Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
I am rather digging these shorter POI sites at the tier 4 range. While some Tier 4 sites I’ve run can be a bit longer like that last one I did. Others are a bit shorter where I could almost run two in the same amount of time.
The Stand Tower looks like it lost some height at some point. Also connected to a building that would have otherwise been across a small alleyway. That was however now blocked in rubble as well.
This place felt like it was trying to be a higher end than it could afford. You had a wood backdrop and fancy counter space at the check-in desk at the front. It however did not take long to notice it was a bit lower quality. Even more so once you looked at the flooring.
Almost right away I ended up finding a stairwell up to the next floor. I however had explored so little of the ground floor I took a mental note the best I could of where it was in the building. Thankfully this place was quite small.
It did not take too much further exploration before I hit a giant pile of rubble. It ended up being rather close to the stairwell I had just left. To the point, I could have just saved some time and gone up to the next floor.
There was a giant crack in a wall that I could have just shot down from. Clearing out any zombies I had missed if I would have gone for the stairs. Despite that, I noticed I still had one little area left to explore. That ended up having a yellow ladder taking me up to the next part of the building. It looks like using those stairs would have to wait.
After clearing out that space I found myself in the stairwell that I could have taken. I used it to get up the rooftop of the building. From there I had some interesting catwalks to cross to get over to the bigger section of the site.
Despite how massive this second building looked. It did not take long to finish clearing out. It was however quite a confusing place to run around.
From there it was not long till I was up on the roof to collect the final loot of the building. I then ran back to collect my reward for the mission and start the next one.
Around the base of the larger building was quite fortified. It did not look like I had any easy way to get in that way. This left me taking a closer look at the water tower. It had a ladder I could access so I climbed my way up it.
I then followed another ladder into the water tower itself. Outside of some water in the tower and one thing to loot. It was not worth my time to have gone down in it. At the very least I can use the water tower to cross a catwalk and get to the main building.
I then did a little bit exploring of the roof. There happened to be an unlocked hatch that I used to gain entry into the Water Works building itself. The zombies were less than thrilled I had found my way into the building.
It was at least fun and a bit different of a site to run. It’s not every day you find yourself exploring the waterworks of a town. I still had a couple more missions to go till I would reach tier 5 with the current trader I’m working with.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about 7 Days To Die.