Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
In the crazy world we live in it only makes perfect sense a talking cricket named @lemony-cricket calls out a time traveling cat named @enjar. This has caused many to speculate what is the meaning of the universe and why is it ruled by cats. It’s been over a week now and like any cat, I’ve taken many catnaps on this. It’s a rather long story. One where I could write entire books on my adventures and well one day I could. I am after all a demi-god who roamed the heavens for a number of years.
Enjar itself is not something I ever google or cared if it already had some ancient meaning. In life, you give a name meaning yourself or other people will for you. As far as I’m aware when creating it I just made it up from two words that I squished together. Therefore, it’s a rather moot point what its past was as I created that backstory myself.
Like any birth, there should be some kind of recordkeeping of it. Thankfully others have as I have a horrible memory for recalling these short of things. Enjar was born back in June of 2017—no wait our story starts much sooner than that. It was back on December the 19th 2008(3.)
The most impactful thing about Enjar and my journey was the first corporation I joined called Galactic Hegemony. While it’s a dead corporation these days it had an immense pull on what I became. They were for better term casual carebears that just wanted to have a good time in high security (sec) systems at the start. They focused on running missions, mining, manufacturing, and trading as their core.
I ended up joining because they were willing to take in fresh pilots who were clueless and teach them the ropes. A game as vast and complex as this almost requires such things to happen within its ecosystem. Otherwise, you are just a blind and lost person never understanding the true power of New Eden.
I did this for quite a few months and I made many friends within this corporation. I was at a point in my life where I had quit one game I had been playing since middle school. All my friends either had left or turned into manipulating sociopaths who feared being left alone in the game and did whatever necessary to keep you around. Enjar was created in a time of need and want to reset and start new again. In fact, Enjar seems to appear when such events are a welcome sight in my life.
One thing I really started to enjoy was living in a wormhole. Players in those kinds of systems where not listed on local chat. You had to scan and look for signs that someone was even there.
Between the wars, the corporation was getting itself involved in and paychecks not being that great. People came and went and so did me a couple of times. Sometimes people who you became friends with would leave and you would just go with them hoping for a far more fun adventure. You unusually left with very little in-game money and came back even poorer.
I gave really cool and interesting things a try. One such thing was Blue Vs Red where two sides wherein an endless war with each other in high sec. Most time you just sat around waiting for both sides to agree to fight each other. More times than not people would wardec one side or the other in hopes of getting some free or easy kills.
I moved to 0.0 a couple of times. Lawless space as it were. Where people could use the biggest ships in the game and not have to deal with the police NPCs and other mechanics you find in high sec or even low sec. Most time I was just bored. I flew amarr ships with armor plating and used laser weapons. Somehow despite being told so many times that “yes we fly those kinds of fleet…” They just flew shield tanked drakes that fired missiles. Which resulted in me not being able to join in since I never trained for those skills or even had the correct fittings to join those fleet.
Then it all went wrong in no time flat. What I would consider the front line members. The always first people had all our ships shipped down to 0.0 by the logistic fleets. Out of all those players in the alliance, something like 50 moved down. Turns out just about everyone just wanted to be a carebear and moving 0.0 was a “well if someone else does all the work I’ll come down in a few months for the profits.”
A couple of key players went missing. In real life, they worked along the coast and The Deepwater Horizon oil spill happened around the same time. Talk about bad timing but people wanted to move forward anyway.
With confidence dropping, and people not wanting to come join us and basically lose their ships it became a no-win situation. One of the pvp corporations who had access to logical support within the alliance shipped all their stuff back up to low sec and they left the alliance. They started to attack all our low sec assets. With the entire remaining pvpers trap down in 0.0 where they had spent the majority of their funds in ships-- this ended up being the end. I think it took me almost a year or longer just to sell off all the assets I had down in 0.0 for very little. We did try a few final last stands in 0.0 since we were down there to fight. it was mostly a moot point as we were outnumbered, outgunned and out jammed.
I did a little bit of faction warfare pvp and some low sec piracy. Faction warfare treated every new person who signs up for it like they were a spy and thus you never got into any of the fun fights. So that ended up being rather boring. Most of the time it was just me and two other friends and we would hang out in our old low sec areas from our Z.E.R.G. days.
