Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
This game does have a lot of ships in it. Something like 89 which for a single-player game is just crazy. With that many ships chances are there one for the kind of playstyle you enjoy. Ones that focus on mining to giant and slow-moving death ships shooting a dozen lasers or missiles if that is your thing. The tricky part is finding the ship you want with how many stations and systems are in this game you need to explore. You can’t just go to a central hub and it has all of them.
I enjoy using mining lasers and until after cruiser size ships, I was set on doing just that. Things however changed after that as the only bigger ship with mining bonus are carrier ships and they are drone boats. While I have not seen an end-game ship with a mining bonus as the BDN-1 Imperious Titanous is a weapon ship. Those bigger ships do have a lot more active slots to make up for the lack of a bonus.
I never did go out to find mercenaries to hire that either did mine or hauled so I could get more ore per trip to the station. They seemed like a rather pain to have to manage by going into their induvial inventories one at a time. The solution was setting up a mining silo that how cost many millions and I had moved onto combat by the time I had that kind of money just sitting around.
Still, I’m not quite sure if a full mining fleet would be the way to go even with improved refining skills. As it seems like you would be spending a lot of time either sitting around loading up the refiner with ores or hauling it looking for a better price after you crashed all the local markets. Mercenaries themselves can’t just go do these tasks for you.
No, I’m not talking about running around in a starter ship and getting owned either. Though I had many hours at the beginning of that happening as well. I was at one point in the best ship in the game a BDN-Imperious Titanous dreadnought. Still, I sometimes ran from the raiders as they would show up wave after wave till I just could not fight them off any longer.
Combat for me was where I’ve spent most of my time so far. It is also where I made my millions to fund a failed expedition into trying to get set up in a wormhole. Though more on that down below.
Outside of missions, there was raider hunting among other activates by just sitting around in a system long enough for them to show up. I did not want to destroy my reputation with factions so I mainly focused on raiders instead of being one myself and attacking other types of NPCs.
Raiders can also be quite lucrative to farm. No, I’m not talking about financially though they were decent for that as well. They can drop higher rarity modules that had some nice boost to them over anything you could buy at a station. Not to mention they dropped books that you could use for 10 skill points a pop. A good run for me could net 50 to 100 skill points in 10 mins if I was lucky farming raiders.
Heck, I even spent over $20 million setting up platforms hoping it would give me the edge to take down the armada I was trying to defeat. It sadly ended in tears. No closer to my goal than the day I had stumbled on the wormhole in the first place.
I also grinded levels and skill points hoping I could just out tech the horrors that were thrust onto me. I soon realized after leveling up quite a bit and hiring 5 mercenaries that the wormhole only got harder. The game scales with you it seems and my hope of making a certain wormhole my home faded away.
Why would one want to get into a wormhole anyways? Boundless riches as far as the eye could see when it comes to mining. There are supposed to be some wormholes that lack giant packs of death in them. I guess I’ve just been unlucky with my run-in with them so far.
The entire system is quite an interesting way to go about it. You could build out each structure to serve a single purpose in most cases. This involves deploying a generic construction platform. Then upgrading it along a path to get the result you want by spending money and components.
Along the way, you might find yourself needing an energy generator. While a construction platform can be turned into one that then is its purpose. It will also only power other platforms within range. So quickly after playing around with it I notice my budget for what I wanted skyrocket into many hours of grinding for money.
I did not fully dive into it too much in a safer area other than the small setup I had in the wormhole. I started to run low on funds. It appears like you need to even gather people to run a station model if that is what you one. Have a housing area set up for them as that is one of the buildings. Along with many other functions. This seems like it is the kind of thing to have set up in a wormhole. It’s a shame I just can’t find good neighbors in one to set up the kind of operation I’m looking to get into.
Already this game in early access has enough playability to it that if this was it I’d be happy enough with the way it is. Naturally, I do want a bit more of a deeper game and perhaps one day my character will be living in a wormhole only leaving to sell and bring supplies back in. I just wish there were actual sites to run with multiple rooms like there are in other games.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from Astrox Imperium.
Disclosure: This game is in early access.