Might And Magic III | A Fortune Soon Spent
Path of Exile Guide | 2022 A Look Into The Games Currencies
Often times when I talk about Path of Exiles currencies or someone new tries out the game they get confused with how our currency system works. While you can exchange one type of currency for another at the right NPC most times it's often better to exchange with another player. This means they have an NPC base worth and then a market that wants to provide a better deal. This usually keeps many of them in line as if they exceed what the NPC is willing to trade players will just use NPCs instead
Often times what drives the price of a single currency tends to be how rare it is, what does it do, and even what is the max the current market can even afford to pay for something. As the most valuable one is worth more than I’ve collected total in my entire time playing this game.
If you are a league player like myself where you start fresh every couple of months from having nothing to leveling up a character and earning currencies. What would be a 1: 1 trade in the first hours of the game because no one has enough yet to make a better offer could be worth well over 100 of that same currency just a couple of weeks later. There even one currency in particular where you would not sell it in the first couple of days because no one has enough yet to make a decent offer on it.
Since this is rather long most players keep an eye out for things like: Orb of Alchemy, Chaos Orb, Cartographers Chisel, Sextants, Exalted Orb and if you ever have a Mirror of Kalandra drop go buy yourself some lotto ticks because the RNG gods are on your side!
I’ve broken down everything into the following categories: fragments, Utility Scrolls, Quality Increment, socket, mapping, item crafting mod and rarity upgrading, and other.
Fragments Of Currency
To start the game off when you are fresh there are a couple of currency fragments that drop that auto combines into something that can be used. While I’m not quite sure why we still have them as they are more or less worthless and not worth players times outside of the first couple of minutes of gameplay. This only includes standard currency drops and not something league specific.
Scroll Fragment
Five of these suckers and you an entire Scroll of Wisdom! If you vender an item and it’s not worth anything else you will get one of these. There is also not even a filter for them in the Bulk Item Exchange.
Transmutation shard
When you vender an item and it has little value you could get one of these. Twenty turns into one Orb of Transmutation. This has angered many for beyond eons as why it is still in the game!
Alteration Shard
Another one you can get from selling junk to an NPC vendor. Twenty of these make one Orb of Alteration. An example of an item that might yield this could be one with fire resistant to it. Not really something you should be aiming to farm for. Only the most diehard among us who have lost their sanity are willing to farm for these.
Alchemy Shard
People often forget that even worthless unique in this game has some value. Most of them can be vendor into Alchemy shards of which twenty make one orb of Alchemy. There is some irony in people selling an item that can be broken down for more than it is worth on the market. Spending more energy trying to find a buyer than just tossing the item into an NPC sell window and being “lazy!”
Utility Scrolls
While having little sell value they are a necessity for getting around and seeing what item you got.
Portal Scroll
This item lets you teleport back to the Act’s town or if you are on a map back to your hideout. These things often flow like the river in terms of drop rate and most stop picking them up later in the game. To make things even worse for this item you can get a skill gem called Portal. Which lets you just open teleport back without consuming a scroll.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at cost of three Scroll of wisdom.
Currently, in Flashback Event, there are only 3 people even trying to buy these. One guy is buying 399 for 10 Chaos Orbs and another buying 100 for 1 Chaos Orbs. Making 1 Chaos Orb worth between 39.9 to 100 Portal Scrolls (1.)
Scroll of Wisdom
This item lets you identify unidentified items. Sounds like a key component of the game right? While these can be important and a struggle to have enough in a fresh league you would be hard-pressed to find someone even wanting to buy them later in the game.
Currently, there is only one buyer and he is willing to buy 399 scrolls for 4 Chaos Orbs. Which means 1 Chaos Orb is worth 84.75 scrolls of wisdom (1.)
Quality Increment Currency
These aim to increase the quality of the specific item. While many have similar mechanics some are a little different so I break them down indecently. Currency that increases quality is: Armorer’s Scrap, Blacksmith’s Whetstone, Glassblower’s Bauble, Cartographers Chisel, and Gem Cutter’s Prism.
