The bosses during these next couple of runs ended up being rather cheap pointwise. Usually, you can hope at this level to get 2 or more 100-point killings off them during a 5-hour instance. That was not going to happen this time around.
Thankfully some normal creatures I hunt to get the boss to spawn Merry Annihilation Daikiba ended up giving me some 100-point kills. That is however not that exciting when I’m only at 12,565 points of the 34k I need.
At least at this point, I could see progress being made. It however felt like I was one-third into cannoning across a very large lake and was already getting somewhat tired. I had hardly felt like I was at a tipping point yet where there was no going back. I could still see the shoreline I left from.
While I will miss having 10 and 5-hour 100% skill boosters running for the skill gains. I also won’t feel like I’m wasting things if I need to afk for a short break for 10-15 minutes or if something comes up. As I prefer to not instantly log in trying to save the buff but lose my progress towards the next boss spawn in the progress.
I still had quite a few 30% skill boosts to use. Along with over 100 hours of 10% skill gains if it came down to that. I knew this event would be a long grind I just at this point had no idea how long it would end up being.
Once that dried up I did a bit of a walk around the instance. I ended up killing my second boss for this run and nothing that great to report back. That would soon be a pattern I’d be repeating over and over again.
Five minutes later boom 500 points gained. On a lot of these long grinds you just need something to keep you going. I would usually fall into what I call my zombie stage of not thinking that much about what I’m doing anymore. As I would aimlessly keep grinding away at the task at hand. Only being shaken out of such a state when something like this occurs before I would fall back into it again
This however required that I drop the mission, leave the instance, and re-enter into a fresh instance to get the mission if I had one waiting for me for the day. Before doing so, however, I stuck around for the next boss kill.
This also meant I was now 40% done with achieving one of the many goals I have set forth for myself during this event.
Shortly after that, I was already on stage 3 of the daily mission. Picking myself up 6 further Mayhem Tokens in total. Between all the missions that reward Mayhem Tokens, they appear to be my major source of them.
I also had the usual random progression increases with all the skill gains I would get. Most times I would not take note of most of them. This time around I thought it was interesting I was up to level 16 of Robot Looter.
I use to hunt robots a lot back in the day. Now a day I seldom do. So it is kind of nice despite how lagging behind my Robot looter profession is that everything I’m taking to increase my animal looter profession is increasing the other as well.
I ended up finishing off rank 18 of the Merry Creatures codex. The perception was my best choice for the reward and I gained a few levels of it for selecting it.
Moments after that I even got a health increase to 182 health with my current ring on. I don’t know why but it is always exciting to get a health increase. I recall back in the day I would go months without getting a single health increase. Now I’m getting them a couple of times a week during this event.
The last hour of the instance went back to being nothing that exciting. I decided it was time to call it a day. I needed some sleep after all the excitement.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.