Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
I got as close as I was willing to get with my spaceship. When you are the kind of person to ram docking stations and bump into asteroids. I was not interested in having a new hood ornament as yellow clashes with this rust bucket too much.
I managed to shoot one of the locks right off the thing. My hands were a bit too shaky and I ended up missing the second lock a couple of times. In a blink of an eye, the container was gone. I must have been too close my ship also took some damage.
I ended up flying back to a station for some emergency repairs. It’s fine I only crashed dragging my left wing of the ship across the entire docking portion of the station. They told me they could get those dents out with a hammer.
I slipped the watchman on guard some crystals. Thankfully his annoying space manager was on break running after some beggars on the station or something. No one has the foggiest clue who caused 14 million credits in damage. What would you know the cameras stopped working at the exact moment someone matching my description attempted to land.
After a little paint touchup of the ship, I headed back out. I wanted to see if I could find more asteroids to go crystal mining at. The miner I had hired was out doing his own thing. I love it when a worker needs zero micromanagement.
I ended up blacking out for a while or did I? I have no idea. I just know when I woke up again I was back at the station. Oddly enough the mining ship I told to go mine in the area was acting like I did not give him the orders to do so. I guess so much for not needing to micromanage the crew. I told him to get out there and don’t come back without making me rich.
Being able to see what kind of supply and demand items have in different systems is going to come in handy later. When I’m looking to exploit economic shortfalls. Those shortfalls were no fault of my own. I would NEVER get in bed with pirates and have them blow up manufacturing stations.
No sir. You get a negative reputation for doing such crimes in your neighborhood. I’ll be needing the police on my side when I have massive mining fleets devouring entire asteroid belts and ripping this solar system off for every single credit I can find.
Economic sabotage sounds like something to do in the future. When I have massive fleets of combat ships and we don’t get wiped out trying to attack a station. I mean what space station? I never lost a large fleet failing to attack one of those.
I did end up building myself up a little fleet. It was not as full of miners as I was hoping. Some of them had a run-in with a gang of pirates in the area. The local police must have been on break looking for space donuts or something.
Along the way, a lot more of the asteroid belt ended up getting uncovered. While the mining rate did not seem that great. There is at least a lot of it here. At least this would fit my needs for a short while.
I could have gone out mining for more crystals to help speed up my credit gains to buy more ships. I thought what was the point of being the boss if I had to get my hands that dirty again with crystals. I let the mining fleet slowly accumulate credits for a while on auto pilot without me.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about X4 Foundation.