Armorer’s Scrap
Used to increase the quality of armor up to 20% quality has an effect on evasion rating, energy shield, and armor. On usage 5% on a white item and 1% on a unique. While it can hold a little bit of value in first days of a fresh league. At this point, I have 112 and they are not worth picking up or even trying find a buyer.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Hargan in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at the cost of three Blacksmith’s Whetstone.
Blacksmith’s Whetstone
Used to increase the quality of weapon up to 20% quality it applies to the damage of the weapon. On usage 5% on a white item and 1% on a unique. While it can hold a little bit of value in first days of a fresh league. I have 90 of these why did I pick up so many? The world may never know. Currently, 0 people looking to buy these and that is not a shocker.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Hargan in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at cost of three Armorer’s Scrap.
Glassblower’s Bauble
This improves the quality of a flask and has an effect on something like recovered life. It can increase quality by 5% per use on a white tier flask and 1% on a unique Flask up to a total of 20%.
There is a vendor recipe to get these you sell 40% worth of quality in flasks at an NPC. Why would anyone do this? I have no idea there’s not even a single person trying to buy any at this time. While I know they can be worth more than where I’ve ranked this. It’s hard to find a buyer so I’ve given it this low ranking.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Hargan in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for eight Blacksmith’s Whetstone.
Cartographers Chisel
Increase quality of a map. Covered further in Mapping Currency section
Gem Cutter’s Prism
This item often starts off not being worth a lot but by time players are thinking about level 21 skill gems everyone wants them.
A skill gem itself can go up to 20% quality and is only increase by 1% per use at a time. What it effects on that skill gem is dependent on that item. On top of that, since players are corrupting skill gems to get them to level 21 and have desired effect on them, they need to increase quality first on that skill gem as afterword’s they cannot.
These you ever rarely see drop and the best way to get one is by selling to vendor gems that have quality on them as 40% total in gems will get you one of these.
Another trick some players will use is rendering there level 20 skill gem of choice with Gem Cutter’s Prism. The result will be a level one skill gem they have to level up again but it will be at 20% quality.
Unlike all the currency before this one that was selling at or below the value of 1 Chaos Orb. This one in Flashback Event is selling for as high as 1.2 Chaos Orbs each. With many still trying to get a 1:1 Or below.
Socket Currency
These have an impact on the sockets of an item. From increasing how many sockets there is, to what color they, and even how many are linked. These are Chromatic Orb, Jeweller’s Orb, and
Chromatic Orb
This currency lets you change the colors of sockets on your items so you can fit the different color of skill gems in that socket (red, blue, or green).
In usage, it has RNG that is determined by the stat of the item in what your chances are for getting a certain color. For instance, an intelligence item will favor blue sockets. Strength will favor red sockets. Finally, Dexterity item will favor green. This does not mean an intelligence-based item can’t have green sockets it’s just harder to get them. This, however, can be countered by using Forsaken Master Vorici’s Artisan’s Bench where you can make an item have 2 green sockets at the cost of 25 Chromatic Orbs.
While you can acquire this as a normal drop you can also do a vendor recipe selling a 3-linked red, blue, and green socked item to get 1 Chromatic Orb.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at cost of three Jeweller’s Orb. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Tora if you have high enough reputation.
Currently, in Flashback Event, there are over a dozen buyers offering to buy 90 of these orbs for 10 Chaos Orb (1.) Making 1 Chaos Orb worth around 9 Chromatic Orb.
Jeweller’s Orb
These orbs let you change the number of sockets of an item up until the max of the item. More sockets an item has the more skill gems it can hold and the more that can be linked with support gems increase the usefulness of the main skill gem.
Expect with very few exceptions the following can be expected. Levels of the item also impact the max number of sockets. Such as level 1 having 1 socket, a level 25 item could have 4, and a level 50 could have up to 6 sockets with the following rules. One-handed weapons and offhand items can have up to 3. Helm, gloves, and boots and have up to 4. Two-handed weapons and body armor can have up to 6.
