Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
This was not the ending I was expecting at all. I felt like I had loads of other stuff I needed to do. Along with many things I wanted to discover. At least I had accomplished a lot of what I wanted before the closing act.
Out of nowhere, I got a notice which also happened to be on day 700 that the final battle was coming. My enemies were all getting together. They were no longer going to wait on me. I guess I was just taking too much time or as I like to call it enjoying things.
I for sure thought this was going to not end well for me. After all, I still have quite a lot of turret types I had not unlocked at all. I also had so many other unit types that were non-American to unlock. I had not even given the other units a fair try either.
I massed what army I could. I did not even think about getting any screenshots from the start of it. I was that focused on not wanting this to be the end of my playthrough.
I am glad at least before this I had acquired my last two tech core and unlocked quite a few tech points that would end up coming in quite handy for this last battle. I’m not sure if I was supposed to get help from the other factions or not. All I do know is I was on my own for this one.
I took with me some of the bigger units that I usually leave at home. Since I don’t have to worry about terrain getting in the way. I just had to place them on the outside of my wall. The shields of that wall were still quite weak. It always felt like there should have been some kind of upgrade for them. I either missed it or there was no such thing.
At one point there were enough enemies on the board since I was not killing things fast enough, I felt if they made it to my frontline, they would smash through it and then run to my second line and land on escaping into my base.
It was a hard choice to make but I decided to sacrifice my character. Sure, he could do the most damage and had some quite massive skills I could use in clutch situations. On top of that, he had a massive amount of unit movement. Which would have come quite in handy later on in the fight when things got quite bad.
I ended up laying down a field of fire in the middle between where the creatures spawn for each wave and my first line of defense. This was a new thing I had unlocked in the tech tree upgrading his former area of effect damage ability.
While he was able to hold off for quite a few rounds enemies that were grouping up the in the middle. It was only a matter of time before my character fell in battle. While that would not be a game over. It was not an outcome you ever hope to happen.
He however survived the purpose that he needed to do. He kept some rather nasty damage from landing on me and taking out my entire shield line. He also bought enough time for my ranged units to mop off whatever remained of the attack that was going on in the middle.
I was however far from being out of the woods. A small cluster attacked the upper portion of my shield line. This had been an issue in past fights. Since however I can’t get any further shields to put down it’s a weakness, I least knew I had.
I ended up redeploying some of my ranged units. While one creature almost made it to the back shield line. I was able to kill it in time. I then kept trying to pick off anything I could.
There then came a point where I knew I was in a lot of trouble. Some units with quite high health were right on my front shield line. They ended up taking out the whole bottom half of the frontline of shields. I even lost all but my last two melee combat units as well.
Then as I feared one of the units went past my first line. I could tell the enemies were going right for my backline. I also knew once it took out the single shield where the warning signs were. Its next step would be right into my base. Causing me to fail.
While I focused fire with my ranged units during their turn. I knew they lacked the damage to take out the enemy. I needed to somehow buy some time for myself. So left other spots of my frontline and even my ranged units vulnerable to attack.
I took the only melee unit I had that was small enough to fit in the gap that was created and started to chase after the enemy. If I had just reacted to what was going on one turn later things would have been over.
The enemies ended up making it to the back line and taking out several rows including shields. It thankfully did not destroy a landmine that was the last layer of defense I had.
With my melee unit's last steps, he got in front of the slower-moving enemy and used his body as a block. This melee unit also could cast a shield barrier but only one. I had almost used it. I however know a single shot can take out that barrier. So, it was not going to be a long-term solution.
Since the enemies decided to take on my melee unit instead of attempting to destroy more shields and just go around me. I ended up saving that barrier cast as a final act for when that melee unit was going to get killed.
Despite my ranged units now taking damage themselves. I put their full damage onto the single unit. It took several rounds to kill it. They however managed to do so just in time. I was still in quite a shock that we were able to take it out. I was more than expecting this to have been the end.
Once that crisis was over. I ended up moving my mele unit up to drop down his barrier on the frontline. I then moved him back a bit. If anything, else, would end up breaking though I'd use him again as a block.
A couple of remaining units I had left then started to target focus down anything near the frontline. Was all of that was cleared out we started to work on everything at a distance. All we had to do was survive twelve rounds. I feel I could have fully cleared the field if it had gone on longer.
Looks like the game scored me three stars for my efforts in surviving. I was a little disappointed that the game then ended. I would not be allowed to keep playing. This was the end.
It was quite a crazy ending. The ending however left me feeling like I had missed out on some stuff. I didn't get the conclusion I was looking for. It was still a successful playthrough.
It was also fun enough that I'd be tempted to play again. In an attempt to play a lot quicker and take on more risk. Along with wanting to find more items and finish off the main storyline. It’s kind of odd you can beat a game and not run through the entire main storyline.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Xenowars (I don’t make anything from this tracking link).