I joined a couple of bigger alliance and sadly things just never worked out. Including one of them getting disbanded if I recall by someone rising to power so they could rob the place. Just my luck I was there only for a couple of days about to have all my stuff shipped down to me by one of their logic fleets and the entire alliance just feel apart. At least I did not spend another year with all my assets trapped in 0.0 and no money left to my name.
This was a low part of my eve online career. I felt like a kicked dog who had no home and all the fun seem to be gone from the game. There was no pvp winning anymore and it was hard to just go back to mission running in high sec. mostly because no matter where you went quite a number of people went into suicide ganking expensive mission running ships to the point it was not worth the risk.
During this low point, I also took a number of breaks from the game. Up until this point in my journey, it was not the first time I had taken a couple of breaks here or there. It’s a very long and slow game and when you are dealt a major blow sometimes you just need a break from it all.
We joined a wormhole corporation and lasted about a month. We wanted a somewhat medium size place where they just let us game with each other and anyone else that wanted to just jump in. Basically, it was a place like Galactic Hegemony where they take our resource and sell it but we got a much better deal. We could just focus on pvp when needed and farming when it was not busy with people trying to gank our members.
While at first they asking me questions just to make sure my story check out. The other guy in question was a horrible liar and they got him a few times saying a thing and even trying pin it all on me. It was not hard for them to not only know it was the other guy but also which alliance he belonged to. They got revenge at some point but that was far after we had left.
After my friends and I lost billions in ships and assets from this we demand to have our own pos that no one else could steal our stuff. They really help out by taking care of hauling in the fuel every week to keep it powered and I believe we even bought a discounted one they already had which they help us set up. They simply took the costs out of what we earned every week and paid out the rest. They were really great people to hang out with we just wanted to make sure our stuff was more secure.
We had a couple of other people we played within that corporation. Many of them ended up leaving after some very bad luck getting caught running sites by overwhelming numbers. If I recall one poor guy had lost ships in the robbery;then, lost a few more billion in ships in pvp. He went into high sec to mission run and rebuild and got ganked again in his final and expensive mission running ship. Needless to say, no one blamed him when he announced he was quitting the game. Eve Online can be a very cruel and unforgiving lady.
With him gone along with a few others and not everyone in our small group being online it became difficult to run sites in the wormhole space we had connections too. Which resulted in us yet again packing up and taking another break from the game.
Like always we could not stay away from this game forever. In fact, it’s one game we all could agree on to play and thus the band was getting back together again except this time we were going run the operation. It was March the 27th 2015 and this corporation lasted until July the 19th 2016 (3.)
If I recall we came back and took a couple of breaks between this time frame. Since we had more than become season veterans at this point we decided to pass down our knowledge and recruit some new players or just anyone who wanted to join us.
We really loved wormhole space. The great thing about it if you're small or massive there's a place in that kind of space you just have to find it and make it your own. It is nothing like 0.0 or even low sec.
We wanted to spend a fair amount of time in high sec so we worked out an easy process. We haul all the ores that were mined in the belts and keep track of who mined how much. Since we had the better refining skills and could get more we took care of that and the sales as well. In exchange, we would do a paycheck system every time we sold. With a portion of your earning going towards corporation needs. There were a few big and expensive items we wanted to expand our operations along with our end goal of relocating into wormhole space. Our higher refining skills, fleet bonuses for mining, and time spent hauling more than made up for the corporation taking a cut so we felt it was a rather fair deal.
One time logging in I was told we had been robbed. I thought “oh hahaha funny joke.” We had a hanger full of ores that were going be refined and sold that day. After I was told it was not a joke I thought “how did we mess up the role settings so a ‘new’ player could rob us?” While it sucks a lot of trolls in the game join corporations to try and steal or cause damage. Turns out it was not that either.
As being a new player once myself I understand when you get screwed over like this it can give people the wrong impression of the game. The last thing I wanted was a bunch of people to quit the game because they thought that all this game was backstabbing and thieving. While that does happen a lot there are good guys in it as well.
