Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
With this game being in alpha it is a quite minimum viable product with just the basics currently working and a fair bit of UI. There are a lot of buildings and other features that will be coming in the future as the game is developed further. One such up and the coming feature will be a market place.
There is a free way for the player to acquire ingredient cards activity in-game. Players can hop on over to the Pub building and take a look at the bulletin board. The player can take on daily quests at the cost of energy and time. Some take only take 10 minutes while others can be almost an hour long. You are limited to do one quest at a time.
As far as the ingredient cards themselves to brew a single beer you will need to collect barley, hops, yeast, water, and a fermentable like malt. These can come in different kinds of rarities and types to affect things like alcohol by volume, international bitterness unit, taste, and ultimately the price.
It will be interesting to see moving forward all the different kinds of beers and who knows what else you will be able to brew. For the moment you only have the recipe for European Lager. There are also quite a lot of unknown stats that are not currently giving much information on what they are doing for the overall beer when brewing one.
For selling you simply go over to the pub and click on the cash register. From there you can click on any beer you have available to sell and the price that is being offered. I get around 15 coins per beer so far.
If you want to buy a beer you just click on the bartender in the pub and you can buy some for around 3 coins. Drinking beer yields beer energy over 30 minutes.
To be able to transfer coins to others you do need to have a minimum of 1k coins and use Keychain to sign the transaction on the Hive blockchain. For now, I’ll be holding onto any coins I acquire to see what further things you will be able to buy using them in the future.
While the game is in quite an early alpha it looks like they have quite a few features planned. The game's main screen itself has another six buildings that are to be unlocked at some point. The pub is going to include mini-games and a leaderboard. Finally, the brewhouse itself has some hints that you will be able to get more details and upgrade it at a later date in time. Which is great as it takes a few hours to make a single beer at this time.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from the game Crypto Brew Master (referral link with a bonus for sighing up)
Discloser: This game was in alpha at the time of writing this.