Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
Every once in a while, I'll just be around the game working a little bit on some random skill. Mostly I'll look at some of the lower skills I have that I've been neglecting and pick some to work on. This is so when I get into some important quests, I'm not stuck with needing to do massive grinds on a lower-level skill. When all else fails I have Tears of Guthix now helping me level up my lowest skill.
On occasion, I'll have a skill that needs to be leveled up a bit for a quest requirement. I’ve been finding this as a great excuse to just work on random skills when I need a break from my normal quest grinding.
One skill I have not cared much for is fletching. It’s one of those skills I could sit at the Grand Exchange and just keep blowing millions in gold buying supplies and crafting arrows and bows. I am however not a point where I make that kind of money.
Besides I can level up other skills at the same time while saving myself from spending what little gold I have. I’m down for that. I need at least level 65 woodcutting for some things I want to do. I thought I might as well work on fletching as well.
In the short term, I needed fletching levels 5, 10, and 25. That however pales in compression of needing level 60 for the quest Sins Of The Father. That quest alone requires quite a few skills to be in the mid-50s or even higher.
I started off my fletching journey by just cutting trees near the Grand Exchange. While the woodcutting experience was not that great. It was more about getting some quick fletching levels.
On top of that, I had a feeling I'd need some basic logs here or there anyway. This location ended up not being that far from the bank. Once it started to get crowded due to the time of day, I just started migrating south closer to the bank.
Even for a little while at the time I'd stop and make some fires as well. All these skills I figured are great use of logs. Sometimes I'd come across other people who were just cutting wood and dumping it onto the ground. They just wanted quick woodcutting skills
In my passing if I noticed what was going on. I’d help myself to some free logs. I’d then move onto the next spot away from that player and just keep cutting down trees.
After making wood short bows I then transitioned into making wood long bows. After that, it was time to leave the area near the Grand Exchange and venture out a little further. I ended up finding a great spot not far from a fairy ring (the Wizard Tower) to harvest oak trees for oak short and long bows.
I ended up talking about ten more steps from that location where I ended up finding a small cluster of oak trees next to each other. This made it quite easy to have a very low amount of downtime when I was waiting on one tree to respawn and could quickly move to the next oak tree without gaining my run energy much.
Finally, I outgrew needing oak trees. I just so happened to still have a willow tree that I had planted that I was saving for any willow log farming I needed to do. This location was perfect as it was right behind Lumbridge Castle. Making it quick to get to the bank if I decided I wanted to bank some willow logs as well.
I only ended up getting my fletching to level 42 for the time being. My real reason for wanting to cut some wood was getting woodcutting to level 56 for a quest that needed it that I'd be working on at some point.
Once that happened I felt I had done enough grinding of fletching for the day as well. At some point, I'll end up replacing this willow tree behind Lumbridge Castle. For now, however, it’s great to have quick access to a bank to stash willow logs.
It’s also now on my list to find a nice little patch of willow trees to cut down. Hopefully, one that will be close to a fairy ring. As this is just one of those things I'd like to work on a little here or there while waiting on other things going on.
At this point, I just feel like Herblore is a giant sink of getting gold out of my pocket and into the game's economy. While I do have some herb patches, I could be planting the basic herbs in. I ended up discovering much more profitable herbs than what I needed to level up my almost non-existent level in Herblore.
There is also the fact I can’t out farm the rate I want to just grind out a bunch of levels in Herblore anyway. So it just made more sense to spend the gold now. Then later on work out what I wanted to grow in my herb patches scattered around the map to recover some of the money I spent on this skill.
I started by buying in batching of 100 some rather low and cheap leaves. I then started to clean them. I even had a couple just sitting in my bank since I could not be bothered to list them for sale.
This granted quite some low experience gains. I however needed the leaves I was cleaning anyway. Sometimes when I looked at the market there would be a small price increase or decrease between cleaned and grimy herb leaves. It seems if it was worth skilling it there would be a decrease in value. Likewise, if the leaf itself was more of a desire for skilling, then spending time to clean the leaf there would be a small premium on the cleaned variant of it.
Eventually, I started to make actual potions. Sadly, these potions were worth so much less than the cost to make them. Even more so I had no real need for them either. Even worse, they would take forever to sell on the Grand Exchange.
At one point I needed chocolate dust for one of the potions I wanted to make. There was more than enough of a difference between a chocolate bar and the dust that I invested the time to convert bars into dust.
Once I was done getting to the herblore level I needed for whatever quest I was working on at the time. I went to list the extra dust I had in my bank. By then the price has crashed. I still have chocolate dust sitting in my bank waiting for a random spike to be worth selling it. At the very least from time to time I've had odd quests that wanted chocolate dust or other needs for it. It’s a shame I could not make a quick 50k gold profit from all the chocolate I crafted into dust.
With what feels like an endless number of things to do in this game there come moments where I realized I wish I had started something sooner. One of those ended up being completing Tears of Guthix. It was a rather short and easy quest.
The biggest reason for having this quest finished is once a week you get to play the mini-game. The mini-game itself depending on how you scored for the one play that week will give you experience in your lowest skill. So, the better you perform in that mini-game the more experience for your lowest skill you get.
What ended up working out well for me is the benefit of getting quest points. The more quest points you have the longer you have in the mini-game. Thus, more opportunity to rack up even more points for a bigger experience gain at the end of it.
As far as the quest itself I had to go down into a cave and wander around it for a short amount of time. Thankfully I got to take some agility shortcuts that reduced my time traveling in this rather dark cave by quite a bit.
This is one of those caves that requires having a light source so you are not taking any damage while down there. The quest itself also required a special kind of light force. So, I ended up crafting a sapphire lantern. I ended up liking the look of the lantern enough I now use it as my main light source anytime I need to go adventuring in dark caves that require light.
Once I managed to make it through, I ended up having quite a strange conversation with a snake Juna. This would end up being the NPC I needed to engage with every week to start the mini-game.
After a rather strange encounter a couple of steps away from the snake. That required me to use my lantern on a light creature that then launched me across the cave. I then had to gather some magical rocks that were turned into a bowl to collect tears. I was now considered worthy of attempting the mini-game itself.
You have a time limit and must collect tears from the blue streams. They only last so long before drying up. Once that occurs you need to move quickly to the next blue stream. Even more so if the former blue stream turns into a green one. As collecting the green liquid ended up removing tears you have already collected.
By the time my time ran out, I ended up collecting 121 tears. That was then used as a multiplier of my lowest skill to determine how much experience I should gain.
At the time my lowest skill was Runecraft and while I'm not sure what level it was before I started. It was now at level 27. Which is also kind of amazing to think about. My lowest skill out of all the skills in this game is now level 27.
The week after I had done this once before. I ended up returning. That ended up being quite easy. No need to run through the same cave as before. I could just use a game necklace to teleport right to Tears of Guthix. Where I ended up scoring a bit better than 121 tears since I had a better understanding of what I was doing this time around. Along with the fact I had finished more quests for even more time in the mini-quest. I can’t wait to return and to keep leveling up Runecraft
It was good to get some levels in fletching and herblore. I’m also thrilled about having Tears of Guthix unlocked since I now know what it is. Tears of Guthix will also be something I'll be running every week to help out any skill that I'm slacking the most in.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape.