Once Human | Farming Mostly For Energy

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I entered into a bit of a farming phase. I was mostly looking to bulk up the amount of energy I had for crafting and teleporting around. I also had quite a few other things I had been putting off up until now.

While waiting around for the next phase of the season to start I cleared out some sites I had missed. I also discovered it looked like I was missing some side and main quests as well. I thought I was on the main question. It however seems to have a few different arcs all around the place.

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The biggest thing I was after was energy units. These would end up being the biggest bottleneck I'd have in progressing and upgrading gear. The best way I knew how to farm them was from gear and weapon crates in the larger nodes.

I was also on the lookout for any elites. Killing one of them usually netted me some further energy as well. They were also getting rather easy to take out at this point. At least in the lower areas of the map.

While some of them would stand out taller than the buildings. I’d often be in areas where it was almost easy to mistake them for a normal creature. Other than they usually had some signs of wearing some heavy gear and their names giving them away.

The hardest part was trying to keep track of where I had been yet again. From the looks of it, things tend to reset in an area after a while. At least as far as loot goes. This makes it possible to do some farming of spots I've already been at before.

At least that is what I am assuming. It seems not all of these types of crates will end up respawning either. I had a couple of areas I'd go in and I just had no luck finding stuff. Granted, I have been in areas in the past where I'd find chests that would not count as part of the total being looked for.

I had no idea at the time the next area would end up causing me so much trouble. All of my extra grinding would end up disappearing rather quickly once things kicked off.

I was also still testing out different kinds of systems in the game. One of them that was rather strange was the Wish Machine. I had been collecting quite a bit of a strange resource that I could not find a way to spend.

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Turns out it could be used as a way to play one of those silly whack-a-mole games. Expect the prices here were not tickets but actual blueprints and blueprint fragments. The game also gave me enough of the resources to do random things I would have already been doing. That I had enough to play them all and fully collect quite a few blueprints.

I’m not a huge fan of seeing something like this in the game, to be honest. It is however still free. There would be other ways I'd be able to farm for blueprints and I'd much prefer if the game went heavier into the side of things like getting them from looting buildings and monoliths.

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I at least did loot quite a few decent legendary blueprints. At one point I was getting low on the resource. So I decided to try the other method for further resources. This is done from purification at your base.

Unlike the first time I had used this system. I ended up loading it up with resources to be refined this time around. I was kind of shocked it was not harder than my first attempt. As I loaded up about 500 times more to be purified and it took the same amount of time. Along with creating what felt like the same amount of wave attacks.

I also went on some massive mining runs around my base. I was hoping the next resource I needed to advance would be located in the new area. That would be the case but it was a bit harder to find abundant amounts of it.

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There were some funny and strange moments along the way. Including running into a deviant that I could not capture till I cooked for him. He required me to offer up a few different kinds of dishes. He started off hating everything I'd give them. As the food got more complex, he started to like the food I was turning in.

This guy was so funny-looking. It also looks like he cooks up some amazing food himself. If I place him in my base, he will buff the effects of the food I cook.

For now, I don’t want to free up a capture chamber to hold him in. I already have a giant cat walking around my base. I don’t need this dinosaur-looking thing hogging up the space where I have the stove set up. I might use him in the future if I want to go on a large cooking batch.

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I also found myself in a trick game of Russian Roulette with a clown. If the chamber was loaded you could get turned into a stuffed animal. After failing this a couple of times which seems to be the intended way of playing it. It slowly unravels that no matter what you can’t win since the clown is cheating.

I got to give it to this game for having some strange and fun side quests. There were many others but none stuck out as much as these two. I did enjoy all of them.

I then went around and did some monolith boss farming. As it would turn out this was the way to earn some energy. I kind of wish I had started running them sooner. I had gone into it looking to get some better mods for my gear. I went out of it loaded with energy.

Final Thoughts


It was rather fun going back and farming a bunch of old and even some new stuff. I had my fun going through all the monolith bosses again and taking each one of them out at least once more if not a few times over.

I’m also glad there was some time between phases for me to grind things out a bit. I had no idea at the time how underprepared I'd be for the next area. Despite this fact, I felt like I was overpreparing with the extra time.

It seems the easy part of the game has now ended with the first few areas I have been in. This also seems to be where teaming up with other players starts to becoming more and more a smarter idea.

For the time being, I continue to play solo. I’ve had a couple of people randomly try and form a group with me when we were in the same area going after the same goals. I however still prefer and am rather enjoying playing this one solo. It is however nice that you can find random groups out there if needed.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Once Human.