Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
With how much time I've been spending in delve you would think it was delve league or something. This was however one of those things I always wanted to see how far I could get down into depth on. If I was not going to do it now, I have no idea when if ever I'd attempt to go for pure madness.
Since the last update, I've ventured down a bit more to 308th depth. For most people I know if they can reach around the 200’s they would be happy. I was however not going to be settling for this far down.
I was kind of hoping by now to have found some kind of megacity. Like many things in delve, they all seem to kind of cluster around one another. You can go quite a long time without finding a city or a fossil node. Then suddenly quite a few pop up in an area making it worthwhile to explore in all directions.
At least the one I had just found and cleared was of decent size. There must have been nine or so locations. The loot inside was not that great. I’d much later discover that there was one important modifier if I noticed a city there was a chance for some massive riches to be found.
It was also a bit strange I'd hit patches where it showed no modifiers at all. For all I know they had so many modifiers or they were undiscovered and therefore would not show up. Usually, however, those areas would be quite easy to clear out. At some point, I should try and get to the bottom of it.
One thing I did start to keep an eye on is the different fossil nodes I even started to write down my lists of what kind of fossils or other things can be found at the different nodes. Crystal Spire for instance in abyssal depths would net me a single hollow fossil and sometimes I could sell one for 100 chaos on a good day.
Finding one of those was like hitting a gold mine. Not all fossil nodes were worth my time. Sometimes if I found haunted tombs I'd skip over them as tangled fossils only selling for two chaos. Other times I'd clear them out just to see further on that side of the map hoping there was something better lucking by.
While getting down deeper in depth was the main goal. I still needed so many divine orbs anything of decent value I knew would drop I'd go for. So even if I had to clear some nodes that I've marked down as near worthless. If I could tell they were near abyssal depths, frozen hollow, or sulfur vents regions of the map and had fossil nodes nearby I'd sometimes stop to take a peek.
I was also starting to get the hang of clearing out city nodes quicker than I have in the past. You need to be able to take a decent amount of damage to zip in, loot the boxes, and then zip over to the other side. So, I still needed to kill quite a few enemies along the way. I was just focusing on reducing how much time they took to clear.
Many times, I also could not help myself if I noticed a fractured wall nearby. While they were fun around exploring massive amounts of darkness all at once. I’m rather glad I did not wait. Even more so with how quickly delve loot like resonators were selling and the prices they were at.
Sometimes I'd only clear out twenty or so nodes in delve before going and exploring around looking for fractured walls. Other times I might wait till I've done five or more full trips of sulphate.
It was getting harder and harder to want to balance between leveling up my alt that was still not powerful enough to do much in the delve depth I had already cleared to. He still needed some critical gear and some further levels before I'd start making the slow switch over. Leaving behind my main at one point to have no further use in this league.
I was always on the lookout for things like resonator trove chests. Those I knew would drop a prime chaotic resonator that I'd get an easy 50 chaos or more sometimes for. While they were the rarest of the resonators they were often not as used. So, it’s not that shocking they were not higher in worth.
Sometimes I'd just skip over a bunch of cities to go down as far as I could until I hit some trouble. There ended up being a couple of spots on the map I started to wonder if my non-delve build was going to be getting much further. Then I'd venture sideways for a bit and find a node I could clear down even deeper than I had been before.
Then I'd switch back over and for the most part, the cities would just drop tons of maps. There would however be those moments that I'd not regret spending the short amount of time it takes to loot the chests in them.
I’ve lost count at this point how many Valdo’s puzzle boxes I've looted at this point. I swear I've looted more of them than I have divine orbs. What I do know is they usually bring a bit of a smile to my face and even during long night grinding sessions a needed second or third burst of energy.
While I was having quite a bit of divine orbs now stacking up. I was rather hoping to save a decent amount of them if I could just luck out and loot the replica boots, I needed from the heist.
Here I thought I was done with heist for the league. I ended up looking through all my blueprints and discovering a couple of grand heists who had a chance to drop the item I needed.
I ran about a dozen or so of them with no luck. While it sure would have been nice. I at least made a couple more divine between all the loot I ended up selling. Like many things, not everything would end up selling. After a while, I'd end up discounting some stuff down below a point where I felt it was worth my time to stop what I was doing to trade with another person. So many items I was hoping to get a divine for that it turns out no one wanted. This was kind of funny as I was sometimes undercutting the market by 90% for days on end before just deciding to chuck another item into the trash as I was more or less giving it away at that point.
Things would just be getting started for me in delve. I’d end up going to depths I never thought I'd ever reach. While there would not be any record-breaking. I was rather pleased just how deadly things were getting so many depths deeper I'd find myself getting each day.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Path Of Exile.