The usage of this is another RNG based one. Once you get up to the max number of sockets an item can have the system will at least tell you so there no need worrying about losing the max number if you are spamming these too fast. Forsaken Master Vorici’s Artisan’s Bench for example also lets you add four sockets onto an item for 10 Jeweller’s Orb or if you have high enough reputation with him 6 sockets onto a body armor or 2-handed weapon at cost of 350 Jeweller’s Orb.
While you can acquire this as a normal drop you can also do a vendor recipe selling an 8 socket item for 7 Jeweller’s Orbs.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at the cost of two Orb of Alteration. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Elreon if you have high enough reputation.
Currently, in Flashback Event, there are over a dozen buyers offering to buy 83 or more of these orbs for 10 Chaos Orbs(1.) Making 1 Chaos Orb worth 8.3 Jeweller’s Orb.
Orb of Fusing
This currency is often one that gets heavy invest into an item trying to make a 6 socket body armor or two-handed weapon a 6-link item. Linking sockets allows the main skill to have support skills. Can item without being 6 linked be worthwhile while having 6 links could be 2 to 10+ Exalted Orbs ( 10 Exalts right now are around 910 Chaos Orbs)
You can use the Forsaken Master Vorici’s Artisan’s Bench if you have him high enough reputation to 6-link an item for 1500 Orb of Fusing. Otherwise, you can try your luck maybe you get it in the first try, the 800th, the 2,000th or the RNG gods have cursed you and you have now uninstalled the game out of range going 5,000 deep and not getting a 6-link. I prefer to go with a sure thing here my RNG is rotten eggs level of epicenes.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at the cost of four Jeweller’s Orb. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Voric if you have high enough reputation i.
Due to the amount of required, this can be a very sought after currency. In the Flashback Event Selling 2 Orb of Fusing for 1 Chaos Orb would be a decent deal (1.)
Mapping Currency
While many currencies could be used on the actual maps or the atlas itself. These tend to be the main ones used.
Cartographers Chisel
These improve the quality of a map by up to 20%. On a white map, they will increase it by 5% and on a rare only 1% at a time. As such it is best to chisel up your map before hitting it with an Orb of Alchemy to make it a rare map. It has an effect on Item Quantity.
Because of this many players choose to increase the risk in cost per map by using these. While they do drop you can also craft for them. If you found a lower level map that has 20% quality that you are not going run. If you happen to find a 20% quality gavel you can also vender that long with a map. It has been ages since I’ve even bothered with any of these methods.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Zana In your hideout will sell you twenty Cartographers Chisels for twelve Chaos Orbs if you have high enough reputation.
In Flashback Event people are buying 270 chisels for 100 Chaos Orbs along with 85 chisels for 30 Chaos Orbs. One Chaos Orb is around 2.5 to 2.8 Cartographers Chisel (1.)
Cartographer’s Sextant
Sextant’s add modifiers to your map and can overlap as they have a range of influence as shown in the red circle in the screenshot. The downside is they do have a limited number of runs before a new one needs to be applied. They also not too long ago added a requirement to unlock having more than one on your map. To further unlock more you need do things like complete all objectives for white, yellow, and red maps.
There are 3 different kinds: Apprentice (up to level 5 maps), journeyman (I so did not forget what map level this goes up to I hope 10!), and Master (can be run on any map.) This entirely plays on the risk to reward style of gameplay. While an Apprentice Sextant could only cost you 1 Chaos Orb. A Masters will run around 5 Chaos Orbs in Flashback Event.
Orb of Alchemy
This is used to upgrade white maps into yellow maps. Discussed further in another section.
Item Crafting Mods and Rarity Upgrading Currency
The biggest section as these will roll stats/mods onto an item, remove them, or even upgrade something from normal item to rare. I’ve listed these from least valuable to most. While what they are worth will always change for the most part an Orb of Transmutation won’t be worth more than an Orb of Alchemy. These include: Orb of Transmutation, Orb of Augmentation, Orb of Chance, Orb of Alteration, Orb of Alchemy, Blessed Orb, Orb of Scouring, Vaal Orb, Regal Orb, Chaos Orb, Divine Orb, and Exalted Orb
Orb Of Transmutation
This Orb upgrades a normal white item into a magic blue item. It is mainly used in crafting get a high base level white item into a magic item so other currencies can be used on it.
