Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
I’d end up staying in the first region in Once Human quite past the level I needed to progress the game forward. Along the way, I'd end up fighting my first monolith boss. Encountering some strange things, and getting loads of loot.
Still no walls up yet at my base. I did however add a bed. My character has ended up losing some sanity from all the combat he has been in. This in turn reduces his overall maximum health. Since I'm playing on a novice server such effects are quite reduced but will ramp up over time as I venture into harder regions of the game.
I also stopped to work on a bunch more season journeys. It was a lot of basic things I should have already been doing like making a bed and resting in one. Along with having things like a place to store things.
My character has ended up collecting quite a lot of resources in the couple of locations he has hit up so far. While they do let you go quite over the weight limit, I've managed to hit over 130% carrying weight much later on. It also slows you down so much you might as well go offload supplies. I’m rather glad early on I managed to keep my carry weight in check.
I ended up continuing my work with Mary to further along the main storyline. I’m rather glad I'm not trying to rush things as I'd later find out that I'd need to wait for the season phase which increases every week to increase just to advance in the game further. At least for now I was quite bliss to knowing this and had a lot more stuff to do.
Every time I went sent out to a location for the main storyline or even a side quest. If there were buildings to clear. You know I cleared them. It was kind of fun when I walked into a place called Monolith of Greed seeing that I needed to loot a mystic crate, a weapon, or armor, along with some other tasks.
Sometimes I'd easily find these crates to loot. Other times I'd be checking for notes from random players left on the ground hoping to find a hint. I could count more times than not that a create would be on top of a roof or inside some of the bigger buildings. You still however could never be certain so I just fully cleared whatever town I was looting the best I could anyway.
You can kind of see I've already gone in and cleared out a few locations around where I was at. I had also now made it to level eight. At some point, I'd also go around to all the side quest blue markers and attempt to do all of them before moving on to the next region.
Monolith of Greed ended up being quite a dense little dug-in military operation. Providing some of the toughest creatures I'd be facing in this region. I would also go to find out it was for good reason. I was about to have quite the fight on my hands.
I’m just glad I ended up having quite a lot of healing objects with me. At one point it felt like I was getting shot from all directions. There were enemies up in sniper towers, hiding in tents, and just out in the open trying to take me down.
It was kind of nice having this location all to myself. Sometimes I'd hit up a site and realize someone had just cleared it out. That would cause a bit of an issue if needed to kill an elite as an objective. Not this time, however.
Thankfully I use my deviant quite sparingly. The last thing I want is to be in a bad situation and not have it recovered ready to be sent out again to fight. The moment I spotted the elite along with a couple of other things wanting to attack me. I deployed my deviant who did most of the damage.
It also looks like elites have a chance of dropping certain items. I could see myself in the future wanting to farm a certain elite over and over again if that is the case. I however don’t know much about them other than a nice increase in loot from killing one.
After a lot of clearing, I made my way to the waypoint for the main quest line. It sent me into a building that had a bunch of public facilities for crafting. There were also quite a few medical crates to loot.
You can almost bet anytime a game is trying to load you up with medical healing tools. That a nasty fight was coming up. I was also in a place called the Monolith. So that was kind of a given.
Before I loaded into the boss fight this game gave me quite a disturbing little cut sense. I've started to realize some twisted minds are making this game. I was tempted to want to skip it but it’s just one of those things you can’t turn away from looking at either.
It was then time to fight my first monolith boss. A Ravenous Hunter who was level 10. Going into this thing I felt quite under-geared for it. The game also recommends me being at a higher level and being in a team. So going in solo I felt less confident than I'd have liked.
Thankfully I was able to duck behind this massive piece of equipment for most of the fight. I was also starting to get the feeling I did not bring enough ammo with me. At the very least I wanted to check out the monolith fight. I figured I'd have to make another attempt at it.
The biggest challenge for me since I already had a decent spot to cover behind. Was when the monolith had two add spawners show up. I got the feeling that you needed at least two players for this once I hit that phase of the fight.
You can see I was working on trying to take down the first of two spawners with the one on the right. With all the adds that were coming at me, it made it hard to focus it down. I at least sent out my deviant to try and help a little bit.
This monolith fight ended up going through a couple of different phases including another set of adds. It seems he was also changing up his weapons. At one point my hiding spot to attack from was no longer as effective as I was hoping it would be.
I at least managed to take him out. I then got what would end up being my new favorite type of gun to use a Pioneer KA. I also looted some mods for gear, and rare materials as well.
For fun, I'd later return to this monolith fight and just mow it down with supplier weapons and armor. In part, I wanted to farm it a couple of times over to see what the loot was like. Even after I had killed it my first time there was an option to fight it again.
With it being such a low-level monolith. I kind of knew it would not be that worthwhile to spend much time early on fighting it over and over again. That would be something I'd save for higher-level ones.
The storyline then sent me into a strange little room with Mitsuko. This would end up being a recurring thing as I went to battle harder monoliths. This was also a sign that the storyline was about to move me into another region.
I however was not in the mood to go elsewhere. I wanted to run quite a few side quests. Clear out a few areas I had either missed a crate in or had not gotten around to yet.
I also wanted to build up my base a little bit. It was more than time since I finally got around to adding things like walls. At this point, I had no idea I could just pick up my entire base and move it. So I was still in the phase of not wanting to do too much to it to try and make it look nicer. I was still doing things out of necessity.
There were still some wild moments I'm so glad I did not end up skipping by staying longer. As it turns out this game ends up having a few different puzzles along the way. I’d later learn some puzzles are far more decreased than others.
On the other hand, the one I found myself in was not. I was in a trap. Every direction in Dayton Hospital I was in would send me back to the same room. A nurse would call saying someone was to be realized on a certain date.
There was even a calendar on the wall with a date. It was however past the discharge date for the person. I’d attempt to run out of every door. Then I'd check the calendar and see the date changed.
After a while, I started to notice a pattern. Exiting out of the north or south doors would end up moving one set of dates forward or backward. Then exiting out of the east or west doors would move another set of numbers. This allowed me to change what day of the month and what month it was.
All I had to do was unfix how stupid I was beforehand by just rerunning out of the right number of doors till it was the correct day. I then found out the person the nurse kept talking about ended up being me as I was in some kind of flashback. That took me out of the hospital.
There was then that disco moment. I’ve talked about it in the past already. So, I won’t go into too much detail about it again. I’d sometimes scan the map when looking for some random fun just to see if there were any community events like the disco event going on.
I’d end up encountering many others like fishing, cargo, and defense. While they were all made to be playable alone at least on the novice server. They were always more fun when you would run into another random player.
I also came across this wild-looking bus. At first, I thought it was some kind of elite bus. It however stopped and I noticed after it was not attacking me that I could get inside it. Before making it to the chest to loot it got up off the ground and started walking again.
Thankfully after a few minutes of walking. It stopped again and I was able to loot the chest. I then quickly got away from it in case it changed its mind about me getting some loot.
It’s just random stuff like this that adds a whole lot to a game. I kind of hope I find another one of these at some point. Just so I can go on a short little ride in a bus in the air again.
This first region of the game ended up being quite developed. I ended up staying here long past the recommended level for the next region. Despite that, I still had side quests remaining and other things as well.
I’d later return to this region just for fun. I ended up hitting a phase progression limit and had a couple of extra days to kill. So, this region would end up giving quite a little killing ground to go around with melee and just destroy anything that moved.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Once Human.