Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
The biggest hunters and players of the game tend to show up to hunt down Eomon. While a lot of the mid-level players tend to focus on the other creature called Longtooth. I will be visiting some Longtooth locations and hunting some.
One of the cool things about Summer Migration is that Eomon and Longtooth are migrating across a route in-game. This also means they can be a bit hard to track down. Thankfully people tend to post route maps and current locations in the Calypso forums. It can however sometimes be a hit or miss when trying to track down their current in a real-time location with you needing to scout out some locations. Sometimes you show up after they moved to the next spot.
Somewhat good news is the event itself is “shared looted” so even if you are not in a team with others if you end up shooting something before it gets killed you get a portion of the loot. While some players can solo or hire a healer to hunt Eomon those tend to be hunted in groups or with packs of other players.
I don’t like shooting with a pack of players. While my gun is “ok” it’s not insane. If anything crazy did end up dropping like a very rare item there is not a chance I would be getting it. It will be the big players in a full team with big guns.
Getting something like a Genesis Star Excavator Improved which someone like myself who enjoys mining in Entropia would love to have someday. I can only dream. It’s one of the best extractor tools in-game. It’s also kind of strange it only drops off Eomon since a hunter would not care for something like that.
Instead, the hunters are hoping to get one of the guns, amps, or upgrade materials for improving guns and amps. Eomon also drops Shadow armor and I could not even guess what something like that sells these days. Those pieces alone would be a reason why many hunters show up to an event like this.
I on the other hand will be hunting the smaller and easier Longtooth. They even added in an adolescent maturity with only 300 or so health. I thought will be trying out young that have 1,300 up to a Matriarch with over 3k health.
I can only suspect there are a lot more items than I’m aware of that the Longtooth could drop. As they only seem to have a lower-level gun amp, (L) armor drops, and some old guns that are not so great these days. They however do drop some upgrade materials used for upgrading guns into adjusted, improvement, and some other things. Which must be worth a nice amount.
The biggest change to loot this year is no Summer loot boxes. This has left many to protest the migration event. Summer boxes in the past have had a small chance to contain quite an insane ring all the top players want in the game. This tended to be how many players tried to negate their losses during an event like this by selling those boxes at a high markup.
This is also where you can go to upgrade certain weapon amplifiers and weapons if you get enough to upgrade material. I don’t have any of those weapons. These kinds of things are really for top players.
After that, it was time to scout out some areas and find some Longtooth to hunt. I decided I wanted to aim not for the lowest maturity at the start. I wanted to try something mid-maturity for them. Anything bigger than that I just lack a high enough gun skill and armor to deal with.
The Longtooth Providers have around 2k health and deal impact damage. I ended up putting on my set of Gremlin with 5b plating. While it was a tad overkill I wanted to avoid having to heal too often.
I also noticed hunters that were going with lighter armor were getting killed by crits. This spot was a bit of a flight to get back to. I also don’t use teleporter chips and I assumed you would need one of the higher-level ones to get this far out in a single teleport jump. As you would want to get back quickly before they regen back to full health.
A lot of players reported some massive losses in this event. Many others are just telling everyone to stay away. These are some big creatures you are going have some wild swings hunting them. The lack of any kind of markup on items unless you get some crazy drop is a bit disappointing.
I ended up calling it a night. I was elsewhere in the game so it took me a while to get back to planet Calypso. This however would not be my last hunt. I gave this spot another try after getting some rest.
This spot ended up working out better than I was expecting as far as getting things to hunt was. One of the players ended up leaving shortly after and the other mostly seemed interested in the higher maturity that was mixed into this spawn. I was more interested in the lower ones so we both did not have to wait around long for what we wanted to hunt to respawn.
Unlike the first hunt on these where I was at least getting a couple of bigger loots up to 18 PED or so. This time around I was not getting any of those smaller loots. It was usually half or less the ammo I was shooting them with.
I decided since more players were slowly moving to the back part of this spawn that I would try another location. I also wanted to try some of the smaller ones. They are a lot easier to hunt if those spawns are not overcrowded and I’d be able to kill a few more before running out of the normal amount of ammo I usually take out with me.
I, however, suspected most just fly right in from a teleporter spot, and the first one they see they start fighting others over the spawn in that spot. So I flew around and found more than a few that I could hunt with less than a minute of downtime. For the time of day I was hunting for an event like this, I consider it to be a blessing.
I ended up being rather glad is switch locations and to a lower maturity. Not that long in I got a 64 PED global. Again just shrapnel but at least it was something. These young have 35% less health and I was getting more loot off them. You would think it be the other way around but I won’t question it.
At this rate, if I could just get some decent loot or another global I would have broken even across the three hunts I’ve done on them now. The loot however dried up quite a bit. While it might be the smart thing to leave I kept at it anyway. I was here to hunt them after all.
After I killed it I got 10 PED of shrapnel. Quite a disappointment. I think it cost me a bit more in ammo than what I got out of it. After that, the spot it spawned in had an even higher maturity Longtooth. I stayed away from that one.
The rest of this hunt was uneventful. I at least did end up being up 41.36% on the third hunt. Which is a lot better than I was expecting. Nothing insane dropped.
Since this event I suspect is going on for a while I might be back to try them again at some point. What I want however is not dropped by the Longtooth but the Eomon. Those I can’t solo and who knows maybe some old friends will show up during the summer wanting to hunt them.
For now, though I’m just glad I’m not taking a 40-60% loss like a lot of people are claiming they are. Getting 3 global even if they had nothing of markup in them was a lot better than I was expecting. It is tempting to grind out some more codex and work further on one of the missions. I’ll have to look into the rewards for that mission.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.