A place to buy Orb of Transmutation from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for one seven portal scrolls.
Currently, in Flashback Event three are only 3 people even trying to buy these raining from 239 Orbs for 6 Chaos Orbs to 100 Orbs for 1 Chaos Orb. This item really not something people even thinking about outside of the first couple of hours of the game in there being a shortage. Hence 1 Chaos Orb right now could get you 39 to 100 Orb of Transmutation.
Orb of Augmentation
This is used to add a new stat onto a magic item if it has room. Otherwise not very interesting other than that use case for crafting. While it can have a little value starting off in a fresh league this becomes just another inventory filler with its very limited use.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one at the cost of four Orb of Transmutation
The market as well is not very impressed with this one. You have a couple of people trying to buy these from anywhere 179 Orbs for 6 Chaos to 90 Orbs for 1 Chaos. Making 1 Chaos Orb worth between 29 to 90 Orb of Augmentation.
Orb of Chance
They don’t call it an Orb of Chance for nothing as gamblers love these things if a league has some crazy expansive unique and a white base item that can be turned into it. This turns a white item into a random rarity. People do use these on strongbox’s (chests) as well to see if they can turn it into a unique. As you can see in the screenshot I was not so lucky on this item (random junk item I found anyways. )
Places to buy Orb of Chance from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for one Orb of Fusing.
Currently, in Flashback Event, you have a handful of buyers from one trying buy 400 Orbs at price of 40 Chaos to many trying to buy 70 Orbs for 14 Chaos (1.) Making 1 Chaos Orb worth 10 to 14 Orb of Chance. I’m not even sure what people are using these for this league. Must be something worth a gamble I can only think flasks.
Orb of Alteration
This orb just lets you reroll a magic items stats it has. It can be useful in crafting where you keep using them trying to get the desired stat like life or maybe spell damage.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for four Orb of Augmentation. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Haku.
Currently, in Flashback Event, you can sell 101 or more of these for 10 Chaos Orbs (1.) Making 1 Chaos Orbs worth 10.1 Orb of Alteration. Most don’t even bother picking these up.
Orb of Alchemy
If its one thing and one thing only you learn about this currency are you always run a map that you have used at least an Orb of Alchemy if it does not already have better. Even more so the higher level maps. This is bread and butter of basic mapping.
The item itself turns a normal item into a rare item. It has quite a few applications from gear, maps, strongboxes. While these do drop quite often and they need to for the high demand of them people will bulk buy these things.
Vendor worthless unique into alchemy shards can help make these if you are running low or can’t afford them. The game developers have been known to play around from time to time on the drop rates on this currency in partial to watch the effects it has on the overall economy.
Places to buy Orb of Alchemy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for one Orb of Regret. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Vagan if you have high enough reputation.
Right now you have quite a few people trying bulk buy these anywhere form 294Alchemy for 50 Choas Orbs to 61 Alchemy for 10 Chaos Orbs (1.) One Chaos Orb is worth 5.88 to 6.1 Orb of Alchemy.
Blessed Orb
Up until now, I’ve not had to use the dirty words Implicit or Explicit! This is where the “blessed” orb has cursed me in that fashion. It allows you to reroll the implicit mod part of an item. So what is an implicit than?
My Beast Girdle Leather Belt has an implicit value of +36 maximum life. If I really wanted to I could try and get something better. However, I don’t see it worthwhile trying gear an extra 4 life out of the deal. More than not it will just roll it lower. The other mods on that item would be explicit.
People who understand that different and what this even is could take what should have been a very expensive item that got a bad implicit roll and try again. It also is just nice to know when you are looking up an item in search filters.
While these do not drop very often many people also do not use them. People who are more of a perfection in wanting to have that “perfect” item will use one of these.
