Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
The first area we would need to cross was The Field of Bones. For most of the journey, there was quite a straight shot. Thankfully I did not need to walk around or any pits or other areas of trouble. At our levels though I would not have expected much of a fight.
There ended up being quite a steep cliff we had to get down from near where we exited Field Of Bones. This then led us into a wall that had some gaps in it. Finding the actual entrance into The City Of Mist was not where we thought it was at first. As the perimeter around it is the City itself which makes more sense now thinking about it.
We did end up killing a couple of things along the way. Just so we were not dragging a large train across the zone. It also seemed better to deal with the issue now than later which ended up being a good thing when we did not find the entrance right away into the city.
The first area we ended up camping out ended up being a smart play unknowingly to us. There is a chance for a Captain of the Guard to spawn which after killing a few we did get. He drops a key required to get to the higher level of creatures in the zone in the back.
Granted, we did have a lot better gear than they would have back in the day. So I’m sure we are clearing at a much higher rate than this zone was made for.
After a few level gains and looting some new gear, we decided to try clearing deeper into the zone. The creatures were giving us less and less experience and we were killing them at a rate I was getting a little tired with all the running around I had to do for pulling.
I also wanted to see what the Stone key we looted off a Captain of the Guard was for. It did not seem to be for any of the buildings around us. So deeper we went.
Along the way, we would camp for a few spawns as I explored the best I could between kills. I was hoping to find some names for us to kill.
We would later return and re-clear back to the spot we got killed at. This time ready for a named that spawned another named when killed. Which unknown to us then spawned the real named that was quite a beast to take down.
I’m not quite sure how we managed to survive for so long. I was expecting our group to just run out of mana and that be the end of us. At some point I was expecting adds from respawns that would wipe us out.
Before going up the ramps there was an elevator. While it said it required a key it was not the one I was holding. We ended up searching high and low in the city killing everything we could. We never did find another key that I would assume was for that elevator to take us to some unknown parts.
While the back of the zone had some higher-level creatures to kill. They were in quite small numbers and spread out between each other. We ended up having a moving camp to the different parts that went around in a connected square.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about EverQuest.