Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
Sea of Thieves is open world pvp adventure where it’s about the journey and not necessarily the end destination (at least for me.) The end destination is focused on cosmetics items and becoming a Pirate Legend of which is not fully in the game yet. You play as a pirate either solo or up to four players total in a crew as you sail the high seas. Plundering island for treasure, skulls, and commodities along with other pirates. It has both sea and land combat.
The game itself is $59.99 (in the USA) developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Studios. It is available on the Xbox One and from Windows Store on the PC. They have cross-play between the two platforms and it uses Xbox application.
I myself never played in the beta but did purchase it a couple days after it was released on March 20th, 2018. It has many pros and cons that tend to create camps of where people have a stance on the game. I have played both as solo and as a team up to four members. Most of my gameplay has either been from solo or duo play as that is where most of my experience will be written from in this review.
Each of the ships themselves has a helm, a map area and quest table area, storage, brig, and cannons. Along with an armory, clothing, vanity, and equipment chest so you do not have to stop each time at an outpost just to swap things out or change your appearance.
One of the things I really like in this game is the amount of control you have when using sail(s). Not only can you bring up the sail to half, quarter, full or where ever you please to control the speed. The less sail there is the higher the mobility the ship gains when turning. This creates rather a precise movement when needed.
In addition to that, the wind also changes directions so you need to change your sail(s) angle trying to capture full winds if possible(you can see the white wavy wind lines on the sail.) This creates speed benefits for those who wish to micromanage sail angle to maximize ship speed. You won’t always be sailing with the wind but when you do this can help you escape or catch up to another ship if they are not taking advantage of this system.
Below deck, your first area is dedicated to maps and voyage (quest) board. The deck below that house the brig (for dealing with troll crew members), some storage containers for things like boards, bananas, and many players tend to place loot in that area as well
The positives of this ship overall are that it is very new player friendly. You do not need to have built up yet great teamwork with the other player to still have a smooth operation. Tasks on board are easy to do solo if needed. It also sails faster when compared to the Galleon ship under the same situation of no wind, and has better mobility when turning.
It is a shame you can’t have a third on this ship. But I can understand why as that would make it a bit unbalanced. Still, I could see benefits of it. I prefer this ship over the galleon and most of my gameplay has been on the sloop thus far.
The person steering the ship cannot see the map as it’s down below deck without any way of seeing it. On top of that, it’s very hard with how large the ship is and the waves to see well in front of the ship. As a result, you not only need someone keeping an eye out for rocks in front of you along with other ships but someone keeping an eye on the map and giving directions.
The ship also has three sails that need to be adjusted over time to min or max speeds. They can take a while to lower, rotate, or rise. Having a couple of people who can take orders and understand which sails are theirs to deal with is great.
Even something as simple as raising the anchor is rather slow with just one person. You usually want two or three people on it just to speed things up.
You also get four cannons on each side. Along with that the ship also has another floor so it takes longer to get to the bottom of the ship to make repairs. They also have more storage capacity to accommodate needing the larger crew.
So while it has more places to store treasure and is made for a bigger crew it can also be easier to sneak aboard with say a gunpowder barrel ;) to blow up and put some holes in the hull! As they often have players running all around and they don’t always notice “hey that person not on our crew.”
Other than that it has everything else the sloop has. Just more times more of it.
I somewhat wish this was a 6 or 8 man ship. I can see there being enough roles you could create to warrant that many player. Between someone steering, someone in crow’s nest scouting, someone on maps, and people to man the cannons while you also have people down below boarding up holes. A boarding crew or others to take out people sneaking on board while everyone is busy playing their role would also be welcome.
This ship has quite a lot more firepower and manpower while it moves faster with the wind than the sloop. It can also be an easy target due to its size and if they are not very well organized and lack commutation skills on board.
Reputation grinding for gold and cosmetics is grind in itself. I suspect it will take many months before I’m level 50 in all three factions if not longer. Last night for instance while with a friend I went from Order of Souls ~25.4 to around ~26.2 in the couple of hours we played. Each reputation level increase takes longer to achieve.
One of the more interesting things I have noticed is you can go hours without seeing a single player. Next thing you know the next voyage you get wants to take you a fair distance away from the current area you have been in. Suddenly it’s like everyone in that game all have voyages in the same area (5 or more ships.) Conflicts, sea battles, and plunder occur! Other timers it’s like everyone has relocated to your area and you are only one holding any treasure! This may or may not be how it’s intended to work. just an observation I have made.
For instance a plant skeleton we could not even kill during a bad storm with 10 direct cannonball shots; meanwhile, it is weak to slash attacks from our Cutlass after it had stopped raining. While other types skeletons might be weakened by water, light, or take more damage from bullets.