As such In Flashback Event the price ranges quite a lot since there not many looking to buy. 1 Chaos Orb could be worth 2.5 to 4 Blessed Orb (1.)
Orb of Scouring
This one can have a bit of use in crafting as it removes stats and mods from an item. Allowing you to use other currencies again that you would not have been able to in the first place. While you do find some of these it tends not to be much helping increases its value as there is some demand for them and not an insane amount of supply, unlike other currencies.
If you find yourself in need of reducing a skill gem level by 1 level at a time. The vendor that skill gem along with one Orb of Scouring will reduce it by 1 level. Often useful if you accidentally level up a gem you lack the stats for or want to upgrade gear but now don’t have enough say Dexterity to use that gem anymore.
You can also vender one Orb of Scouring along with 3 Apprentice Cartographer’s Sextant and turn it into a Cartographer Seal that lets you remove a map from your Atlas map.
A place to buy from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for four Orb of Chance. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Catarina.
Currently, in Flashback Event, there are a few people trying to buy this from 24 orbs for 10 Chaos and many similar trades (1.) Chaos Orb is worth 2.4 to 3 Orb of Scouring.
Vaal Orb
This one is another gamblers favorite as it lets you corrupt an implicit mod. Either by changing or replacing it with the random mod on the item. This also makes it so the item can’t be changed in any way. The sockets, links, quality, are now permanent and you are unable to craft on other stats using a Forsaken Master either.
Many people will use this trying to turn a level 20 skill gem into a level 21 while others might be trying to get a +1 to skill gems on a Tabula Rasa. You can also corrupt maps trying to get more mods on them. This can bring great value to an item or limit future use of it.
This one is very close to a Chaos orb in value. On a good day, you could even get a 1:1 exchange with another player (1.)
Regal Orb
This is a rather important one for crafters. After they have rolled the stats they want on a magic item they use a regal orb to upgrade it into a Rare item hoping the RNG gods have given them some good stats.
It can also be an easy way to just chance some upgrades that you are already wearing at the start of a league. The example you found magic boots with needed life and fire resistance but you want to try and get other stats as well.
You can also vender a full set of rare with item level 75 or higher to quite one of these. An actual example of what I mean by this will be shown in Chaos Orb as that use uses lower level items.
It is quite common in Flashback Event to get these on a 1:1 exchange for Regal Orbs for Chaos Orbs (1.)
Chaos Orb
By now you must be wondering why is everything being cared for this one currency and is this the most expansive on in the game? The short answer is no it's not most expansive but there are enough in circulation to be useful but also to lose value day over day most of the time when compared to the higher end currencies but not the lower end ones.
The currency itself lets you reroll new stats on a rare item. This can often be used to reroll an expensive map that has a nasty mod on it like reflect or chains. Crafters also like to use it trying to make a higher level item be worth more.
If you were wondering does this have a 1:1 exchange in the player market? Nope, there are a bunch of crazy people trolling or trying scam people with silly things like 1 Chaos Orb for 30 (1.) The guy never contacted me back. I guess I can’t trade him my 1 for his 30. What a shame.
Divine Orb
This is a rather advanced currency in what it can do. Not only are you not going find it very often it can be somewhat confusing if you do not understand an item very well. I’ve personally never used them as they sell for a decent amount.
The item's description is also very suspect. Did that help any at all? I don’t think so unless you play this game a lot than what are you doing reading this! Basically, it changes the values of explicit if it has a range of numbers. I’ve never been much of a crafter so my deeper understanding of this Item is limited as I’ve not explored myself and can’t further comment on it.
When a 6-link item drops and it has very little market value left you can could just vender it for one of these. Most times that is a very bad idea if it’s a good item but at some point, the market on lower 6-link becomes flooded with these. People don’t always know this. It can also drive down the price of Divine Orb which is something to keep in mind.
In Flashback Event 1 Divine Orb is going for around 10 Chaos Orbs (1.)
Exalted Orb
While not the most expensive currency in the game for most players it is the best you will ever loot. I personally might loot one or two of these in a league. Most of the time it is a safe bet to cover all currencies before this one up into it. Most tend to do this by covering things into Chaos Orbs first and then into this. Hence why everything has been compared to it.
This item is a self is only ever used by the top of crafters if even that. It adds a new random mod onto a rare item. With how rare these are and expensive I don’t know anyone who personally uses these in the manner. I’ve only just got one the other morning during Flashback Event.
So how much are one of these worth? Well since most players can afford it I’ll share the details on that. A few days ago you could buy one of these in the mid 70’s range in cost of Chaos Orbs. Today they are starting off with 92 Chaos Orbs and I’m sure soon enough they will be exceeding 100 (1.)
Other Currencies
Finally, there is the silver coin, Orb of Regret, and Mirror of Kalandra that did not fit so well into other categories. In addition, most often leagues have their own special currency as well as them. Far too many to want to think about.
League Specific
There is a couple of currency I’ve lump into this one that while you can get in standard at some point I need to cut this blog off as its getting way too long. They are mostly stuff I’ve never even collected or intent to use. Many of them are not included anyways on the trade site in currency section so I’m just not going count them!
In May Flashback Event there are 12 different leagues possible. You have nets from bestiary, breach fragments from Breach (ok so I skipped over those), a bunch of currency fragments from Harbinger, coins from Perandus. I know there were a bunch of other ones that are not even in this event as well!
The only way to get these is as an item drop or out of a strongbox that states they are an added bonus. One Chaos orb right now can get you around 3.5 to 4 Silver Coins 1.)
Orb Of Regret
Like the name implies if you are using this one you might have to make a mistake or simply wish to change things up. While its main use is to refund skill points if you need to switch out a passive skill or you change from leveling skill tree into an endgame one.
It also has many other uses. If you find yourself needing to reset a skill gem to the level one you can vender the game along with one of these (if you just want to reduce a skill gem a couple of levels use an Orb of Scouring instead.) If you also made a mistake when choosing your bandit choice or simply want to change it 20 of this vendor with the correct amulet will allow you to change that decision.
Places to buy Orb of Regret from an NPC if there are not better options in the player market. Clarissa in Act 3 Sarn Encampment will sell you one for two Orbs of Scouring. You can get a better deal if you’re willing to buy more if you have Forsaken Master Leo if you have high enough reputation.
Currently, in Flashback Event, you have one person trying buy 120 of these for 48 Chaos and many others wanting to buy 27 for 10 chaos. Giving one Chaos Orb the value of 2.5 to 2.7 Orb Of Regret (1.)
Mirror of Kalandra
Would you believe me if I told you I’ve never looted one of these or even owned one? That is why you get to enjoy along with me that empty slot shown in the screenshot of where it would go if I had one. In fact, most would not even be willing to exchange one of these for Chaos Orbs. It’s one of that thing if you get early in a league get you hold onto. The is not enough currency yet held by a single person or group to pay a fair price for it.
What does it do? Oh, it only allows you to mirror (copy) an item. Which if you think about it will only be best items ever in the game.
Currently, in Flashback Event someone is willing to buy one of these for 130 Exalted Orbs. Is that a good deal? I’m not quite sure I guess it depends if you really need the money. In Bestiary League someone is trying to buy one for 187 (1.) In standard, the price is 265 Exalted Orbs! Come to think about it that 130 does not quite sound like a great deal.
130 Exalted Orbs would be:
- 1,196 Divine Orb (that is a lot of 6-link items)
- 11,960 Chaos Orbs (more than I’ll ever own!)
- 29,900 Orb of Regret (I hate to tell you this but no amount of buying these will fix IRL issues)
- 70,324 Orb of Alchemy (I love maps as much as the next cat but that is just overdoing it)
- 1,013,490 Scroll of Wisdom ( There nothing wise about that it’s pure insanity. Besides where you going the store that many? I think a database admin would want to have a world with you about having that many!)
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Screenshots taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Path of Exile.
- Market data quarried from http://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Flashback%20Event%20(BRE001)