Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
Almost a month ago I revised the start of it all State Of Decay. I know for a large population of players that had played this before they wanted that similar experience but better for State of Decay 2. Building up a place to live, scavenging for loot, and building up a team to survive with it. Expect this time around we wanted deeper game mechanics, a decent balance of micromanaging inventory and supplies, and oh yes multiplayer. All while cruising along the roads and back alleyways hunting down hordes of zombies in a decent looking car. BAM-- impact with the front hood of your car. That dent is going take a fair amount of work to get that one out. Some of it a success, others a near miss, and well maybe they will rethink some other things as well.
Some of this a very core mechanic to this game’s franchise is this feature and. It really does have the old game feeling but more modern and updated. Finding a new place that suite your needs as your own community grows and the amount of resource you need to keep it going increases. There are quite a few different bases and outposts in the game. Everything from the starter all the way up to a massive compound enabling you to get a lot done and many places in-between.
Every map has a starter base. They are all exactly the same two-story house with a limited number of slots in it. It also cost zero influence (the game's currency) and you only need to have a population of yourself to get it. Maintaining such a place with a small community has very little upkeep and demands to keep moral somewhat break even and not feeling overwhelmed in getting behind.
All bases start with at least a command center and parking spots. The command center itself allows you if you have the right skills to upgrade it into having more outposts. It is your only way to research for exit points on that map and move onto another one. Parking spots allow you to set up auto refueling if you have the gas and to upgrade your different cars.
There are also things that just feel like a requirement but not always there. Not all bases have beds for your people to rest in so you might find yourself building indoor or outdoor beds. You also need a way to cure people who get sick with blood plague so an infirmary is also important to have.
In total there are 25 facilities to build. Many of them have requires such as if they can be built indoors or outside in a large plot or small. Quite a many either have required skill to have by one of your own survivors to build or upgrade it further; such as, knowledge of electricity to build a solar array. There are categories like: crafting, health, resources, moral (happiness), defense, and even leader project type of facilities.
There is also stuff like this where you could choose to stockpile the cartable they produce. At any time unless it’s a permeant facility for that base you can just remove and build something else in its place. This in line with outpost can help bring changes as needed as you adapt.
Some of the mods you can install require using every so often which can consume resources or use manpower for a short time to gain the benefit. If your base is lacking water you can install water coolers to hold water for facilities that would benefit from it. If no power yet you can install a generator that will consume fuel or even a bike to use manpower.
Other stuff could be installed that allows a facility new options. For instance, a rifle ammo press to be able to craft 5.66mm and 7.62 mm ammunition. A Shotgun ammo press to make 12g shotgun shells. Finally, stuff like a collection of games so survivors can get a morale boost from the base having entertainment in a lounge.
You can meet utility needs such as water or even electricity if you find the right outpost. These tend to have a higher influence cost to buy and even have an operating fuel cost per day to keep in mind. They often free up having to take up a slot in your base and run more effective in terms of cost.
You also have ones that provide daily supplies. In this game, you have a few basics materials: fuel, ammo, meds, and food. Many of your day to day operations of your base consume these. While other times if you want to craft something they are also required. Instead of every day having to go out and get all these require items from the rucksack. It is also just nice to have extras coming in. Even more so when your survivors kick over a gas can or some medications go “missing.” This bad luck game mechanic can get rather annoying.
Finally, you have ones that provide different benefits. Perhaps you don’t have enough space in your base to have enough beds for those that are tired to rest in, or perhaps you want a more of a morale boost and you find an outpost that provides that.
As far as the dent in the hood, the broken light, and oh missing doors. That was from my last adventure out. I ran into a few hordes of zombies, removed some fences, and a ferial zombie tore the doors right off my car. Other than that she’s not doing too badly. Most of the paint job is still intact, it’s not covered in too much zombie blood and it’s not even on fire yet! I’ll just use a repair kit on it and toss more gas into the fuel tank and she will be good as new.
