Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
I just had a couple more quests remaining to get the town in tip-top shape. I did start to have some regrets for how quickly I was skipping time forward. Thankfully I was not too far gone to fix things.
For my next building challenges, I just needed to have three houses and two specialized buildings. This is when I started to realize I could have already had some things done in the prior quests. Some of the buildings I needed now required having a third house which I had to finish before starting them.
At this point, I was also selling anything I had in storage that I just didn’t see myself needing. It ended up paying off being a bit of a packrat. I must have had 5k silver worth of stuff just sitting around.
It was also starting to make sense to be a bit riskier in my time spent. My town started to generate a daily profit in terms of funds, food, wood, and stone. I just had to be careful to not go speeding past any deadlines failing a quest.
If I did end up failing the price for doing so is not so bad. I would however not get a 15% discount on building costs. It’s not a deal breaker or anything. I was however quite down on silver even with the bit I ended up acquiring from my storge. I still had no idea just how costly things would end up getting.
I did end up needing to farm Old Sircoco for some decent loot quite a few times. This place had a couple of ornate chests. So the loot was quite amazing. I was also getting it down to a point where I was not getting killed as often as the first time I encountered the dungeon.
For the most part building and coming up with the resources were no longer the biggest issue. They would end up becoming the second part of each of the upcoming quests. As some of them required some rather hard fights.
One of them came in the form of needing to kill Djinn twice. The first time around I had zero issue taking him out. The second time my melee build could barely get a swing in before he would do some massive area of effect that I had to get clear off.
I ended up running back to my town and loading up tripwire traps. Thankfully I needed to talk to him again before he would attack me. So, I loaded the place up with about fifty traps.
While Djinn moved quite slowly and I could not get him out to the edge of his arena. I learned as long as I had the traps around the center circle of the arena, I could get him to hit them.
In between he gets hit by endless traps. I’d swoop in and try and get a couple of swings in. Then I'd back off and heal up. Wait for him to move into the next set of traps I had set up. Then repeat till I had him taken out.
Once he was defeated, he agreed to help move a stone that was needed to the town. This fight however would not even be a warmup for the final fight I'd have coming in a few quests.
I decided it would be smart to always do a New Sirocco Mines run after skipping forward seven days. As that is the amount of time needed to reset the mine. I’d then load up on a bunch of iron that I'd turn into future tripwire traps to replace the ones I used and make about double what I had.
I also somewhat struggled with what specialized buildings I wanted to build. You are first limited to only having three. Then that is upgraded to having an extra three if you end up being successful in another quest down the line which I was.
The even harder choice was each of these buildings could only be upgraded into one of at most two options. Some of these options required being part of the different factions somewhat limiting what choices I could make. While others just required having the right rare materials from gathering samples.
I ended up going with the city hall as my first one. I’d later upgrade this to Krypteia hideout to see how powerful the weapon imbues you get for doing so-called infused blood. It sadly does not stack with other weapon imbues. I however allow you to leach 10% damage as life and give other types of damage.
I then went with the general store that could be upgraded into a Caravan Wagon option. This would allow me to spend 300 silver and be transported to any of the regions I wanted. This I felt for the pieces would be an amazing way to get somewhere quickly. I’d still have to walk all the back to this region to use this option again. I however felt if I'd go on some boss-killing adventures at some point this would be nice to have as that amount of silver was quite meaningless at this point.
One I thought would have a bigger impact than it ended up having was building a water purifier. I upgraded it to a fountain of life later on. This allowed me to collect two different kinds of water. One would regen life and the other stamina. The issue was the amounts were quite allowed and they did not last very long. Drinking an entire waterskin of special water would last about 15 minutes.
Another building I was quite excited to get was the enchanting guild. This was a system I had yet to play around with. With this building, I just needed rare materials from samples to give me different boosts on my gear like 100% resistance to fire among many other things.
After almost six hundred in-game days had passed since I first started my second character. It was time for things to come to some kind of ending for the time being. It was time for one final dungeon and an end-game boss.
It became quite clear by the time I got to the boss that running as a melee build was not going to end well for me. The boss itself left very little opportunity to strike hits on him without taking some massive blows on myself.
This boss also did not like to run around a lot. He had damage all over the field. Unlike the last boss I fought I also could not set up the arena with traps beforehand. There were a few attempts made.
They all however ended the same way. Me being defeated. Once that happens, I would wake up not just outside of the dungeon but somewhere that could be a decent distance away in the region. The walk of shame back was quite slow sometimes.
For failing to beat this final boss the lower section of the city would fill with lava. I’d just be losing access to the mine down there. Which at this late stage of the game I no longer needed anyway.
While I've had a blast playing this game. It’s time to enjoy something else for a while. I still have quite a few things I could end up coming back to do at some point. I however don’t see myself making a third character and making a run at the end boss that would be ranged focus to deal with him.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Outward Definitive Edition.