Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
During my stay on Next Island, I went on quite a few different hunts. This just happens to be one of them where I wanted to work on my codex a bit for a creature called Myrinian. This post ends up wandering a bit all over the place while I hunt these. This is usually how I approach this game anyways.
Interestingly enough these look more like a creature you would only find in Ancient Greece. While you can find them over there as well if I’m not mistaken. I ended up finding a decent spot on Next Island.
These were quite easy to hunt just in my normal Adjusted Pixie with 2A plating. Along with an ArMatrix LR-35 (L) weapon. While I did need to do a little healing now and again it was not that bad unless I got some adds on me. I only ended up getting killed once during this entire hunt.
One other thing that drew me into wanting to hunt them for a bit is they can drop a west of armor called Warmonger. It however appears to be quite a rare drop as I did not get any during my hunt. It would be a bit of an improvement over my Gremlin armor in terms of Stab, cut, and impact which I find myself wanting something slightly better.
Beyond that, the loot I got during my run was nothing else noteworthy.
Game knowledge is quite an important thing in a game like Entropia Universe. It’s not good enough just to have an idea that a creature can drop something. You need a deeper understanding of what kind of drop rate you can expect, where to hunt that creature, and any other trends you can discover along the way.
While I did not get any globals on this run I did notice some interesting patterns. I managed to loot a couple of times at 10 PED or there about in loot from a single kill a couple of times. While that all on its own is not great. For it being a 1k health creature that goes a long way to covering costs and tipping the scales to being ahead on the run.
This time around instead of just hunting a spot I found the first Myrinian at. I killed a couple of them in different locations before moving on to the next. I ended up settling in this area since I kept finding some decent loots.
There were areas I was testing that had such poor drops compared to my cost per kill that I’m rather glad I moved on from. In the past, I might not have paid much attention to that. Granted on a planet like Next Island with quantity drops you can get off a single kill. That makes it a bit harder.
It was also quite interesting in certain areas I was not looting a single Amazing Leg. While in areas with this hunt being broken down into different sections I found the bulk of them. Granted without having two people both hunting at the same time in those areas I can’t conclude for certain one way or another. It was just an interesting find. Something I’ve noticed when I start paying a lot more attention to a certain item drop while hunting different creatures in Entropia Universe in general.
Overall I ended up reaching my goal of getting the codex ranked up a little. This ended up not being one I decided I would grind to higher levels at least for now. In part, I’m grinding codex for progression towards meta attribute challenge.
The good news is I ended up slightly on the hunt overall. I got a little bit of skill gain which I’m after for a few things. Shortly after this hunt, I even gained another health point. Which is something I was looking to gain a lot more of this year.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.