Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
The last hardcore race we had I was rather hard on trying push and that caused quite a few deaths on my end and some frustration. This time around I’ve taken quite a few more breaks and have not made any attempts to push too hard. My main goal this time around has been more fun and to get past a certain point that gets me rather stumped. This involves really slowing things down and making time to just enjoy things.
As such day 2 has been very causal for me. I’ve done some grinding mostly for currency and I’m in the stage right now of working on getting levels on some Forsaken Masters so I can improve the gear I have further. I’ve also taken the time to try and craft some better gear and to work on gems I have.
The witch has been quite some fun so far. Since it is a summing class it can go from almost dying being alone if trying to move forward too fast to have that army of bodyguards to protect it. Not to mention if planned right it has some amazing boss killing speed. It just requires waiting for Vaal Skeleton to be up before going in and downing anything. While it’s not my normal go as fast as you can kind of build it has been enjoyable. I find myself picking up more loot as I’m sticking around just a tad longer and might as well pick up what I see as loot.
I finally go around to going the six trails found in acts 1 to 3. Being at my level they were nothing risky or even heart pounding. It was rather straightforward and I’ve developed some great timing for dealing with different traps, spikes, spinning blades, fire, and all other types.
The end boss went down without much of a fight. At my level, I more than expected for him to fall rather quickly to Blade Vortex. I had a little too much damage which was expected so the final encounter on him had some buffing to it. Nothing that concerned me. The guy could barely put a scratch on me.
I would rather just start enjoying this league's mechanics of the temple and getting some amazing loot out of it. There are just so much to learn about all the different rooms. It’s one of those things where you need to try and plan a little bit before entering into what you want to achieve. Then you just go for it as the timer is rather short and I’ve run out of time quite a few times. I’m not a very fast reacting person in real time so it has been a challenge, to say the least. I’ve also had quite a few near deaths in it.
I hope everyone else has been having an amazing time. I know some have had some hardships and try are trying to move forward. Good luck and have a great Sunday!
Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Path of Exile.