itself it wants you to equip the finder and find a claim mining with it. For me at the time of doing this, it took a few claims for the mission to complete. You also don’t get anything special for finishing the mission as far as I’m aware.
So mine where you like if that is something you do. Otherwise, enjoy 2 PED of universal ammo. Keep in mind starting items have zero value to a vendor so even if you don’t mine now you might as well hold onto these as having an extractor and refiner is always nice to have to incase the need ever arises. I also have a mining guide for those that want to check out this profession further. Along with a few posts about mining on other planets.
To get you started with this mission they end up giving you a special gun for the mission that has .1 PED worth of uses and .8 PED of Universal ammo. More than enough to finish off this mission. Doing so gets you nothing extra.
Talking with Li the Healing Instructor outside of the healing building at (13590, 83380) will give you a free NI herb box that has .05 PED worth of healing remaining on it. While the item is (L) for limited it will be more than enough for a starting player to do a basic hunt with.
Just talking with all the NPCs within a small area outside of their buildings and doing nothing else will net you all these items shown in the screenshot. This includes 2.8 PED of universal ammo that you can use for quite a lot of different things to more task-specific items like a starting weapon that only a couple uses worth of value remaining.
This is however not the only mission in the area. You will notice on a rooftop at around (135935, 83343) is an NPC named Jamie the Chef. There is a ramp behind the buildings going up to the roof. He will give you a mission called Feeding the People. This sends you on a bit of running ernes around the place.
Quartermaster Sydney will also give you a second mission you don’t need to worry about for now called Lost Shipwreck. It is a bit of a higher-level mission that I’ll be covering over in detail in a later post.
This is just one of many low-level things you can do while on Next Island. In my next post, I’ll be going over a few different other locations for missions for further low-level activities.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.