This faction voyage was rather different than I was expecting. While you can turn in certain things you find in shipwrecks like tea or spices they also accept gunpowder barrels you find in the wild.
You can also find cages and caged animals in the wild. However not having a voyage and the correct NPC to turn them into nets very little gold and reputation from doing so. An added bonus to things working like that are people who are looting other players don’t get a lot out of pillaging these off your boat unless they want to get a voyage for the turn in.
Your soul as you will is always tied to your boat. If that boat sinks a new one will respawn elsewhere at another island. If this happens and you are still alive a mermaid will appear that will respawn you on your boat after talking to it. You just can’t be carrying anything.
The storm itself can get rather nasty. Causing low visibility, lighting strikes you and your ship, your compass to spin out of control, your steering wheel on the ship turns on its own. It can also have an effect if you are currently battling skeletons depending on the type that you are fighting this could hinder or help depending on that.
I have been struck a few times by lighting and even having two back to back. While that did not kill me it was close. On top of that a strike to the ship causes hull damage and if you’re not on the ship at the time to notice it taking on water-- well it could sink!
I have even used a bad storm to escape people trying to sink my ship. I even watch ones a guy’s ship sink while he was chasing after me in the storm. In the end, they can be a hinder or a very welcome surprise depending on if you can take advantage of them.
Choosing the right two kinds of weapons for your needs plays a big impact on the success of what you are trying to do. There have been rumors of more to be added in the future and I’m looking forward to what kind of role they choose to fill.
They are guarded b cannon towers, with an inner tower that has waves of skeletons you have to kill. With the end result of a boss spawning who drops a key to unlock the treasure room.
The biggest dangers tend to not be the fort or fights inside but players waiting outside for you to fill your boat full of treasures so they can sink you and take it all for them.
The forts themselves can be completed solo if other players do not get in your way. Will others notice and take advantage? Why yes they tend to!
There are two types of things I consider a shipwreck in the game. First one being floating barrels and sometimes treasure from what appears to be leftovers of a sunken ship and that is it. They are a great mechanic to pick up some extra boards, cannonballs, and bananas while out in the open sea.
Sharks are usually attracted to shipwrecks adding a nice little surprise element when you are trying swim back to your boat with treasure.
There are both in-game easter eggs and lots of rumors floating around of other sea monsters to be added to the game.
Finally the most import part of the game! If you are someone who wants to roleplay here is your place to do so. There is ship to ship combat where you are either trying to board the other ship to slow them down or sink them with cannon balls. Either way, you are trying to steal their loot and get anything they had on board. You can also try and rob people while on land.
Other players really liven up the game adding fear, adrenalin and the fun factor for me. Nothing like charging full force into someone who chancing you down on the high seas knowing you have nothing to lose. While other times having twenty treasures on board and your heart pumping because you are playing solo in a sloop and a 4 crew galleon ship just ramped into you.
With Sea Of Thieves providing both sea and land content it was an easy choice for me as I had other friends wanting to play it as well. While it can be played solo (and I have during the day hours when my friends don’t have time). This game really is great with a friend or two. It really amplifies up the fun factor even more so if a little role-playing is involved with the crew.
There has been a fair amount of criticism on the game from the price point when compared to the amount of content available at launch. Even more so as of recent from one person getting ahead of what might not have been expected from the player base. Noticing not all the content people were hoping to be in the game at launch was in fact not in or it was the “same old.”
This game is taking on a more modern day style of content updates. With releasing new content every couple of months to keep players interested; instead of, the more class older model of here’s your game we are now done with it. Part of me likes this way as this creates a roadmap and you engaged longer in a single game. Another part of me wants more of a game right away to know for sure it was worth the cost. Outside of major bug fixes, the next content release is expected three months after game release.
It also has a fair amount of grinding. Since my focused on this game is the journey and the adventures along the way. I’m not bothered by this at all. I hope to still be playing a little bit here or there come months down the road. Even longer depending on how the updates go. While I have mentioned Pirate Legend a few times it’s not the end-all for me. I’ll get there one day but for now, I’m just having fun.
With all that said if you don’t mind these things, have some people to play with and just want to yarr a couple of nights a week away at the very least it’s going be fun. I’ve gone out many times and the results have varied. Everything from completing the voyage without issuers or my ship sinking and getting owned by other pirates! I was even in a fifteen-minute chase across a large portion of the map where I hide inside a storm to escape a galleon and was able to turn in my treasure. You just never know with the current systems in place and all the possibilities this game has for the future.
Screenshots taken and content written by @enjar from the game Sea Of Thieves developed by Rare.