While combat is not the most complex thing ever in State of Decay 2. It still has some tactics to it and quite a lot of fun as well. After all the entire world is filled with endless brain-eating zombies. You can’t even stop to refill a car whiteout having to kill a dozen of them at least.
Some zombies are best suited to target first and take down like this screamer here. As the name suggests screams every so often. They cause damage if you are in range, cause you to lose focus and call in more zombies. As such you have targets you won't get first by any means possible: car, a bullet to the brain, thermite grenades. Yes, lighting one of these on fire feels oh so good.
You can also be a bit more of a tactical person here. Moving behind zombies to use a special move, or get them on the ground and using a finishing blow. Being sneaky or drawing their attention away from your into a trap or another location using something like a Boombox. You could also just be a blunt instrument of death and just go on a zombie killing spree alerting the entire area that dinner has to be fought for.
The game does have the option for you to call in for help, offer help to others, or just join a friend’s game. While that great and all you do so as a sidekick called a guest. So what is the big deal about this part? You’re not building a world together you are just an assistant. As such you are stuck within a tether range. You at least get to earn a bonus reward for being a guest.
With the base price of the gaming being $29.99 and it is available from the windows store or on Xbox One. Some limitations where to be expected due to this. One of them is being tethered to the host of the game. Quite a few games do this so there only a couple of points I could ding a game on for doing this. Perhaps one-day gamers will never know or see such a thing ever again.
That rather ugly looking giant circle you can see on the map. As a pc player, I don’t like that kind of limitations. Even more so since you are can’t pausing the game if the host needs to afk and really you can’t do much in such a small area. If you do go outside of it you start getting a warning before the game is forced to bring you back to the host of the game. I’m not sure if this is something they can fix later on or if the way they codded the game it would not be able to handle loading more of the game.
At least at the start of the first few days multiplayer had desyncing issues between me and my friend. There was some lag and I could not even be a host on our first few tries as there seem to be some setting issues. On top of that just strange glitches as well mostly in part due to desyncing issues: vanishing, zombies that were killed but were not, vanishing items after the guest left, or car bugging out and was no longer usable. On top of that most players seem to just be using this feature of the game as a way to exploit and dupe items. As such this keeps me from wanting to join a random person’s game or have a stranger join mine.
At the very least the core mechanics of multiplayer are in the game. They were just not the build and survive together kind of experience that was expected in a survival game. I think a few of the issues can be fixed when they start releasing game bug fixes. Other parts I hope they go back to the drawing board and polishing or rethink some choices made.
While you are busy trying to micromanage your bases resources, dealing with health, and stamina figurate on your survivors along with other things. You often run into the questing system in this game. It comes into all kinds of different forms. From someone calling out for help, to community goals, or perhaps a blood plague was found or a building became taken over by an infestation.
While there some bugs to fix, and some game design changes I hope they make for multiplayer down the road. Overall, it has been an amazing game. I myself will be counting to play this after this review has been posted and I expect to check in on the game from time to time.
While there have been quite a many zombie apocalypse styles of games in the past. This one did very well to sticking with its roots and just making a better and more modern experience with the sequel. The game also does not require what so ever for you to have played the first one which is great for those who are just now getting on for the ride.
I do see a fair amount of repayable in this game. In fact, while I’m in the best base for the current map I’m on. I’m still lacking quite a number of things I want to acquire. There are certain skills sets I do not have yet like someone with computer skill. People also get killed so you tend to go out and find a new survivor to take in. There quite a large amount of weapons I’ve yet to use or have for all my survivors. Perhaps even I’ll find a car I love more than the upgraded van. It is also just nice to switch which survivor you take out of the base as you go on that next adventure. As they all have similar but different skill sets as well.
Have an amazing week and try and not be like Grace or the other dozen or so I’ve lost so far in my adventure. It is finally time for me to start working more on the main goals and see where the storyline takes me.
Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called State Of Decay 2]. If you are thinking about getting this game and are looking to support me further consider using my Epic Games creator code: enjargames at checkout or using this referral link to be sent to the store's pages.
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