Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
Terraria is quite the adventure to be had for a two-dimensional sandbox game. From its procedurally generated world to epic boss fights. It will catch you off guard and spoil that perfect plan.
The game also has two defined phases. In pre-hard mode spelunking is quite an easy thing to do and the perfect time to set up tunnels and uncover a lot of ores like copper, silver, and gold. Then there is the hard mode that replaces easy monster and gives you the opportunity to spawn end game ores and bosses.
Since I’ve played this game a few times I knew better than to try and rush to hard mode. There is just so much to do before going to that point. It is also very helpful to have large parts of the map uncovered and set up.
The great thing about this game is your character(s) and the worlds you create are separate. So if you wanted to go join a friends game you don’t have to start a new character. For the most part, they take whatever they had on them. This also means if you explored the daylights out of the single world the adventure does not have to stop there for that character. You can just create another world! Perhaps you will get different ore spawns and biodomes as well. Which in my eyes helps adds more replayability.
As you can see I have a bunch of NPCs in their own rooms. The game has quite a number of NPCs and it is one of the reasons to set up a place other than having a chest and crafting area. You have everything from the starting Guide who will steal the first room that qualifies to more useful people showing up like Arms Dealer who sells weapons! You can even get some that have crafting stations that you can buy to expand what you can craft.
There are certain requirements before they can even show up let alone move into an unused room. Many times that is focused around you defeating a boss or completing an achievement. Witch Doctor for instants won’t even show up until after the Queen Bee has been killed at least once.
The NPCs require a light source, a table and something to sit on but they never take a rest. There is also some exact space requirements and you need to build a wall as well to keep out the elements. Thankfully the game has an in-game option to check if a room qualifies. I definitely did not build these rooms for optimizing space it was just the first design I set down that was good enough. Which is about as fancy as I get for building a house.
Oh, the places you will find bosses when you were just looking at the flowers trying catch butterflies.
The Slime King naturally had to be pulled off the roof to my house. He later crushed my spine and escape. I’ll be putting up some wanted posters soon!
If you can’t tell by now boss killing in this game is not something you do on a whim. You spend a fair amount of time setting up an area to do combat in. Just standing still will get you killed and even worse you would have hardly done anything. You also tend to spend time collecting gear and weapons. You might also collect a hand full of healing potions and other stuff like Ironskin potions for increased defense.
Fights tend to be a few minutes long in this game. The only thing that will get hit a few times and die is you so that is something to keep in mind. While bosses can be soloed I will say they are more fun in a group. Even more so when one member is moving out of the way and another is able to lay down full damage. It just makes things easier.
This would also take my world into hard mode and I have no desire to rush. Otherwise, you will have zero fun when you were not yet ready for it and die at every corner and hole in the ground. It was, however, funny to trigger the Wall of Flesh and get murder to grab a quick screenshot! Perhaps another weekend I’ll gear up some people and take a ran at him for old time sake.
The game has a bunch of non-boss events that happen as well. Things like getting raided or having a meteoroid crash land on a random part of your map. While some of them you can try and trigger yourself. Other times you could be on your way to get back to a location after getting killed and suddenly your plans have been altered due to something going on. Here are a couple of examples below.
I guess my NPCs were used to it by now as they pitch in fighting off the attack. Anytime a goblin went inside to their rooms they lobbed volleys of death. Did not matter if they teleported in or got in from an open door. They help break up some of the massive amounts of goblins I was facing.
As the horde of goblins swarmed I swung my sword hoping to kill off a few before getting killed. They would keep coming in wave after wave. So I would keep respawning for another beating in hopes of getting the event bar to 100% and seeing the last of them disappears. The ground was covered in coins and items from the fallen by the time it was all over. I made some gold that night and had more fun than working on an elevator I was building to the Underworld.
If you thought it was just as simple as going over and mining the stuff you don’t know the joy of this game yet! This stuff will burn you if you step on it. It also spawns in flying Meteor Heads when you get close to the crash site and they hurt!
I made myself a Space Gun and some other upgrades after clearing out most of the ore. It is in a rather tricky spot and at the time I did not have pickaxe that could break the Dungeon’s walls which would make it easier to farm.
You also have random weather events such as a snow or sand storm in their representing biodomes. They can reduce visibility to near zero, have high winds making it hard to walk and spawn in monsters to deal with. If you ever thought you were going get somewhere quick in this game it has something else in mind.
Unless you build a giant sideways shaft going from one side of the map to the other. Then you can just create tunnels out like a mole rat. The downside is that takes a lot of time and since I was just playing solo this time around I decided against it. As such I get to enjoy the weather and whatever random events I run into!
There are quite a lot of other things in this game as well. Like corruption or Crimson biomes which can take over your realm. Crafting which I only touch on a tad that fuels your endless desire to keep getting new materials to make item sets. Along with almost thirty boss fights that more than most games have.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about the game Terraria