7 Days To Die | Exploring The Wasteland And Burnt Forest
With so much of this map yet to be explored I thought I would head west to the Wastelands and possibly even forest area of the map. While there are some large cities I’ve already explored in those areas there are still a lot of smaller stuff I’ve skipped over or never went down different roads to check out.
I took my truck out rather early on almost a full tank of gas for a day of exploration. It did not take too long before I found myself in what must be the burnt forest. I tend to get it and the wastelands are a bit confessed since in my eyes they feel rather similar anyways. It seems like you can cross into one or the other without really noticing.
I first crossed some areas I know I’ve already been to. I have been out this way a few times for mission running. It was however great to be out here not on a mission. I could stop anywhere I wanted and not feel like I needed to rush to a mission location.
It did not take long before I found a road I know I’ve skipped over possibly a dozen times. Not today I was going head down it and see where it would take me. It ended up taking me to this rather large abandoned house.
I could tell however something was rather fishy about this place. Don’t let that normal-looking house fool you. While I was exploring the perimeter looking for an easy way in I found a locked underground hatch. It was a couple of feet away from the house as well.
I suspected this place might be hiding a secret. An underground layer or tunnel system. There was only one way to find out. I’d have to break in. I ended up finding a weak part in the fence around this estate that allowed me to explore further in.
The inside of the house itself was expected. Rather broken down and nothing that exciting. This place has not been maintained in quite some time. I did a quick sweep and killed some zombies. I explored the top part of the house quickly I then darted for the basement.
As suspected there was quite a little maze of underground tunnels. They took me to the loot room of this place. A few zombie kill later I was filling up my inventory with a little loot. I then found a button to unlock the hatch and crawled up a ladder to get outside.
A few steps later I was back at my truck heading off on the road again to see what else I could find in this part of the game. That place itself was not that massive I’m still glad I found it and got to explore it.
There are a couple of large cities. I’ve already been to them before for mission running. As such I just quickly drove through them. Mostly they had a lot of roads connecting them to areas I’ve yet to explore. Otherwise, I would have avoided going into any of the two large cities that I did.
For the most part, this is what exploring this part of the game looks like. Lots of burnt forest, high mountains areas, and not much else. I’d run into dogs from time to time to let them know I was in the wastelands part of the game.
Every once in a while I’d hit the end of the game. It is just a road sign to warn you the road is closed. If you go beyond it you sure can. You just can’t expect to come back alive. As the radiation around the edge of the map will kill you. Since I did not want to lose my truck I turned around at the first sign I was getting to the edge of the map.
I ended up finding a little skate park along the way. There was nothing of value but I never recalled seeing this before in the game. It’s rather cool all the little fun sights like these you can find just exploring around. This game is not always about killing zombies and getting loot!
There was then a lot more driving around and a whole lot of finding nothing that interesting. There are a whole lot of these little sites out in this region of the map. Once you see one you see all 500 of them that are scattered everywhere. Nothing of real value other than a chance to get bitten by something or killed.
It was quite fun to come across some smaller little shack areas. You had the feeling you were pulling up to a junk hideout. I was half expected to find dozens of broken-down cars and drugs being made in the bathrooms of these places!
Final Thoughts
This region of the game tends to be the hardest. However, most of that fun is reserved for being in the larger towns. This time around I wanted to mostly avoid those towns since I’ve been there more than enough.
I did not find anything that amazing. It was still worth it going out and exploring further a part of the game I tend to skip over if it’s not in my way and something I’m trying to accomplish. I do love exploring all the little areas even if they don’t yield much in terms of loot.
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Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about 7 Days To Die.