Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
While I always prefer to fully finish off one area before moving on to the next. That is not always the option. Not to mention there were some things I ended up picking up on from all the clues I got when I was on the ship. I also just had some things I wanted to get off my growing list of “I'll get around to at some point.”
Dark Warrior Keep was one of those dungeons I attempted quite early on. It has also been one I've yet to return to and finish off what had remained. As it turns out I never made it that far into the dungeon in the first place.
The first couple rooms of in the place were rough but I managed. Then I came to this room with these knight-looking things that ended up being jousters. My group was soon dead and that was the end of that adventure for quite some time.
It was now time to return as I went around knocking out some dungeons. While it could take a couple of hits from spells. I’d end up making quick work of the jousters that were hiding in that room. I did not even know my first time around there was more than one lurking in wait to finish me off.
This place also ended up having a few trapped chests in it. Not the kind that you would open and get something out of either. You would just take a bunch of damage and even possibly get a character killed. It made me a little more wary of opening up further chests in this place.
This place was not without some massive rewards. I ended up finding a skeleton that gave me an insane amount of experience for interacting with it. There were also a number of them giving out stat increases as well.
This place was also kind of odd. In one of the last rooms I noticed on the map that it ended up displacing “29.” I ended up walking around after fully uncovering the numbers in the dungeon a couple of times.
It seemed like in the bottom right of the dungeon. There was this massive void. Sure enough 29 was a reference to a hidden chamber. One that could only be reached by using teleport.
This is not the first time I've looked at the map and felt like things were spelled out to me in a way. It also would not be the last time either. This even made me wonder if I had missed some clues in other dungeons and if those had hidden offset chambers to loot as well.
I ended up finding two Ultimate Power Orbs, over a million in gold, a hologram card, and a lot of item upgrades once I was done with this place. It looks like I'd have been required to come back to this dungeon at some point anyway. I’m rather glad I made the effort to do it now.
Speaking of things I needed to get around to. I had not that long ago gone over to Castle Dragontooth intending to run the dungeon. Then I ran two other castle dungeons instead. It was time to work that out.
I have a funny feeling something massive is going to end up going down once I get enough Ultimate Power Orbs and turn them all in at Castle Whiteshield. That also seems to be where the main story of this game is held up at the moment.
By some massive dumb luck. I’d end up not making Castle Dragontooth extremely hard on myself. I ended up clearing the left side of the outer dungeon first. I kept opening up chests and most of them had steam escaping them. A couple had looted.
I’d end up later working out that each time I opened a chest with steam I was getting another ghost to spawn. I'd go over to the right side of the dungeon and open up a bunch more chests. Then find even more ghosts had spawned when I went exploring for anything that I had missed.
Still, I had a few ghosts to deal with once I went to the middle section of the dungeon. I then worked my way to the middle. I was starting to get the feeling I was in some kind of giant maze.
I then made it to the middle section. Rather relived that there were only a couple of layers and this was not a real maze. As one can only wonder in a game like this how massive and confusing a true maze would be made. Along with the kind of horrors that would be in it.
There ended up being a few different cauldrons to drink from. I did not realize it at the time but doing so changed those character aliments to evil. I can only hope this will not change things for the castle I've been working with.
It is also a bit of a shame I was not hoarding a bunch of Evil Orbs to turn in for five times the amount of experience for any of my characters that were considered evil. This might also explain why some of my characters have had such huge experience bonuses anytime I went around to the castles to do some turn-in of orbs. I was not even paying attention to their alignments.
At the very least consuming the brews in the cauldrons ended up rewarding a couple of my characters with some massive boost. One character got a couple of levels worth of experience. Another has lots of endurance and another has personality. These were quite some massive boots to pick up making this well worth the trouble of getting to the middle.
After picking up a couple of the clues needed for the password to the chests above. Along with finishing off the right side of the dungeon where I spawned in more of those ghosts I wanted to avoid. I returned to collect my loot.
I’m also glad I had not done this one sooner either. The magical creatures that spawned each time I opened one of the chests in the castle were quite nasty. They are also one of the cooler-looking creatures in the game. I forget exactly what they were called.
There ended up being a few in the hallway, along the way to the exit. Along with some in the other chamber with chests in it. I even found one when I went walking back to the dungeon.
I can only hope they were worth a decent amount of experience. As I'd go around killing any I could find. Then I'd open up another chest and repeat the process. I ended up getting over 4 million gold out of the chests I looted.
There were also a couple of other minor things I ended up needing to circle back to just finish off. Picking up all that helpful information when I was on the ship ended up having me run all over the place. The rest of that was however a lot more chill than either of the places I had worked on this.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Might And Magic III.