Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
I restarted it over again and talked further with the training NPC. He allowed me to just skip over that part. As if they knew it was broken and that was the fix or something. Not a great sign.
The first order of business in building an empire is making the first space credits. They say the first one to make is the hardest after that you are a space billionaire. Riding around in exotic ships laughing about space crystals as you slowly go insane.
The second order of business was to watch ships dock for way too long at a space station dreaming about having a nice ship. The ones I’ve seen are huge compared to my ship which is not even big in the grand scheme of things.
After a little while, I finally peeled my envies eyes off what others had in this game. It was time to take my rust buck out for a spin. They were not even using the good space tape to hold the thing together either. I swear a gun must have fallen off the thing from me crashing into the docking area trying to back up.
I decided I would explore around for a bit. The sector I was in did not seem that dangerous or large. There must be money to be out there somewhere in this universe. I just got to find what I’m good at. I’m still not thrilled about the controls for a spaceship. I hope at least I get used to it at some point.
Turns out I do suck at flying a spaceship in this game. Also, I need to stay away from the pirates. The little tiny ship I start with did not exactly perform to my expectations of being an eccentric billionaire empire tycoon. It was a bit short-lived.
This time it was to do something a little more my style. After a little more exploring and staying away from the area where I had a slight misshape and the entire universe had to be restarted from the beginning. I ended up finding a space gate.
Clearly, death has near-zero consequences for me this early on. I went it. Half of me was terrified I’d find some giant death trap on the other side of the gate as if trying to go into low sec in Eve Online near Jita. The other half ways daydreaming again about striking it rich.
Still, I thought to myself I wanted to explore the asteroid belt for a little while. This thing is such a beauty it would even sparkly once in a while back at me. Wait a moment. Could that be an animally on one of the rocks?
I spent a decent amount of time flying around the asteroid belt waiting for it to blink back at me. Signaling a crystal was waiting to get blasted to bits. Thankfully there was not some kind of Collective For The Ethical Treatment of Space Crystals as I would be number one on their wanted posters.
Along the way, I did find some Unstable Crystal. The police have come by so many times to scan my cargo. I have a funny feeling this is the stuff they are after. I ended up jetting it into space. Naturally, I wrote down the location of where I was dumping them. Just. .. umm. . . in case such information one day come comes in handy. For environmental reasons! Yes, environmental reasons. . .
After a while I got a bit cornered with the amount of wealth I was carrying around with me. The last thing I would want is a pirate finding me and putting even more holes in this ship. As if I would notice.
This also meant I was poor again. It was however enough space excitement for me for the day. I tried to find where the captain can get some shut-eye in this universe. I guess I’ll just sleep in the cockpit of my ship. Hope a gas line does not spring a leak while I’m sleeping and I get gassed to death. The space station insurer would cover that kind of death right?
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about X4 Foundation.