Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
Easter Mayhem 2023 started in Entropia Universe on April 5th and runs through April 25th. I was not sure if I was even going to partake in this one at all. I ended up selecting the bronze mission and seeing where it would go from there.
Last year when I entered into Easter Mayhem 2022 it was a disaster. My first few rounds of hunting were so bad the budget I had set for myself was gone and I called it early. 2022 in Entropia Universe was also a year I went quite hard on the Mayhem events. I ended up grinding the silver mission for most of the rest of the Mayhem main events. That was something I had never done before.
In 2023 with TWEN going on I put a heavy focus on grinding out codex levels on quite a few lower-level creatures. In the slights hope that I might loot a TWEN weapon or get the Unreal Tokens that are dropping.
While in Mayhem you can try and earn enough token drops to pick some quite amazing weapons. The chances of someone like me ever getting enough tokens let alone that item being in stock of something I’d want are quite slim.
I of course can only dream of owning something like an A&S Series mayhem LR-60 Augmented weapon. There is not even a price history for them on the auction house. They also seem to be asking for quite an insane amount of tokens for it.
As if getting 80k Mayhem Tokens is not already quite crazy sounding from the level of player I am. I have yet to loot a single Rare Mayhem token ever. I can at least dream of such a crazy weapon. If I’m not mistaken based on what I could find online it's like a 160k+ PED ($16k USD) gun. So buying it from another player is out of the question as well.
While they made it clear you could loot unreal tokens from Mayhem. What has not been unclear is if TWEN weapons can drop. As such since I already had a heavy grind for months last year on Mayhem events. I’d rather save my resources for hunting things I knew there is a chance if almost a zero chance at getting a TWEN weapon.
Each kill while in the Mayhem solo instance grants you between 0 to 2,500 points. You can somewhat see why just going for bronze and hoping I get a few lucky kills to end it quickly was quite appealing to me since I’m lacking time to grind and the money to spend.
While the rewards won’t be as great. It was more about setting a reachable goal. That is if I decided to even grind out that many points. It was going to come down to how my first few hunting sessions went.
They thankfully were not a dumpster fire of losses. As such I decided to set myself a 1,500 liquid of PED ($150) limit to spend on this event. Since Entropia Universe is a real cash economy game and I’ll be looting stuff from my kills it’s not like each kill will be a total loss. However, that is why I draw a limit in terms of liquidity. At some point that PED could be gone and I’m just left with bound tokens, Mayhem boxes, and skill gains that I could sell but I’d rather not as they can be quite costly and are slow to sell.
For most of this event, however, I’ll be looting a lot of shrapnel. That shrapnel I can convert for 101% of the value into non-tradable ammo so I can keep shooting. That will help fuel me going forward.
Just looting a single Rare Mayhem Token while it’s bound would be worth quite a few times over what I’m willing to spend on this event. That would more or less cover everything I’ve ever spent on Mayhem. Assuming I could get enough of other tokens and buy an item worth trying to sell.
While I did try opening a few Easter boxes just to see if I would get anything interesting out of them. I did not. They also cost $1 to open but you always get 10 PED of value usually in the form of no-tradable ammo.
For the lucky couple of people who have gotten the ring. It seems at the time of writing this the market has not found a selling point. There is only one buy offer on the market and they are offering less than half of the lowest seller is trying to sell for.
Many don’t seem to be that interested in this year's Easter ring. Outside of whales opening the boxes hoping for rare tokens. This seems to be a year it might be best to hold onto whatever boxes I get with the hopes that next year’s Easter will have a better ring drop.
The Annihilation Eviscerator that spawns in 03 has 1,130 health. 33% of their damage is listed as electric the only gear I have that has any kind of reasonable resistance towards it is my ghost armor.
Thankfully with my ArMatrix LR-45 (L), I’ll make decently quick work from them. That gun also has a decent range. By the time they get to me, they should almost be dead. Only the spawns that you can get to spawn every 30 minutes will take a bit more effort to kill.
Each instance lasts up to 5 hours. During times I’ll know I won’t get interrupted I’ll be popping some skill increase pills I’ve been saving up since the start of the year for these kinds of events and other larger hunts. I however decided while testing out this instance to hold off on using them till later on.
To get started there is a device in the middle that you have to click on. Once you do the Annihilation Eviscerators start to spawn. The best place to give me the most range ended up being near the terminals. I do however like to move around a bit to make sure I’m fully killing everything and nothing gets stuck in the back.
Robots are also not something I tend to hunt a lot of. As such my defense skill, the armor I have, and my looting skills for robots are not that great. At least I did not have to go out and buy new armor for this event. I’ll also be gaining a lot of specific skills for robots with how much ammo I would end up going through during this event.
To my shock the next time I ended up getting any points from a kill it was 100 points. So I quickly found myself at 101 points.
You might also notice on the right upper-hand side. I do have the Easter Robot Challenge working on rank 9. Since I did not do a lot of grinding in this event last year and this is the only way to increase this specific codex. I have quite a lot of ranks to at least gain while I grind this one out.
There is also a mission called Destroy Easter Robots that you can reset daily. I still had the one from last year where I had gotten up to working on 20 tokens for the next tier completion. Since you can only get a new one once a day as you first enter a fresh instance. I decided to just grind it out and then reset it.
I did not get any points for it. I however did get another 100-point kill off a random Annihilation Eviscerator not that long after. This was more than good enough for me.
I however first needed to head off to the mall and get some further weapons. As the one I had was going to be breaking soon. This was another Mayhem where I did not stockpile any supplies outside of pills beforehand. Thankfully the shop I knew of keeps rather decent prices and it is stocked during events for the most part. I was able to get what I needed to move forward with my plans.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.