Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
That scumbag just sniped an item for cheap and relisted it for ten times the amount! As I was offloading some items the other day in Path of Exile (PoE) to a reseller it made me think “do they add economic value?”
The guy in question was buying up the market for a short-term monopoly on what he preserved to be hard to get the item. He was rather easy to spot because he was already wearing that same item they are noticed as wearing. I have played many roles in video games as a farmer, reseller, crafter, and even just some guy wanting to buy an upgrade but having to pay a markup.
Below I categorize few different methods I see item resellers use in video games such as basic market speculation, monopoly, convenience fee, and upscaling. While giving mostly PoE specific examples the underlying principles can be expanded to other games and their markets.
This has the downside of taking a risk and not always a very rewarding profit margin. Sure if you can buy an item that sells for ten times as much than the price you acquire it that is a much-desired find. Other times after any kind of auction house fees or other costs they sometimes are having to sell an item at a loss to just free up capital to take a risk in a different item.
How do you view market speculators in this limited fashion for a game you play? Are they just creating artificial price increase since they are buying items they have no intention to use? Are they buying something cheap and make it available at a later date ensuring if the market is willing to pay limited edition items can still be acquired years down the road instead of sitting on an account that no longer plays? Is this getting in the way of the invisible hand of the market or easing shorts in supply and demand over a prolonged period of time?
The item itself as seen in the screenshot is called a Tabula Rasa. It is a very in-demand item for early leagues and events as it provides 6 white sockets (any color skill gem can fit, red, green, blue, and white) and they are all 6-link (connected). They also do not have a required level so anyone can wear them.
Due to this item being of no level requirements it can also drop right away if someone luck out but that is rather rare. The chances of acquiring one are often depending on what is going on in that league or event.
When I can’t sell something in a more traditional method I’ll look for opportunity like this within the market. It sometimes comes at a low risk or can be very time consuming and high risk. Often times it requires you to move fast enough to take advantage of a short-term opportunity or already have a contract lined up that you are just fulfilling an agreed upon price.
Meanwhile, in other games, you might have the ability to break an item down and sell it for a greater sum than its components. This could often be found in a game like World of Warcraft where you take ores and process them further into gems. In a game like Eve Online perhaps an item has an expensive mineral like Morphite in it do you process the item for it.
Another way in most games is to get a complete gear set for a build and sell the whole thing as one sale. That is not very common in a game like PoE but I have in other games. The biggest issue is people tend to just want pay for hardest to get an item or they already have that and low ball you on rest of the gear. If however, I know someone was going play a certain build once their current one hits level 100 and I priced out and acquired all those items then I could sell them as a package at a higher price.
Often times people trying to control the market for a certain build will just target hardest to come by item. When you are already heavily invested in everything but one item you are more willing to overpay just to get it. Which could increase set collections if they are held even more so if the item is expected to have long-term needs or desire and is of limited quantity.
What the difference between the two other than the apparent socket colors and links? The one on left someone is trying sell for 19 Chaos Orbs and the one on the right is asking 639 Chaos Orbs. Now the question comes down to can you make this a 6 link in fewer than 1230 tries with Orb of Fusing (used to make 6 sockets linked after you rolled 6 sockets on this item). Well according to something like this reddit post. If math scares you the short answer is on average, yes; but, you could have infuriated the RNG gods that day. Right now I would rather wait for Orb of Fusing to decrease in value or further market shortages increasing this item’s value.
A much safer but less profitable route could be using an in-game system like the Forsaken Masters in PoE where you can simply roll a stat if it has a slot open on the item. For when a player is searching for an item and say they really want life, resistance or even a stat like Dexterity. This could increase the value and come up in more search results. The downside of this is if someone had a higher level Forsaken Master that allowed them to add a higher stat. So it has upside of increasing visibility and price but also limiting who would be interested in this item. Someone else could buy the item and remove the stat rolled if they had high enough Forsaken Master and then rolled a better one and resold it.
In a number of games I’ve played, I have often sold to resellers because they want to play the market game. Many times they have no idea how to get the item and I enjoy finding the best method in farming things. It is also not uncommon for them to be involved in dozens or even hundreds of items. So specialized in one item can be rather rewarding. Under normal conditions, certain high valued items in games can take days to even years to find a buyer for. A reseller is there at that moment to snap that item up and take that risk for a higher profit. Many times in my past buying an item from me and then taking a loss on it after it fails to sell.
Other times they keep me from getting the items I want as they just snip the item off the markets faster. While I can get annoying If they are cheating and using software to do this they also run such risks as getting there account banned. Then no one gets the item which is a loss for anyone wanting to get it at a decent price.
Have you ever resold an item in a video game? How about upscale it to bring more value or even taken long-term risk of holding an item for a prolonged time? Are you on the other side where you see the item being listed for something you could afford. Then someone else buys it just to relist it out of your price range? Did a market shortfall prevent you from getting the desired item?
Screenshots taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Path of Exile.