Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
By the time it’s done I could have already been in the town having a drink and not thinking a second thought about her. I swear I’ve now saved her 100 times and just once it is nice not to have to do so. Here to needing to drink before having to save her another 100 times in the future.
Just the thought of thinking about it I can see myself already running through it all over again. If I could remember my dreams I’m sure they are nightmares of being stuck in Act III forever having to run it over and over again.
Thankfully act IV is the kind of place you get to enjoy yourself if you like. It is perhaps the act I’ve spent the most time in of any acts in the game. It has often been my spot for sitting in an area and getting a few levels if I was falling way behind.
One thing I neglected to mention about act III is I made the skill switch over from using Shattering Steel to Explosive Arrow with Ballista Totems. The best and worst part about totems is you get to place them down and as long as they don’t get killed they deal damage.
The fire arrow part means they are shooting arrows into targets. There then is a short pause before all the fuses of those fire arrows go off. BOOM --hopefully dead thing on the ground. Then, loot for me to be had all over the place like blood in a crime scene. I gained a nice chunk of experience after the whole ordeal is over as well.
Every time you level up you can go check all the vendors in town to see if anything has changed. This can be gear for finding a base item that you then can try and craft up by rolling modifiers or taking it over to the crafting bench in your hideout.
You also start getting to a point in this game where the crafting bench has a few options on it. You can start to add a lot of the basics like life or resistance or primary stats. Most players choose to loot normal items and not upgrade them to magic rarity.
After that, it was time to head through a mine and not make use of the Sulphite I pick up to go run the Delve mine. I swear one of these times I’m going to go full degen start working on Delve this early on. I must not run Delve. I must not run Delve. At Least not yet.
You get to a point where you have some choices of what to do first. This is why I love this act and it’s so much better. While yes you end up having to take both paths you at least get to choose where to go first.
Since you are running along a lot of cliffs and tight spaces having a build that dropped totems made quick work of most of the monsters in those zones. I managed to not get killed a single time which for me is quite good since I’ve had some bad times in this place in the past.
Many of those spaces did make an excellent spot to activate my sentinel. This is also where I started to notice some Chaos Orbs being dropped on rare occasions. I am kind of shocked at how many I ended up getting along my journey through the main storyline. Usually, if I get just one I’m quite happy.
The ultimate luck and dream are however getting an Exalt drop this early into the league. With an Exalt this early you can get some items cheaper than you can later when people can afford to pay more. Sadly I did not get any but one can always dream. It has happened in past leagues.
After that, you end up in a zone where you get a few choices of which organs to collect first from three different mini-boss fights. The mistake I’ve made in the past is turning them in one at a time. If for whatever reason you have to leave the zone and it resets you lose the progress you made.
Finally, you fight Malachai again to get him to a certain health percentage. After that one of three hearts becomes damageable and you need to destroy them. Slowly over time hopefully avoiding Malachai’s nasty frontal area of effect you end up killing him.
I was a bit lazy during this fight and got killed twice. Thankfully I’m not playing on hardcore. If I was I would have spent some time grinding levels in the zone before this area. Although it’s not a great place to grind and you often have to reset the instance for more monsters.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Path of Exile.