Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
I ended up finding myself mostly running quests that rewarded either an unlock of some sort or a thieving experience. Sometimes at once which was even better. It’s not like I needed lots of thieving experience at this time since I already did a decent grind for a bunch. I at least did get another couple of levels.
One of the fun things about working on so many quests is the amount of content I'm unlocking along the way. More times than not I have no idea what the next thing I now access have to is even for. I just know at some point I'll be glad to already have access to that part of the game.
Twilight’s Promise ended up unlocking the use of Quetzals. There ended up being one in Varrock that would take me to Varlamore. From there I would end up unlocking further locations and exploring a new place. One that felt a bit strange to get around at first.
This place at least made me feel like some sort of hero. Shortly after landing, I was sent to speak to the prince of the land. He ended up having a bit of a quest for me to go around exploring different sections.
A hero's welcome started to fade somewhat once I realized I was just an over-glorified fetcher of things. I was mostly tasked with trying to get people to return. At the very least I got to explore a couple of different areas and meet further subjects of the land I found myself in.
One thing I'm not the biggest fan of is having to bring multiple different combat styles to defeat a single enemy. For this one, I brought both my range and melee sets. I then had to switch between them depending on which prayer was being used so I could deal damage.
One thing I do need to work on in Varlamore is unlocking the other Quetzal locations to fast travel around. There are, from the best I could tell three other locations I have to unlock. Since I left this region and have not been back in a while. I’m in no rush to do so.
When I did not have so many options to move around quickly on the map. I did not mind at all quests that took a bit longer. Even more so if they were within a relatively similar area. Now, however, between the fairy ring or Sprit Tree, I can usually get rather close to somewhere.
In this one, a totem was stolen, and I was tasked with getting it back. Which involved getting into someone's house to do so. Thankfully I just had to use a teleport to get inside and know the code to a locked door to get access.
This one was quiet. It took longer to talk with NPCs than it did to get to the location. It rewarded a little bit of thieving experience. I mostly just wanted a quick quest point I'd get from running this one and I was off to the next quest.
I was not expecting in a quest named Sleeping Giants I'd be playing one giant mini-game to craft a massive weapon. It looks so big I'm shocked a giant could even wield it but who am I to judge.
This mini-game the quest was teaching me so to play is supposed to be an alternative way to grind for a small amount of smithing experience, giant a little gold if you can get the required starting items cheap enough.
You more importantly earn foundry points. The biggest thing it looks like you can acquire from there is a Smiths outfit. It, however, seems to just give a chance of speeding up anvil actions; along with quicker progression while doing the mini-game.
This is one of those outfits I just don’t see myself caring enough to invest the time into acquiring. It is one thing if the smithing and gold-making opportunities were much higher from this event. It just seems to be rather lacking.
It was at least interesting to run through the mini-event once. I first had to go around repairing all the broken equipment to get the place fixed up. This included fixing the polishing wheel, trip hammer, and grindstone.
Once everything was up and running it was time to play the mini game itself and make an item. I had to make a mold. Since this was my first time, I had no idea what is hold even select. I needed to go for a light broad sword-style weapon.
You then had to go around performing the different smithing actions required to make such a weapon that you set the mold for. Expect on a much grander scale since the weapon is supposed to be used by giants. This is where all the equipment I had to repair came into handy.
At least the game gave you a decent display of what was going on between the temperature of the weapon and the current step you were working on.
This included using a lava pool to heat bars and even the weapon any time the temperature of the materials was getting too low. There was also a waterfall to be used as a cooling bath if things became too hot for the next step.
The biggest thing was the 6k smithing experience I gained from running this quest. I however don’t see myself running this mini event any time soon. It was at least nice to have unlocked if I ever needed to use the Giant’s Foundries in the future.
I found myself once again out in the desert. I even had to get a full desert outfit for this one. I was a little sad having to trade it to someone else and end up taking their clothing. Was it an upgrade? Nope. I needed to acquire slave clothing to get past some guards to resource someone. At the very least while being a slave out in the desert I did not die from dehydration.
The quest did start with some excitement at needing to kill a guard at the front of the slave encampment to get inside. I made the mistake the first time around of walking in past the gates with my weapons equipped. The remaining guards on the inside were not huge fans of that and put me in the little makeshift jail they had. With all my newfound thieving experience I was not troubled at all with breaking out of.
After discovering the hard way of the rules of the encampment. I switched my clothing with a slave who then was able to escape. This allowed me access inside the mine. Where I was supposed to be doing the hard labor of mining.
I real reason I was here was to break someone out. That person was also not being kept in the mine I first had access to. So, I had to bribe a guard to let me further into the mining network alone so I could make my way to the person I was tasked with breaking out.
There just so happened to be a cart system in the mine to make it easier to transport ores out. I took a barrel as if I was going to fill it with ores to be transported. I then put the person I was to break out inside the barrel.
It was no shock to me since the person I was sent to break out was the daughter of someone important. So she was not thrilled with the prospect of being kidnapped from the mine and put into a barrel. I then had to smuggle the barrel out like it was one filled with ore.
This is also one of those quests once you finish you get to pick from a couple of skills of where you wanted to put the 4,650 experiences. I ended up selecting thieving and fletching. Fletching is a skill I've been lacking in working on so that boosted me up a couple of levels in the end.
A couple more quests are now done. Along with getting access to a new area and a mini-game as well. Add in mostly thieving and some crafting experience as well and it was worth my time to run these quests.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape