Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
Thankfully due to a 50% instant heal flask, any damage I took was instantly healed. My damage output makes quick work of the monster. It was decent enough the different phases hardly had any time to even go through there motions of damage cycles. In the end, he fell like the ugly thing he was.
The realm finally gave me what I wanted. It trolled me so hard as well with delight. Yep, one reputation points away from gaining his trust and talking him into joining my hideout. With him, I could have added life or resistance among other things to my main pieces of gear. It would make things similar.
I would not have spent all my Chaos Orbs rerolling body armor just trying my luck. Normally I would not have had over 10 Chaos Orbs this far into things. Seems the game was trolling me with those drops as well. With it being solo self-found I could not use them to buy the gear I really wanted to progress. I wanted them trying to please the RNG gods. They must be on break or something. Maybe out enjoy the holiday.
After that, I was tricked into going into a portal to a very strange land. What I seemed, however, was not found anywhere in there. Oh, I can tell you I searched top to bottom. Under every rock and there where loads of them. Far too many if you ask me. Whoever the landscaper they hire is should be fired for being so lazy.
Still, I thought this place had some clues about the whereabouts of the forsaken master I needed to meet time, again and again, to get what I wanted. So I pressed on and found a door inside this place. The keeper behind it lacked any answers I was looking for. He simply joined the count for the day.
After that, I was lured on for a while until I went deep underground. I went down what felt like a dozen staircases in a crypt full of spiders. It was rather damp and full of cobwebs. I thought no one had been there for years.
This is when I took a slumber for the day. I was tired, covered in who knows what. I could hardly cast another totem spell to keep going. It was, after all, a very dark place and I had no issues falling asleep.
Well, this wraps up my final day of the SSF Hardcore race. I thought I would be a bit different from my other 2 days and make this one a bit more of a narrative. From the last time I looked at how everyone was doing, I lost by a mile and then some.
I had lots of fun. Since my guy is still alive I might just go for broke and make a day 4 when I find some time. For now, I’ll wait for the final score to come in before getting him killed!
I hope everyone had a great time and thanks for reading. While my others days were not written as a narrative and perhaps a bit more boring. They go into more of my thought process in how I approached things.
Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Path of Exile.