Outward Definitive Edition | War Was Imperative
If you happened to play any games over the weekend feel free to share about them in the comments below or even make a post about it. There are just so many games these days and content creators on Steemit.
They come in all kinds of different difficulties, mods, and challenges. The harder they are the more experience and loot rewarding they can become. If they are too hard though you will lose more experience then they will yield and might even spend more in-game currency then it drops as well. Not to mention you only have six attempts.
While it does not drop anything very exciting that I’m aware of. The fact that it is a tier 4 map this league makes it a great place to just farm up some experience and to hit up the syndicate members to progress that system as well.
I always try and make time to play this game on Sundays. I don’t know about you but for me in most games that is the day of the week players wants to do trading. I went from having 14 Chaos Orbs to 99 in just a few hours of heavy player trades! I could not finish a single map most of the time without at least person contacts me for a trade.
While it does not drop anything very exciting that I’m aware of. The fact that it is a tier 4 map this league makes it a great place to just farm up some experience and to hit up the syndicate members to progress that system as well.
I did not play this game too long over the weekend. I mostly check in to get my daily questing done. This season my plan was to be in the gold league to farm for them instead of silver like I have done in the past. Most of my decks are just level 3 with my main one being level 5. To my shock, I’ve been able to finish my daily while in Diamond league.
I always request a new quest whenever I get water or earth for the daily and hope its anything but that! Earth has to be my weakest as far as playable in cards and my own ability. I know I need to stop using Rexxie but I just like love how the card looks. It is also the tank I leveled up for that splinter. With it costing eight mana that was a mistake I made a while ago. Hoping over time to level up something better.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Feel free to share what games you played over the weekend! It’s always great to meet new people and see what everyone has been up to. Have a wonderful week.
Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from the following games Path of Exile and Splinterlands