Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
What was fun for me was not knowing how these expeditions would go. You enter usually under a pretense of one thing and after some discover things might end up changing mid expedition. While other times everything was expected. I liked the fact that the game might toss you some curve balls and break what expectations you had going into something.
The more times you encounter a creature from tracking its tracks to gathering things like feathers or scales it drops. The more information you are able to gather. It also speeds up the process of you tracking down that create the next time you encounter it.
The monsters you end up fighting can deal with all kinds of different effects on your character. Some of them might light you on fire which is easy to deal with by just rolling to put it out. While others could poison and if you didn’t pack some antidote or nulberry to counteract any other effects a fight suddenly becomes extremely challenging. Which I personally like as it pays to come prepared.
For the most part, you get around fifty minutes and I found that to be more than ample enough time even soloing. Monsters can leave the map much sooner than that but usually what you are after for the quest will stick around for a while. I liked the fact they put a time limit just to keep the player from getting over aggravated if they came underprepared and geared to face the challenge.
I do wish it was a little more involved other than you running around a zone until you have found the right tracks and get taken right to the best you are hunting after investigating a couple of them by just clicking on them. There really no player skill involved other than you gaining research points and leveling up the knowable of said monster.
Once you have tracked something down the exciting part unfolds. Unlike in other games where the main fight might only take a few minutes. Depending on how well you are at using weapon combos, the type of weapon you have, and how geared you are. These fights can go on for quite some time.
Game knowable also plays a vital role in these combat encounters. As you are dogging attacks, healing damage taken, reshaping your weapon mid-combat, and curing yourself. You can target certain areas of the larger monsters and break them or even in some cases cut them right off!
Perhaps you are dealing with a horned dragon. He is not only attacking with sweeping tail attacks but charging at you with his nasty looking horns. Depending on what parts can be broken off of that dragoon. You might just be able to cut off its tail and skin it for parts, along with, cutting off its horns. Either of these reduces the effectiveness and damage when said dragon attacks with using those parts of its body.
As the fight progresses along the monster will also run to a few different locations as well. Often times it will lure you back to its nest. Along with any terrain where it could gain benefit from like into a muddy patch of water where it covers itself in the mud!
In the later stages of the game, you also don’t have to kill everything either if that not your kind of thing. You can try and capture a monster. This can conclude the fight much faster, provide more loot, and be a different way to go about the game as well.
Once all is done you return back to the preparation part of the loop. Where you take anything you gained from the last quest and craft new gear, weapons, or make improvements. In the early and late game having different kinds of gear and weapons can help as each encounter is a bit different.
While you can in the wild run into a former monster you have killed and had another go at them. You can also pick up quests that let you repeat that kill a number of times. Often times when you are trying craft gear you might need a drop you didn’t get or just didn’t get enough of something.
There is also stuff that falls more into line with what you expect most quests to be in a game. Go out and gather herbs or iron. Gather and deliver goods to a certain NPC. Kill an X amount of a certain type of monster.
In the late-game, once a player has finished off the main storyline these tend to be the bread and butter for players who wish to keep playing. I myself always just picked up as many as I could every time I got back into town. It was nice getting the main kill for a storyline and going to turn in five other quests.
The game has a lot of different kinds of armor sets. Some of them provide just simple armor value upgrades over the lower tier ones. While others have different positive and negative resistances. Making them perfect in some fights and deadly to wear in others.
Amour than can be further improved to have better stats if you have the required materials. With the ultimate goal of unlocking skills that boost health, reduce damage taken and have other effects.
The game does a really good job of giving the player a wide range of playstyles with just how many weapons there are in this game. You have simple things like a sword and shield which is what I used for a large amount of my gameplay. Much slower two-handed weapons like greatswords, hammers, and lances. You even have things like bows and blowguns for those who enjoy ranged combat as well.
The part I dint like is you are making all this gear which was great. Then you can talk to the armory that is like “here some cheap OP gear you can just buy.” It’s better by miles than anything you will have for a very long time. It’s got a bunch of resistances on it and no negative ones as well. You are no longer crafting gear or needing to switch gear depending on the fight.
You just have this one set of armor, which is already upgraded to have skills. It is sold to you for a couple of hundred money each which is super cheap under the pretense that it will help you during the main quest. Because you know dragons are tuff and this is how the game decided to handle that part.
Yep, that BLOWS. It broke this cycle for a while of needing to craft upgrades. Everything you were killing no longer had a crafting purpose for that moment.
With all of that out of the way. There is at least a point where you can start crafting better gear. It does, however, feel like it was after some kind of expansion to the game. As once you get to that part of the game the NPCs keep bringing up the point that it’s “been a while.” No, it has not been for me. Even more so since I was just more or less handed OP gear to go slay dragons in.
You also have a number of other items you can craft in-game. Like health potions, nets, and just general stuff you take along with you on questing. You can even roast meat you farmed if you wanted to. For the most part things like health and rations, I earned enough from playing to not need craft any in the short term.
Outside of this strange middle ground where you find yourself not needing to craft any gear. I do like the crafting system overall. You don’t have to craft all the gear and depending on what kind of skills a set comes with. It can even fit into different playstyle a player has.
I loved the epic battles and wish I had the time to keep playing. There is just something about getting crushed if you were not prepared enough for a fight. Along with fights taking some time to play out and you sometimes need to dodge away from them to sharpen a weapon or heal. Those fights are really what this game is about and I enjoyed them. Even more so when some of the monsters were just so odd looking!
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about the game Monster Hunter World