I ended up covering what was not in the corporation wallet to make sure the new players got their fair share of pay despite what happened. Since I was one the one that leads the mining operations day to day and mined the most it was not so bad paying out the little guys who really did not make much anyways. Sure I lost out on hundreds of millions of ISK and yes I needed that to buy in-game time since I did not have money to pay the monthly sub myself. For most of my time in Eve Online, I have been farming enough money in the game over all these years to buy game time. I could have easily said “nope” nothing we can do. I’m a better player than that and wanted to lead by example.
This person kept coming back trying cause damage to us any way he could in this game and we assumed other games as well. Even during one of our breaks, he came back. Since he was a founding member and the corporation was “inactive” he was able to use a game mechanic and perhaps help from support to join back into the corporation. We were certain his voting share for being a founding member were rejected so it’s anyone’s guesses how he was able to rejoin and had voting shares again in the corporation.
He then spent a month(s) logging in every week to issue new things to be voted on of which he was only active member to vote them. As a result, he slowly kicked and rejected everyone’s shares out. Now he just sits in the dead corporation as his final prize. Which is no matter as we just reformed and had an amazing time without him.
Farmed up enough money in high sec running mission to not only get ships we needed but enough to get ourselves a citadel to set up a base from. We took a few breaks here or there but kept coming back and just having a blast in wormhole space till it stopped being fun or everyone go too busy in real life that another break was taken.
While I do feel a bit of a calling back to Eve Online writing this. With our absence, our wormhole system was taken over by Russians who paid to clear out our structures and we lost some assets in the process. The process of raising funds again, finding a new place to call home, and a bunch of other stuff is just way more time consuming than I like. Not to mention this game changes so much I’d have to relearn a lot of basic things yet again. After you have played a game for so many years you just wish for things to stay unchanged.
Now that you understand the backstory I hope this gives a bit of a reason why I choose to use Enjar here on Hive. Both Hive and Eve Online where more or less wild west lawless places. In Eve Online I had developed a moral compass to guide me through tough times and I plan to use that here as well. I’m just a guy hoping to make enough to cover some of my time to keep doing this much like I did in Eve Online. I made many friends in Eve Online and I hope to do that here as well. Even more so if they last far beyond however long I stay here.
The name is quite simple there are a couple of people who have read my intro post who got the short version of it. What they never got was this backstory and that moment when I created the name Enjar.
I’ve always been bad at creating names. It’s one of the things I hate when joining a new game and being stuck on the name creation screen. You try a few dozen names you have used before with no luck and then go “darn it now what.” I decided to poke some fun at myself with the name. Enjar is English Jar. Yep, it's that simple. But why? I’m American so it’s not like I’m an English (British) person. I’ve always had issues with spelling, grammar, and even saying certain words. As such this has led some people to certain conclusions and I’ve always been fine with them. If you will fill a jar with vodka; then, toss in the dictionary. Shake that jar up really well and pour it into a glass you now have an Enjar. Something fun, something a bit creative, and thankfully unlike Eve Online the Russians and their love for vodka are off on a different version of what is now called Hive I don’ have to worry about them getting in my way this time of total blockchain domination –meow meow meow.
Since Enjar is a demi-god who roamed the heavens in spaceships in the future that makes me rather out of place here. Even more so since before here I was not a blogger or someone who used social media much. One could say I’ve broken all the rules and traveled back in time. It’s the most logical reason why an Enjar would even be in a place like this. After all, he should be off living in some wormhole right now shooting things with space lasers making billions.
Also when I joined what is now know as Hive I did so with the hopes of making a better life for my cat and myself (my profile picture and hence a time traveling cat.) Sadly last year he passed away. It’s a consent remind to keep going on now as Hive during the ups and downs here. As he is watching over me with every blog I make and every comment I place on the blockchain.
Well, @lemony-cricket was this worth waiting over a week to find out? I hope you do mind the delay in me getting around to it. I knew it would be a long one and hence I was a bit tentative on doing it.
As far as the rest of the bits for this challenge. I hope people understand this blog is getting very long. I simply don’t wish to double its length or write a book here. I hope my backstory of Enjar and who he is will be good enough.
Screenshots taken and content written by @enjar
Unless otherwise stated screenshots taken from the game Eve Online